Exploring Creation with Botany Lap Book :: Part 2

by | Jul 19, 2011 | Botany, Lap Books, Science | 6 comments

by Captain (Blue Folder),  Rascal (Green), Twinkle Toes (Yellow)

This past school year, for Science, my children studied Botany using Exploring Creation with Botany along with the Exploring Creation with Botany Lapbook Lessons 1-5 and Exploring Creation with Botany Lapbook Lessons 6-13.   They completed up the study early last month, , finishing the text book along with their 2nd Lap Book for the year, but I am just now getting around to posting.   You can see pictures from their first Botany Lap Book here.

Leaves; Leaf Details; Leaf Anatomy; Root Systems; Geotropism; Roots
Cactus; Geophytes; Woody & Herbaceous Stems; Stem Vocabulary; Oak Trees & Acorns; Why Did God Create Trees?; Layers of a Tree Trunk
Twig; Lichen; Bees; Phototropism; Seedless Vascular Plants; Bristlecone Pine; Types of Gymnosperm Leaves
Cones; Nature Journal; Life Cycle of Moss; Ginkgo Biloba; Famous People; Lichens as Pollution Monitors

by Captain (4th grade, age 10)

by Rascal (3rd Grade, age 9)

by Twinkle Toes (1st Grade, age 7)

They all enjoyed this course, even if they didn’t love it quite as much as studying Astronomy. They are all very excited to move on to Zoology this coming year!


  1. Kirsten

    Hi Jessica,
    The lapbooks came out awesome! Your beautiful children should be very proud. We are also studying zoology next year. I ordered the journals for each of them and was thinking about the lapbooks. Are going to use the lapbook for zoology? It looks like it would be so much fun. Are the lapbooks a lot of extra work? I am just trying to make things a little easier with it being a "new baby" school year for us.

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Kirsten ~ This past year, for Botany, I ordered one of the journals to take a look, but I ended up deciding not to use it after all since the kids really wanted to do the lap books, and it seemed rather repetitive to do both. For this next year however, the boys have opted to do the journals for Zoology (they will be making Lap Books for American History instead), and my daughter has asked to do the Lap book.

    The Lap books definitely are a little extra work for mom, compared to the Journal which is all printed and ready to go… What I do is print all the pages for the lap book at once (that way they are ready when we need them) and then store the finished mini books in a ziplock until they are ready to compile the lap book. I do love the finished Lap Books, and the kids always enjoy pulling them back out to look at over and over again. 🙂

    I'm right there with you with trying to simplify for this coming school year, with a new baby on the way, and I think the journals for the boys will be great!

  3. Anonymous

    Those are great! We are going to do Astronomy this year, I hope, lol!!

  4. Heather

    These look great! We used the same curriculum, and looks like the same lapbooks, too! We enjoyed the Zoology series as well, and will be doing Land Animals this year. For the first two Zoology books, I decided to take a slightly different approach. Instead of folders, I bought a sketch book for each of them. We were able to put Zoology 1 & Zoology 2 in the same book. They seemed to hold up better than the folders, but they do get fat!

    Did you do the lap books and the activities at the end of each chapter? We did and it also got to be a little repetitive. I am rethinking that for this year.

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Heather ~ Neat idea, with the sketch books! We didn't complete all of the activities suggested at the end of each chapter. Sometimes it worked out well for us to complete them, and others (depending on the season, etc) did not, so we would focus just on the Lap Book.


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