Little Saints Pre-School :: Colors/Guardian Angels

by | Oct 11, 2011 | Little Saints Preschool | 11 comments

Continuing on with the Little Saints Pre-School Program, last week Snuggles completed his study of Guardian Angels and Colors!  We have been having so much fun adapting the plans and adding fun foods and additional books and educational toys to the suggestions.   Here are a few highlights from the week:

.: Storytime :.

*Some of the books suggested in the LS Book list, the rest are additions from the favorites on our bookshelves. 

Color Zoo Board Book
The Mixed-Up Chameleon*
Planting a Rainbow*
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?*
Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business*

Pascual and the Kitchen Angels

 I also pulled out our Catholic Childrens Treasure Box Set to start reading to Snuggles and Rose.   They are really enjoying “A Story About an Angel!”  My older kids loved re-hearing this story, and were telling Snuggles all about “Wupsy and Sunny!” 

Note:  As I mentioned in the comments of my last Little Saints Pre-School post, almost all of the books we have been using are from our own bookshelves, starting with some that are suggested in the Little Saints list, and then adding other favorite books we own that tie in nicely with the theme.  Remember that I have been collecting children’s picture books for many years now!  🙂

.: Learning Games :.

Jonathan’s Angel Wings
 Using Story #1 from the Appendix, Captain read Snuggles the story of Jonathan and Little Christian, while Snuggles enjoyed changing Jonathan’s Angel Wings to the correct colors when indicated. 
It is so nice having my older children excited to help with Little Saints this time!  I don’t think I could do it without their help…  Especially all the read alouds, as I near the end of my pregnancy! 

Color Bear Twins
.: Art Projects :.

The Little Saints Program suggests an Angel of God craft, Tissue Paper Color Prints, and Fruit Baskets…   I wasn’t feeling well enough to pull together the supplies for the crafts at the time, but I did pull out a couple Angel themed coloring books for Snuggles to begin, along with a new box of color crayons:

.: Snacks for my “Little Saints” :.

Colors of the Rainbow Fruit Plates

Colorful Flower Eggs
My mother-in-law sent me the recipe for these eggs, and I happened to be at the grocery store picking up fruit when I checked my email.  I immediately added some peppers to my cart!  
Flower Eggs
1 dash Cooking Oil Spray (I used coconut oil)
1 whole Large Bell Pepper
4 whole Large Eggs
1 pinch Salt And Pepper, to taste

Heat a non-stick skillet to medium low heat. Lightly spray skillet with cooking oil spray.

Cut bell pepper into 4 1/2 inch thick slices (you can use one bell pepper or different colors of bell peppers to give a variety of colors).  Place pepper rings in the skillet.

Crack one egg into each pepper ring. Cover and cook for a few minutes, until egg yolks are to desired firmness. If you like your yolks firm, it helps to break the yolk right after cracking into pepper rings. Season to taste.
When Snuggles walked into the kitchen and peeked onto the counter, to see what I had made for breakfast, he said, “OH NO!!  I don’t want any of that RAINBOW STUFF!”
He ended up being very pleased with the Bird’s Nests I made for him and Rose at the last second, and the rest of the kids LOVED the Flower Eggs and Fruit Plates.

Colors of the Rainbow Snack Tray
Red Tomatoes, Orange Carrots, Yellow Peppers, Green Broccoli, Purple Grapes and White Cheese Sticks for my picky little Snuggles, served in this Silicone Flower Mold
.: Other Fun Additions :.
Sorting Teddy Bear Counters by Color…

…and playing with the Rainbow Stacking Toy! 

Signing Time Volume 6: My Favorite Things DVD
which includes the song “Colors of the Rainbow”

This week we have moved on to “Fall is Here!” and will be taking a trip to the Pumpkin Patch this weekend!


  1. Nicole

    Very colorful, I love it! You're making it seem possible for me to do LS when my youngest nears the age. I had bought it for my oldest and it was a lot of work with 2 kids and expecting so we ended up dropping it and I never picked it up for my middle one.

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Over the years I have learned to modify and simplify! 😉

    When I first did Little Saints with my oldest two, I nearly killed myself trying to get to it all.

    We are having so much fun this time around, and I am way less stressed about "getting to it all." I hadn't planned on pulling it out with Snuggles at all, so I figure everything we are doing is definitely better than nothing. I am so glad that I was finally able to give myself "permission" to use only what I wanted from the program. lol!

  3. Nicole

    Definitely sounds like me! But I'm slowly learning to adjust and adapt as well. 🙂

  4. Anonymous

    Wow, I feel so much better. I thought I was the worst mom ever for not finishing Little Saints!

    Little Saints is a lovely program, but oh my goodness, it is a lot of work! It should come with a warning label – if you are post-partum, have perfectionist tendencies or are prone to delusions of grandeur, this might not be for you!

    3 years ago I tried it and crashed and burned after 6 weeks. You know something is too much when you're up at 2 am wearily cutting out ladybug parts wondering what in the world you were thinking.

    In my postpartum, new homeschooler daze, I never stopped to consider that I could modify the program and just do what I had the time or energy for.

    I paid about $45 for the book. I would pay $100 or more for Little Saints if they sent everything I needed in a box. Can you imagine how much easier it would be if all the supplies were there? Pre-cut flannel animals, pre-cut construction paper pieces, pre-copied art pages, brads, googly eyes, pom poms, stickers, paper clips, muffin cups, popsicle sticks, twine, yarn, glue sticks, cotton balls, Q-tips, etc.?

    Even if they supplied all of the above, you'd still have to buy or borrow all of the books. That alone is a big job.


  5. Gardenia

    I've been reading your Little Saints preschool posts and they are so wonderful, full of such great ideas, and I love all the lovely food additions you've integrated !! thanks for sharing.

  6. Jessica Gordon

    K ~ I loved reading your comment, and I couldn't agree more!

    Gardenia ~ Thank you! I love adding foods/snacks! They can be fun and crafty without cluttering up our home since they get eaten instead! 😉

  7. fadfd

    Oh I miss this! I just sold my Little Saints program last week and got so sad about it. We've used it in co-ops and just here at home with the kids.

    Isn't it great? Yes a lot of work though to put it ALL together. That's how the little co-op preschool day got started.

    Love your posts on this Jessica…it's taking me back to memory land.

  8. Karina

    The link for the time travelers cd doesn't appear to be working. Can you check it, or is it available somewhere else besides Amazon? Thanks!

    I'm enjoying your little saints posts. I've had this program for many years, but only dabbled in it. I love all the ideas though and how it's presented!

    You are inspiring me to get my older ones to help teach it to my preschooler this year – a modified version, but hopefully with more of a focused effort!

    God Bless!

  9. Katie V.

    Wow, amazing Jessica. Love the eggs. Incredible how you transform simple things into creative and lovely presentations. Thanks for motivating me to try my Little Saints program! Neat counters and stackers! God bless you.

  10. Robina

    I tried to comment on this earlier in the week but my computer froze up and life happened. So here I am again. this post makes me so nostalgic for the year I did "or half did" Little Saints. I didn't make it past February, but it was fun, but a lot of work. Looks like you have a little help. Your treats are so fun and creative.

  11. mel

    Thank you for posting your plans. I am starting Little Saints (finally..meant to start in Sept. but was laid low by morning sickness :)) with my 3yo and 7yo (he has developmental delays), and appreciate all the good ideas!


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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