A Spiritual Bouquet…

by | Sep 29, 2010 | Prayer Request | 49 comments

. . . Will you join me in praying?

I haven’t had much time to blog lately – between contractors, homeschooling, doctors appointments, and a baby shower I hosted this past weekend – other than the novena to St. Therese Prayers and the giveaway posts. However, I wanted to to ask if you could all add one more very special intention to your prayers…

Last week, on Tuesday, September 21st, after putting a cake in the oven for my mom’s birthday, I got online to check our email.   I noticed a prayer request that had just come through from our Homeschool Group from my friend Kristin, Rascal’s Godmother.  Before I could even finish reading the first sentence, my eyes filled with tears and I couldn’t finish reading. . . Our dear friend, Danielle, had just received the heartbreaking news that morning that her husband, Major Robert Baldwin – who had just been home for 2 weeks R&R, had been killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult this is for Danielle and their 4 young children ages 8, 4, 3, and 7 months.  Danielle has asked for prayers and I thought I would pass that request on to all of my friends and visitors here at Shower of Roses.    I would like to send Danielle and her children a “Spiritual Bouquet” of prayers and was hoping that you all would join me in praying for Rob’s soul and that our dear Lord will comfort Danielle and their beautiful children in this time of sadness.

If you could either email me, or leave a comment below (by October 6th), specifying the number and types of prayers that you will offer and I will include them in a card for their family:

______Chaplet of Divine Mercy
______Holy Communion
______ Holy hours
______Other Prayers

I’ve been listening to this song all week, since a friend shared it on Facebook…
Thank you all for your prayers!! 


  1. Carol Kennedy

    We wil offer our family rosary tonight for Danielle, her husband and the children. How heartbreaking! Please thank her for her and his service, and the greatest of sacrifices, for our country. God bless America and God rest his soul!

  2. Nicole Bradica

    Our family will pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet for them. May His soul be ushered into Paradise and may the angels bring comfort to Danielle and their children.

  3. Blair

    I am so sorry to hear this. What a tragedy! I will offer 1 chaplet, one mass, and one Holy Communion for their family.

  4. Aubrey Goodwin

    I will offer up a rosary for Danielle, her husband and children today.

  5. fadfd

    This is just so sad. Friends of ours just heard from their son in Afghanistan asking for prayers. My heart goes out to Danielle and her children.

    Please add my prayers for Danielle, her husband and children.

    We will pray a Divine Mercy, a rosary for him tonight, and I shall offer 7 Holy Communions for his children and his soul.

  6. Lena

    1 novena
    1 holy hour
    1 mass
    1 communion

  7. Rachel Arnold

    I will pray the holy rosary for her and her family and the divine mercy chaplet for his soul. So sad to hear. May God comfort her in this sorrowful time.

  8. Karla in MN

    we will offer up a Rosary and 10 Memorares For Danielle and the CHildren, and for the repose of his soul. May God bless them and grant them peace as they suffer through this tragedy.
    Karla in MN

  9. Christi

    Our family will offer a rosary and divine mercy chaplet for Danielle and her family…Eternal rest grant unto him…

  10. Cathy

    Oh, Jessica, This just breaks my heart. What a lovely family. I will offer one holy communion, but will remember them as often as possible and offer up multiple requests for mercy.

  11. Cathy

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous

    A Mass and Communion for the family.

  13. Anonymous

    Jessica, I will remember them in my prayers and masses. Oh how my heart breaks for them. As a mother who lost a child at the age of 9 and whose husband is now battling cancer, I do know that God will provide for them all. He will not be outdone in His generosity! Our prayers will shower grace on them all. May God Bless you for letting us know so we can pray for them. Jesus Mercy!
    Maureen Wittmer from RI

  14. Mom2Seven

    Oh, Jessica, this is heartbreaking. We will offer our family rosary for the repose of Robert's soul and for Danielle and her precious children… we will also offer our Holy Communion for them as well at this weekend's Mass. My nephew served in Iran as a marine… please thank Danielle for her husband's service to our country.

    Peace and prayers +JMJ+

  15. Mom2Seven

    I am sorry, I should have said that he served in Iraq.

