Our Fourth Good Shepherd’s Garden Party : The Wind and Sea Obey Him!

by | May 3, 2010 | Good Shepherd's Garden Party | 9 comments

Since the fourth week of The Garden of the Good Shepherd: A Sticker Calendar to Count the Fifty Days of Easter is based on the theme “The Wind and Sea Obey Him,”  it worked out just perfectly that our week began with a trip to the see the “Sea!”

We finished up the week with our Good Shepherd’s Garden Party on Saturday night and, as usual, it was enjoyed by everyone.

Here are a few pictures from our party:

After seeing their new “Sea” themed tablecloth at Target on Friday, complete with lots of little fishies and octopuses, I just had to get it for our table this week! I also decorated with some Fishing Net (from the dollar store) and Pinwheels (the Pinwheel Straws were from Pier 1 and napkins were also from Target, though purchased and forgotten for last week!).    
~ The Boat, Mast and Sail ~
Since we made Banana Boats during B Week, we decided to try Charlotte’s Apple Boats.   We had a difficult time getting the pretzels to stay up in the peanut butter (versus the ice cream of our Banana Boats) so we ended up propping them up with some cute pinwheel picks.
~ The Net ~
In addition to the decorative net on the table, we also had net shaped pretzels!
~ The Fish ~
Snuggles, wearing his new little apron, was my big helper for this Garden Party.  He was especially excited about placing the fish on the table and then pointing out (and signing) all the starfish!  

It was also super cute to watch him try to make his pinwheel spin.  At least the wind, which was coming through the open windows and screen door, helped him out from time to time! 

~ The Barbecue ~
Oh my goodness!  Thank you Charlotte for sharing your Pulled Barbecue Pork recipe with us!  Yummmmm!!  I won’t be waiting until next year to make it again, that’s for sure!  
~ The Leviathan ~
The Octopus Cupcakes were a hit, and after the party everyone headed outside with their new bubbles! 
~ A Few More Pictures ~

Instead of “Sea” Water, my children picked out Blue Sky Soda’s at the store on Friday.

~ Our Calendar This Week ~

Our Sticker Calendar is starting to fill up as we continue to add the symbol for each day!

I can’t wait to see everyone else’s Garden Parties over at Catholic Cuisine


  1. Kelly

    Everything looks wonderful Jessica!

    Don't you just love Target. I went there to pick up some items for the party and as I walk by the front where the clearance items are I saw the gummy worms, pretzel nets and sticks! Just like they were there just for me, lol. 😉

    Snuggles is just too cute in his little apron. Adorable!

  2. Anonymous

    What lovely things you've found!

  3. Erin

    Oooh, a new excuse (I mean reason!) for me to go to Target! Our closest one is about 40 minutes away, boo! But that tablecloth is adorable, and I love Target's diapers, so I think I need to plan a trip now!! The tablecloth worked perfectly for this week – great idea!

  4. Grace Hincapie

    It all looks awesome!

    The cupcakes look so bright and cute. Rose is soooooo cute!

  5. Angela

    Your table looks wonderful! And I love Snuggles' apron! Thank you again for sharing all of these ideas. Our family loves the Garden of the Good Shepherd. Every day I hear them singing the songs. (Even my 6yo who never used to like to sing much.) Thank you.

  6. Lena

    Blessed celebration! I'm afraid I'm out of energy. I was not able to plan an end of the week celebration. However, I did improvise and held daily celebrations when up to it. I'll try to post if my energy permits.

    Pax Christi – lena

  7. Party of Eleven

    How I love looking at your posts! I Love seeing your kids smiley faces 🙂 Thank you so much for your plans. Now my kids have smiley faces, too!

  8. Kristyn Hall

    Snuggles is becoming quite the little man. I love it when I have one of the littles as my helper. It is all so new to them and they love being the one "in charge" with Mom for a change. My 3 year old thinks he is bigger than his almost-six year old brother because, "I'm Mom's big helper." He's always the first to volunteer! 🙂

  9. Sarah

    I *love* the table cloth! I am going to keep my eye on that and (hopefully) grab one when they go on clearance for next year's garden party =)


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