Outside my (open) window… I can hear the crickets chirping. It’s really late and I should probably get to bed, but it has been forever (a whole week!) since I’ve had any “extra” time for blogging and I am really beginning to miss this little space!
I am thankful… that Hubby made it home this past Sunday night! Thank you all for your prayers for his safety.
I am hoping and praying… that our first day of school, which will be in the morning, will go well and we will get off to a good start for this coming school year, despite the fact that I am still not “ready.” I don’t think that I mentioned it here, but we did look into putting at least some of our children into school for this year, but in the end I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I keep telling myself that things will be much easier when our remodel is finished and that I shouldn’t be making any major decisions while our life is so overwhelming and chaotic. Right?!?
From the kitchen… It has been so nice to have a refrigerator and oven in the house once again, and tomorrow morning in just 6 hours our COUNTERTOPS are going to be installed! On Friday, the plumber will be back to install our kitchen sink, faucet, and dishwasher. And then next week our contractor will install the tile backsplash. The rest of the electrical will be completed soon and sometime (within the next couple weeks) the cabinet maker will be back to install all of the door fronts and crown molding. I had hoped that it would be finished before we started school, but thankfully it won’t be too much longer. It is all coming together so beautifully and is going to be SUCH a blessing!!!
It has been awhile since I’ve posted any pictures here, so here are a few:
From the learning rooms… Back-to-School Schultütes for tomorrow morning!
Living the Liturgical Year at Home… Happy Birthday Blessed Mother!! In the past years we’ve always baked a cake on the 8th, but this year I think we will wait until the 12th.
I am listening to… audio books with my children, particularly while driving to and from town! We recently finished listening to the Chronicles of Narnia, Once Upon a Time Saints, and Enemy Brothers
, and now we have moved on to A Little History of the World
I am creating… plans for Little Flowers.
I am wearing… my ankle brace (when I remember to put it on), but I am finally getting around pretty well without crutches! Yay!!
I am reading… the summer issue of Mater et Magistra.
Our little Rose… is turning into a toddler way too quickly! Her bottom right tooth was the first to break through on Aug 25th, and tehn her left bottom tooth and top left tooth came in this week. She is standing up (but not get walking) on her own. Oh, and she also loves to climb! Thankfully Hubby had just lowered the mattress (again!) to the very lowest setting a couple weeks ago.
Noticing that… Rose giggles every time she sees her reflection. It is so cute!
Around the house… I posted a few pictures of our new tile, but our wood floor has been installed as well! I somehow managed to order the wrong color (aka: not quite the color Hubby picked) but, even though it is very dark, I think it turned out gorgeous!
On keeping home… I had a feeling that all 18″ of Baking Sheet Storage would come in handy. 🙂
One of my favorite things… With all of the new hard surfaces in our home I am just loving my new Dirt Devil and Shark Steam Mop
A Picture thought I am sharing:
Hi Jessica,
So glad to have you back!!! 😉
Here is hoping you have a terrific school day and that the Blessed Mother will cover you in her mantle,e sp. this week. God bless you!! You can do it! no, you can't…I mean, You and Jesus can do it!!!!
God bless,
Mary @ Cheerios
Love that new hairdo! We now see more of her adorable face! That is so pretty on her! It compliments her so beautifully!
WoW! What an addition and renovation that is. You have a brand new home now with tons of room. It is just absolutly beautiful! (Do you have any spare room for a tenant?) Just gorgeous. Take time to breathe deeply. Once all is quiet and you can get back to a normal routine all will be fine for this year. Wait and see! God Bless!
Lots of ooohs and aaahs from me. I really like the pantry door. That is unique.
Everything looks absolutely wonderful! You are going to enjoy that space so much! Your kids are beautiful!
Happy new school year! Also, I am so overjoyed that you have decided to continue homeschooling. You are giving your children an education that cannot be found anywhere. A good mother and father are the equivalent of 100 or 200 school masters. Actually, you have no equivalent!!!! You are teaching your children the things that will get them to heaven and that is priceless (not to mention, your family is a real inspiration to other families to live to the fullest for His glory). While I am certain that your children would excel in any classroom, I think it is special beyond words that they get to make memories together. Childhood happens so quickly and it is just the best thing in the world to look back on it all and have quality memories with family. I pray that your efforts be richly rewarded!!!
Completely agree. Big decisions need to wait for a calm mind and spirit.
The house is looking great! A haven for memories.
