My New Little Niece

by | May 5, 2010 | Cousins, My Siblings | 10 comments

Last Wednesday my brother and his wife were able to bring their sweet little baby home from the hospital at just 4 pounds!  So we could have “an excuse” to stop by and see them, the kids and I made up a dinner to deliver and then headed to town.

I only let my children peek at her from the entryway, but it was just so precious to see the looks on their faces as they admired their new little cousin. 
On Friday, we headed back to town for Rose’s 4 Month and Chiquita’s 5 Year Well-Child Check-ups.  We were so excited to find out that my niece had her 2 day (after discharge) appointment immediately following ours.  What perfect timing!  After our appointments we all went out for Coffee and Smoothies. The little ones were fast asleep:
Isn’t this picture cute!?! (Even if my brother says it reminds him of David and Goliath?!  Poor “little” Rose!)  The girls are both growing well and weighed 4 lbs 4 oz and 12 pounds 14 oz at their check-ups.
On Sunday, after Mass, we stopped by to see the baby “just one more time!”  This time the girls both got to hold her for a few minutes.  It was so sweet.  Afterwards, when I asked Twinkle Toes how she liked holding such a little baby, she said, “I don’t know… I didn’t really feel anything but her blanket!”  
My precious little niece will be traveling to see some specialists in June for an operation she will need sometime next year.  Also, she didn’t pass any of the hearing screens at the hospital and will soon be seeing a specialist for her hearing as well.  Any prayers for these intentions would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!! 


  1. Kelly

    Those pics are so precious! We will remember her in our family prayers, Jessica. God bless her!

  2. mel

    Oh my, what a tiny precious thing. I'm so glad it's spring and she will have a chance to plump up a bit before her first cold and flu season…my spring babies have been so much healthier than my fall babies!

  3. Grace Hincapie

    She is so precious and sweet. I will pray for her in my prayers.
    God Bless her!

  4. Shauna

    She is precious! My boys came home just under 4 lbs, and they didn't pass their hearing tests before discharge either – but they passed one later on…so that is still possible. Prayers being said for her.

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Oh Shauna thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. That is very encouraging!!

    Thank you all for the prayers!

  6. Kelly

    So very precious. I'll add her to our prayer list.

  7. Mom2Seven

    So tiny. I will add her to our prayer intentions. May God bless her and her parents. JMJ

  8. fadfd

    She is an absolute doll and we will be praying for her!

  9. Kristyn Hall

    Captain's face in the first picture is priceless… he is used to his healthy, chubby-wubby sister with those gorgeous cheeks, and you can see concern as he looks at this tiny little darling. My babies are always born so big and full of spunk that my older kids worry like crazy over tiny ones… I remember one of my girls saying "That baby's head is smaller than an orange!" once when we saw a preemie at the grocery store. 🙂 God bless your little niece, and I will say a prayer for her.

  10. Anonymous

    yes, I will say a prayer for her.


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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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