  16. Gae

    Dear Jessica,
    Wish I could do more but his is what I can commit to:
    I will pray the holy rosary for her and her family and the divine mercy chaplet for his soul.
    Soooo very very sad

  17. Mary @ Cheerios

    Please let them know we will include him and his family in our nightly Family Rosary.
    God bless,
    mary @ Cheerios

  18. Anonymous

    I will offer a mass and communion for them!

  19. Anonymous

    I will offer today's prayer to St. Therese for your friend and her family. What a tragedy…and a sacrifice!

  20. Megan

    1 Rosary
    1 Mass
    1 Prayer to Saint Rita.

  21. Jennifer G.

    I am so sorry. We'll offer up our Angleus for the next week for their family.

  22. Anna B.

    I will offer Divine Chaplet for this brave soldier..

  23. Anonymous

    I am so sorry. We will offer one rosary and one mass and one chaplet, May God have mercy on his soul. May Mary wrap them in her mantle.

    Kathy R

  24. Anonymous

    My thoughts and my prayers will be offered for him and his family through my rosary. PJ

  25. Anonymous

    Our family will offer a rosary, and I will offer a mass and one Holy Communion for Major Robert Baldwin and his family. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.


  26. Michelle

    We will offer a rosary and other prayers for this family. Almost everyday we hear about the war but their family puts a name and a face on it. We should all hold that family close to our hearts and say a prayer of thanksgiving that her husband gave his life to protect us all! May God carry them through this difficult time.

  27. Nicole

    So very sad, especially in the light that my brother recently returned home safely on from his latest deployment. I will pray a rosary for the family and a Divine Mercy Chaplet for his soul.

  28. Kristyn Hall

    We will offer the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the Baldwins today… that will equal six chaplets.
    Sending our love to them through you, Jessica!

  29. Anonymous

    a rosary.

  30. Anonymous

    We will offer our Rosary today for Danielle and her family.

    My morning offering today will be for the repose of the soul of Major Baldwin as well as prayers to Mary during the day.

  31. Anonymous

    Rosary and Holy Hour.

    God Bless them.


  32. Kim

    I will pray a Rosary for his soul and a Rosary for his family.

  33. Patty

    So terribly sad. Please thank her for the service that he had provided for our country. We will offer up our rosary for the entire family as well as a chaplet of divine mercy for the repose of his soul.

  34. Jamie Jo

    So sad.

    1 Mass
    1 Rosary
    1 Chaplet of Mercy
    And other prayers as they will be on my mind.

  35. Kelly

    5 Rosary
    1 Holy Hour
    1 Communion

    Requiescat in pace.

  36. Anonymous

    We will offer a family rosary and 6 Holy Communions.

  37. Anonymous

    I offered a rosary for this family this evening.

  38. Jodi

    I hope it's not too late but my family and I said the Divine Mercy Chaplet for his soul last night and I will pray the Rosary at Adoration tonight for the wife and children.

  39. Christie@tisbutaseason

    Jessica, I know it may be too late to include our offerings in the 'spiritual bouquet' but I know it's never too late for prayer. We will offer up…3 Holy Hours, 4 Holy Communions, and 2 rosary's. May our Lord and the Blessed Virgin wrap their arms around Danielle & her family.

  40. Adrianne

    I just prayed thee other prayes forthis family!!

  41. Anonymous

    I will offer a rosary.

  42. Ruth

    I will offer a novena of rosaries for this grieving family 🙁

  43. Haus Frau

    1 Mass
    1 Rosary
    1 Chaplet of Mercy
    Remembrance in nightly devotions

  44. Lori N from MN

    As a military wife, I will keep Danielle in my constant prayers. Jessica, I truly appreciate your posting the pictures – I have printed them and will keep the Baldwin family's photos on our prayer table… we gratefully acknowledge the sacrifice they made for our country. May God bless and comfort her and her children.

    We will offer our family Rosary each Sunday in October for the repose of the soul of Major Baldwin, and for the comfort of his family.

  45. Anonymous

    I offered up a Chaplet of Divine Mercy at Eucharistic Adoration this evening for the healing of Major Baldwin's family and friends, for their peace of mind and heart, and I prayed for Major Baldwin and his family in my daily prayers today.

  46. Maia

    I will offer a rosary.

  47. Anonymous

    We will offer 5 rosaries and 2 Masses for Danielle and family…
    God give her strength!

  48. Unknown

    1 Chaplet of Divine Mercy


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