Outside my window… It’s a rather blustery day!! Right now we have sustained winds of 25-35 mph with gusts of 45-50 mph. Monday was the first day of these really strong winds and unfortunately it knocked over, and broke, one of our outdoor statues of Mary on Monday… My children were the first to notice and were so sad!
I am hearing… the children watching Liberty’s Kids and the baby hiccuping.
I am thinking… about the rough draft of the floor plan for our addition. We did end up hiring an engineer/architect to draw plans for us and it is proving to be quite challenging to fit what I would like into the space that we have. The laundry room has been particularly difficult since, in order to make my kitchen a little wider, it will become smaller. Decisions, decisions… and I am too sleep deprived to think clearly right now!
I am thankful for… my mom. She watched our children while the baby and I went to town for my postpartum check up and groceries yesterday (Tuesday). With the extra driving (my parents live even farther from town than we do, and in the opposite direction) I ended up being gone from 8:45 am until 6 pm, and I only managed to make it to the Doctors and Costco (with a quick dash through the drive thru at Starbucks), but thankfully my mom also had me send along their school work which they were able to complete before I got back from town.
I am praying… for the son of one of my mom’s dear friends. His name is Tony and he is not much older than myself. I don’t know him that well, though he did install the blinds in our home a few years back. He was admitted to Intensive Care just after Christmas and needs a miracle.
Update: Tony did pass away yesterday, January 20th. Please say a prayer for the repose of his soul, as well as for his dear mother Helen.
From the kitchen… I have been feeding my family, but not remembering to eat breakfast (and sometimes lunch) myself. Not good. Coffee or Hot Cocoa and snacking on leftover Christmas treats and birthday cake does not make for a Happy momma by the afternoon. I am now trying to cut back on sugar and make sure I eat some protein in the morning.
From the learning rooms… Everything seems to be taking so much longer than it did last year… Probably because it IS taking longer. We are plugging away though, getting what we can done and saving the rest for the next day.
Last week the girls had a so much fun working on “O” Week, but with the holiday on Monday, and day in town on Tuesday, we are spending this week continuing “O” and will move onto “P” next week. I will post some pictures from “O” week soon.
Living the Liturgical Year at Home… January 21st is the feast of Our Lady of Altagracia. We will be making homemade Orange Smoothies and reading A Gift of Gracias: The Legend of Altagracia.
I am creating… a revised floor plan so we can meet with the engineer again soon.
I am wearing… my baby! I finally purchased a Moby Wrap and it is perfect.
I am going… to be writing a few more thank you notes. I am just amazed by all the kindness and generosity of our friends both in real life and online.
I am reading… The Family Manager Takes Charge: Getting on the Fast Track to a Happy, Organized Home. I am in desperate need of some inspiration and motivation. I am also re-reading parts of Real Learning: Education in the Heart of the Home
for the same reason.
I am hoping… that I can find ways to go to town as seldom as possible in the upcoming weeks. It is just too overwhelming right now.
Noticing that… my oven is actually my age. It too was “born” in 1978. I can’t believe it still works, though it has been re-wired a couple times by my dad. Now I really feel old!
Around the house… it feels so cluttered. Again. I am looking forward to Lent and doing another 40 Bags of Stuff Challenge. You know, I may not even wait until Lent to start… Especially with how long everything seems to take now, if I start now I might just be able to finish by Easter!
One of my favorite things.. watching movies at night with my Hubby. For our latest “date night” we watched the premier of 24:Season 8 online since we don’t have TV reception. We’re looking forward to watching the next episode next week!
A few plans for the rest of the week:
The boys begin Hockey on Saturday and are VERY excited! They got to try it out at the end of the last session and had so much fun.
A Picture thought I am sharing:
*I wrote this post yesterday afternoon, though never had a chance to upload pictures and post until this morning.
I love the opportunity to peek into these little windows of your life. Your family is beautiful (and so is Momma!) and very blessed. You seem to be managing very well despite lack of sleep. You are right, though… eat well for yourself and Rose! I "wore" all my babies, too. I seldom used a stroller until they were about a year old.
One of my favorite things is watching movies with my husband too! It seems it is the ONLY time we really get together. We have been watching one episode a night of the HBO mini series John Adams. We have really been enjoying it. We will watch the last one tonight and then I don't know what we will watch next.
Lovely…I love reading daybooks, but I wish I were better about writing them!
I'd LOVE to see pictures of the St. Lucia stuff…Jacob asked me if I'd make him a star boy hat for next year, and I've got to make 2 more St. Lucia crowns for Ava and Annelise.
We are also 24 lovers here! (our children are the hostiles) *just kidding!