You are very wise to reign in those big decisions for a quieter time! I find it funny that we usually make a cake on the 12th and not the 8th but this year, since we were visiting friends opted for the opposite only to find that it's an opposite year for you too! The new hairdo looks adorable!
Hi Jessica! I always enjoy your posts! Your daughter's hair is adorable. She has the sweetest smile! Have a good day back to school! +JMJ+
You made the right decision Jessica.
I can;t wait to see your addition! It looks gorgeous!!
And her haircut is so cute!! It look so adorable on her. She is looking like such a big girl, too, sigh.
Wow! I'm drooling over all that space in your new kitchen! 🙂
You're so close now. May God bless your first day back to school. I'll be praying for you.
Sweet Twinkle Toes looks wonderful with her new haircut!! And all of the pics of the addition just look wonderful. You have made beautiful choices for the decor etc. I hope you will give us a virtual tour once everything is complete!!
I agree with everyone who agreed to waiting on schooling choices for a calmer time. I am totally an outsider and my oldest isn't even 3 so I have little experience to share, but whenever anyone asks for ideas about living the liturgical year and creative ideas I always send them to this blog because what you do is outstanding!! I wish I had good advice for you but I don't. I can only say I pray for your to have the best and most peaceful school year yet!
Hi Jessica,
Im so glad to see that you are going to continue homeschooling. I homeschool 3 of my 4 (almost 5) children and I continually look to your blog for ideas and inspiration. I know it isnt easy, but It's the best thing for your beautiful children! Good luck with your first day back to school!
What a summer you're having! Speaking of summer, did you know that we had Summer With the Saints here, because my girlfriends liked the idea so much? I didn't have a hand in it, but two friends taught about 20 of our collective children each week for about nine weeks. It was great!
Your new kitchen looks so awesome! You are going to feel like you're already in Heaven every day when you walk into it. There's so much room to do so many things! I love the colors you picked; can't wait to see the finished product!
Oh my dear Jessica, I know the tugs on your heart strings. I too considered sending my little ones to school this year. This was a first in my 9+ years of homeschooling. I'm sure hormones have played a role but also acknowledge the spiritual warfare taking place in our lives. I pray for spiritual protection as we (all Catholic homeschooling families) continue to train up our children in His way.
Pax Christi – Lena
I am so glad you decided to wait to make any decisions regarding putting your kids in school. I don't look down on anyone who does, but it always makes my heart hurt a little. There is just no better education than what mothers and fathers can provide, even when you feel as though you aren't doing a good job, it's still so much better than anything they will get in public school. I will be praying for you.
Hi Jessica. It's so good to read your daybook post. I feel as thought I'm visiting with an old friend. 🙂 I haven't had time for blogging lately but, I know someday there will come a time for it. I think we all struggle from time to time wondering if we are "doing enough" in educating our children. Then we remember that everything we do is educating our children! God wants us to bring what we can and leave the rest to Him. Love, Lori
Thank you for your blog and all the amazing ideas you share…I'm always impressed by what you do with your kiddos and that you can snap and post pics for all of us to enjoy as well. You are a wise Momma to not make decisions in the midst of chaos! I always try to avoid big decisions after midnight, too. 😉 Give yourself and your schooling A LOT of grace and mercy until the remodel is completely finished…I know that you'll be glad you chose to continue! You're doing an awesome job and it's obvious that you love homeschooling…so don't give up!
God Bless You!
Glad you're back! I've missed you (strange to miss someone you've never met :). I love the schultie for Snuggles, very cute. The kitchen is gorgeous! I love the space for the baking sheets. Twinkle Toes' haircut is really cute.
You've done such an awesome job educating your kids, take it easy the first few weeks until the remodel is done. You can always catch up later if needed. Waiting on big decisions was the best idea.
God Bless and hang in there!
Love the sweet back to school haircut! Tell her she's a doll! Loving the new kitchen! The tile choice is beautiful. I Know you are so happy to have your hubby home. I live it when mine returns from a TDY or deployment. I always get back in to my routine when he's home.
Your kitchen is gorgeous! I love everything you picked. Also, I just wanted to thank your husband for his work especially this Sept. 11th. What a sacrificial line of work!
You are so sweet and kind! I just recently found your blog. I believe it was sent by God- I certainly need some inspiration right now. Your words are so peaceful and calming. I am going to start "My Daybook" today.
I too home school. I am the mother of 5. My oldest son just started at our local Catholic High.
Is your husband a wild land firefighter? Mine is and is also a city firefighter. He too was away in the beginning of September- fighting in Co. Maybe they met.
God bless you and your beautiful family!