An Update on Rose

by | Mar 30, 2010 | Baby "Rose", Prayer Request | 27 comments

Today we were finally able to see the pediatric cardiologist for Rose’s follow-up echocardiogram. (A couple days after she was born she had her first echocardiogram which detected a couple of small holes  (Ventricular Septal Defects, aka: VSD’s) in her little heart in addition to a Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). However, we haven’t heard the murmurs since her first doctor’s visit, when she was one week old.)

Rose did wonderfully!  She smiled for the nurses and didn’t cry at all during the actual echocardiogram, which took quite some time.

We were really hoping to hear that her little heart was all better, and that the holes had closed.

The good news is that the holes DID close!  The bad news is she still has a Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA).  Sigh. . .    Usually, if a PDA hasn’t closed at birth, it will most likely close within the first 4 days of life.  Since she was only two days old when she had her first echocardiogram, the doctors had been pretty confident that it would close in the next couple days. . .   It didn’t close.

At this point, since it doesn’t seem to be causing any enlargement/strain to her heart, and since there is still a chance that it might close, we are going to wait a year and then do another echocardiogram.  If it still present at that time the cardiologist will want to go in and close it to prevent the risk of infection.

Anyhow, it has been an emotional day, and I am trying very, very hard not to worry. . .  Thank you again for all your prayers. If you could continue to pray for our precious little Rose, it would be greatly appreciated!

“Enjoy in peace the joy God is giving you, without worrying about the future. He is reserving for you, I am sure, new graces and many consolations.” ~ St. Therese, The Little Flower


  1. KC

    Praying, Jessica.

  2. Gae

    Dear Jessica and family.
    We will pray for your dear little Rose. I can imagine the trauma this causes. I am sure I would be very upset.
    Can you link me to what the problem is so I can find out about it.( only if you have time)
    She looks so adorable and sweet.
    Many Blessings to you all ♥

  3. Anonymous

    Rose is such an adorable baby girl. She will be in our prayers as well as the rest of your family. We can't wait to meet her.
    Love you all,

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you all!

    Gae ~ I updated the post with a link to Wikipedia.

  5. Lena

    We will lift your precious gift up in prayer.
    Pax Christi –

    Prayer makes miracles alive even in our modern days. ~ Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

  6. fadfd

    We will pray!

    God bless you all…

  7. Blair

    Definitely praying for little Rose and for you! I'm not sure if you've seen my posts that my little Steven Joseph has an ASD which will require open heart surgery in another year or two. It's so scary and I know those emotions all too well. Sending you some virtual (((hugs)))!!!

  8. Sara

    It's hard to believe that a baby who looks so good can have a heart problem! I'll add my prayers for your little beauty, too.

  9. Anonymous

    little rose is in my thoughts and prayers

    my now 4 year old has the VSD heart murmur still 🙁 but that is the innocent one (hard to believe they can consider a hole in the heart innocent.

    I can imagine the emotions your going through i remember all to well how i felt and was feeling.

    god bless you, your family and little rose!

  10. Sarah

    We will continue to send our prayers and pray for little Rose. May you be blessed with strength and peace as you wait over this next year.

  11. Katie

    Praying for you and your family.

  12. Jennifer

    I know too well the emotional pain you are experiencing. Our Little J had open heart surgery at 4 months for a complete AVSD. He is 19 months now and fully recovered. God is good and gives all the right people the knowledge needed to care for His babies. We will pray for Rose and all the medical staff caring for her.

  13. Barbara

    I will continue to keep Rose on my rosary. She's such a pretty little doll!

    "Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil." Mt 6:34

  14. Roxaline

    I can only imagine what you are going through. I do know how emotional this must be, you and rose are in our thoughts and prayers.

  15. Anonymous

    I am so mad, I wanted to call you yesterday! We are praying and will continue to do so. Know that you are not alone, we are all here with you. God bless!

  16. Gardenia

    dear Jessica, your Rose is a beautiful little one. I will pray for her. The Lord has a holy purpose for her, I'm sure. "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose." Jeremiah 1:5

  17. Sarah

    May God send His holy angels down to envelope Rose's heart with His love and protection. May He give you a deep sense of peace.

  18. kimberly

    Prayers for that sweet little Rose…Jesus, heal her precious heart!

  19. Angela

    Praying for your beautiful Rose, you, and your family. God Bless.

  20. Chiara

    Hi Jessica,
    Although under different circumstances, we too have had to go to pediatric cardiologist a few times over the last 2 years. Once for my 4 year old, and twice this year for our baby boy. I understand those fears, and I pray for your peace of mind and for beautiful baby Rose!
    God Bless, Chiara

  21. Kelly

    She is sooo beautiful! I'm so glad the VSD's closed. I think repairing them would have been a more complicated surgery than repairing a PDA. Hard to remember, been a while since I left the medical profession… We'll definitely keep praying for her full recovery.

  22. Shirley

    You and your little Rose are in our prayers. I loved the St. Therese quote at the end!

  23. Robina

    We will be praying for you. I'm sure everything will be just fine. You have so many prayer warriors for her, from all the wonderful comments from your readers.

  24. Mom2Seven

    Oh, Jessica… she is so beautiful. I will continue to pray for her, and I will post a prayer request with our homeschool group as well. Thank God, though, that the doctors do not seem terribly alarmed and can fix it if it does not take care of itself. I know, though, that I would be quite upset and very worried… hopefully, knowing that so many people, including strangers, are lifting Rose, you, and your family in prayer.

    Peace and prayers.

  25. Mom2Seven

    Oops! I did not complete my thought in that last sentence! I just meant to say that I hope it brings you and your family comfort to know that so many are praying! God bless

  26. Kristyn Hall

    Be at peace and remember that doctors do their best but do not know everything, and your little Rose has a Greater Physician. I will continue to pray for her and most of all for you and S. that you will have peace of soul and that Jesus and Mary will take care of the situation. Have a blessed Holy Week!

  27. Margaret

    Oh cous. That is scary. I'm so sorry. Love you! I will pray for her.


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