We usually wait and watch them through Netflix the following year, but this year we are caught up and are DVR'ing it. (no commercials that way and we do what you do, watch when the kiddos are in bed)
It's so intense though!!!!
gosh, you look tired 🙂 -hoping you remember that joke-
i no longer look tired. . . i look completely haggard!
good luck with the addition. you could get rid of the extra shower and just make it a powder bath with the laundry (or get rid of the bathroom altogether.
Thanks Regina!! That was even the picture taken in the evening NOT in the morning. 😉
I've thought about that, with the bathroom, but it would be really nice to have it as the kids get older. Especially with just one sink in the kids bathroom… The boys could use this bathroom and leave the other one for the girls. It is also nice to have the shower/bathroom accessible to outside and not down at the other end of the house. Part of the problem is that I am trying to find a way to keep the extra fridge freezer in the laundry as well, since we don't have an attached garage. Ugh… We just need a little more room… I did talk to Brian (the engineer) this morning, and we could take out more of the back hill to allow to go further out, but that will make it really steep and cost even more… Frustrating.
I love the quiet movie nights with my husband. There are, unfortunately few of those. He makes fun because I usually fall asleep b4 the movie is over. We did, though, just watch two movies that I loved and stayed up all the way through them. "Julie and Julia" was one and "Dreamer" was the other. Really cute!
I can also relate to the getting through my morninings on coffee and toast. But, a friend turned me on to green smoothies. Really good, filling, and super nutrious. Perhaps you can also add that to your options for those busy days.
Wow, an addition! Hope that it works well for you and buys some more space for your expanding family! I laughed when you said that your oven is as old as you (we) are. Not too long ago, I kissed a stove goodbye but it was only as old as my younger brother–1989–and didn't work at all, really. I couldn't be happier with its replacement. Glad you're still enjoying your iPod! I just purchased a wall charger for mine today, knowing that we'll be at the hospital for several days. Thought it'd be a good way to use the wireless internet and keep the imminent boredom (read: long hospital stay) away. 🙂
Last night I asked Daisy if we had any orange juice, so we could make those smoothies. She called out yes. I came back in the kitchen a few minutes later and she was pouring it into cups for dinner. Ugh. Well, she was being good, I just wanted that last can for these smoothies today! And I have been way to sick to go to the store today. Sniffle. Maybe I can make someone else go and we will have them this evening, lol.
Also I agree with Regina, it is a pretty big space, so don't worry! Your addition will be great!
Jessica, you are *amazing* and I marvel at how you live to the glory of the Lord.
Ahh, baby wearing is the best–the little one is snug over your heart:o)
I wanted to mention that I found it really helpful to do a couple of things to keep up with the extra demands of mommyhood in those first few months after our first arrived. One thing is to boil some eggs and keep them in the refrigerator peeled and ready for you either as a quick breakfast or easy snack. Pistachios, pepitas, almonds and other nuts also went a long way in providing iron, calcium, folic acid and other nutrients. I also found that it helped a bunch to make just a little extra each night with dinner or lunch because it made for some very convenient planned left overs that I could stick in the freezer and easily reheat for a balanced and quick pick me up.
You mentioned wanting to streamline your grocery shopping so you will not have to get out as much. That made me think of a service I read about called Alice.com. I have never tried it but know some folks who have found it useful. You order what you want online and they deliver your household goods to your house.
God bless you!!!
Your kids are so cute and hubby is soo incredibly thoughtful. Eat well and get some rest. As you well know, this season of childhood passes in the blink of an eye. Things will get easier sooner or later.
Oh, Jessica, I can so relate to you right now. Truly. In more ways than one. ((hugs))
I've been planning on purchasing a Moby Wrap soon too. I'm glad to hear that you like yours. I could really use it right now as a matter of fact. (I'm typing one handed while holding the baby) 😉
Thank you for taking the time to share with us.
God bless!
Oh, you need to eat, Jessica!! Get a bunch of granola bars or something like that to have on hand as a quick snack. I recently came across this easy granola bar recipe (no baking required, except to toast the oats) and it is dense, healthy, and protein-rich – yummy! http://www.activelifecooking.com/2009/05/peanut-butter-and-honey-granola-bars.html
Oh, and the Moby is so nice… I love how they snuggle in there so perfectly!! 🙂 I loved mine for the first few months with my last baby, until she got too heavy for the stretchiness of the fabric, and then I used a sling with a tighter weave… but to have them completely bundled up in the wrap, there's not much sweeter and warmer and cuter than that!
I love reading your blog. Your family is so blessed to have you. I love knowing that you grew up in a big family…I hope my girls turn out as faithful as you!