Our Little Christmas Rose. . .

by | Sep 16, 2010 | Baby "Rose" | 12 comments

. . . is 9 Months Old Today!

It seems like it was just last September when we anxiously awaiting her arrival!  The time is flying by way too fast. . .

Since I am so awful about recording anything in that cute baby book I ordered for her . . .  (It was actually my 2nd choice… The one I really wanted – When You Were Very Small A Catholic Baby’s Record – and ordered months before she was born, ended up being backordered and then my order was finally canceled a few months ago since the book had been discontinued.  Boohoo! I knew I should have bought multiple copies the last time I ordered it as a gift.), Here is another little update so that I will be able look back and fill in all those blank pages someday:

Today’s Weight :  15 pounds  

She is such a tiny little thing!   I had to take her in today for a weight check and, as usual, the doctors are a little concerned.  However, I am sure that she is just taking after her older siblings, in addition to constantly burning way too many calories since she refuses to sit still for very long.


  • She is now standing up by herself without holding on to anything or having any help, though she hasn’t attempted to take any steps without holding on to something.  I have a feeling it won’t be long!
  • Her very first tooth broke through on August 25th (bottom right), her 2nd tooth (bottom right) broke through on September 4th, and her top tooth (on the left) broke through last Wednesday, September 8th.   This past week she has been grinding those teeth together ALL THE TIME and I don’t know what to do to get her to stop! Any suggestions?  (Oohh!!  Speaking of teeth, Twinkle Toes just lost her 7th tooth this evening – 2nd on the top left.   Hummmm… I wonder what the tooth fairy is going bring?!?)
  • Yesterday she started saying both Dada (when she is happy!) and Mama (when hungry, of course!).  It is SO cute!


  1. Anonymous

    That last picture just melts my heart!!!!

  2. Lindsay Boever

    Our daughter Lillie weighed only 14 lbs 7 oz at her first birthday. SHE was tiny. She had every doctor worried to death and her parens also! WE ran every test in the book but nothing was wrong. My babies are just small. Through our journey with Lillie, we've met so many people who have contacted us about our experience. I always tell them if they are developing and active, they are fine. I am sure you already know all this because she is your sixth baby, but just thought I would share a little of our experience. God Bless You.

  3. Nadja

    My babies have all been on the small side, and at 3 months the doctor was concerned about my Gemma's low weight. Well, she has turned out to be my second-chunkiest one year old! My Adrian was a real peanut…he walked at 9 months, but looked like a six-month old. It was almost freaky…he is still on the small side, but perfectly healthy.

    I think Rose is just perfect!

  4. Jamie Carin and Claudio Romano

    What a gorgeous little pixie! And she looks like such a happy little girl!!

    My little Annabella (13.5M) has her weightcheck today. She was 16lbs at her 1yr check. She is also developmentally fine, but some of her bloodwork did come out "not right" and she eats well, but has some GI issues (mainly chronic constipation) so she has been referred to a pediatric GI (I think they are concerned about celiac disease). So, any prayers for my little Anna are appreciated!

  5. Patty

    As always, she is a cute as a bug. I miss my kids being that age. Enjoy!

  6. Mom2Seven

    Well, you are an experienced momma, and you've gotten reassuring comments… I agree, with her thriving development and happy smile, I am sure she is just fine!
    Her doctors are just be cautious, which is a good thing! She is so pretty… all your kids are gorgeous! +JMJ+

  7. Kelly

    She grows more and more beautiful every day, Jessica. You are so blessed.

    She looks healthy and happy and that is what counts. Our Little Man is 16 lbs at almost 9 months and he was diagnosed with "failure to thrive" at 3 months. But as you know he was a preemie. At his last doctor app. he was back on the growth chart and doing well.

  8. Kelly

    She is soooo cute! Such a beautiful little girl! I love the statue of Mary too 🙂

    I wouldn't worry about her weight. She seems to be fast on the physical front, and they burn lots of calories. Our youngest (#3) and my two nieces (also youngest siblings) have had all their pediatricians worried about weight. Just skinny, active kids 🙂 Especially since your other kids also followed the same trend.

  9. Jennifer Tate

    What a cutie! Happy nine month "birthday"!

    My eleven-month old son does the same thing: says "Dada" when he's happy, and "Mama" when he's upset or wants/needs something. It starts early!

    Still, what a blessing to be wanted/needed! How incredibly blessed I feel to have my little guy in my life.

    God bless you and your family.

  10. Christine

    Your baby girl is so pretty. You are so blessed.

  11. Aubrey

    What a DOLL! I can't believe she's only 15 pounds! What a tiny little thing! My first four kids were tiny, just like that. They were all 90th % for height and 20-30% for weight. Shrimps!

    Maria, on the other hand, weighed SEVENTEEN POUNDS at her SIX MONTH visit to Dr. M!! Seventeen pounds! Last time I had a 17 pounder, he was a year old and walking!! She's got these perfectly squeezable chubby little thighs. I love it. 🙂

    I love those pretty brown (?) eyes on Rose! It's hard to believe how quickly the last 9 months have passed. I remember seeing pictures of the other children waving up to your window from the sidewalk outside the hospital! Again, what a pretty baby. Well done, Mama!


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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