My Daybook :: July 18, 2011

by | Jul 18, 2011 | Daybook | 14 comments

Outside my window… It has been rainy lately, and we keep hoping that summer will return.  In the meantime we have been enjoying the baby deer that have been visiting each day.  They are so cute!!

I am thinking… about our curriculum for next year.   So many decisions… However, I think I have it almost finalized.  I spent most of the weekend working on creating plans and book lists for an American History course next year.   It’s all starting to come together and looks like it will be a fun year!

I am thankful… that God always provides, even through the most random places!  Thank you to all of you that ordered books from my recent used book sale.   I still have two more packages to mail tomorrow morning, and then I will be caught up.   I’ve been slowly filling another box with books we are no longer using and thought, if anyone else is interested,  I’d host a “Book Sale Blog Hop” link-up here at Shower of Roses.   I’m thinking the 1st of August might work out well, giving us all about 2 weeks to go through our bookshelves and put the posts together. . . Is anyone interested?

From the kitchen… The smell of homemade Spaghetti Sauce is starting to take over the house as it simmers on the stove.  I also have some Rolls ready to go in the over and a Green Salad in the fridge.   Dinner will be ready soon!

Learning all the time… Last night I heard my husband tell the big kids to all get a book and sit down and read for a little while.   They weren’t the only ones that listened to their Daddy!

Living the Liturgical Year at Home… We celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel this past weekend, and this week my children are attending VBS each day, for the first time locally.   I am looking forward to using the few hours each morning to organize and finish planning for the upcoming school year – that is, if I can get use to having just the babies at home! 😉

I am creating… a plan for Captain’s 11th birthday this Wednesday!  Between Vacation Bible School, followed immediately by a funeral at which the boys will be serving, it is going to be a very busy day!  I am hoping to be able to get most of the preparations done by tomorrow, which means I had better get started!

I am wearing… some black knit fold over maternity pants and a long sleeve Reebok Maternity T Shirt.   I’m hoping to find a little time to exercise this evening. Once again it has been way too long…

I am reading… The Brides of Montclair…  Again.   I remember saving up to purchase these books (along with the Love Comes Softly Series) from a Christian bookstore, one at a time, as a teenager and I still enjoy reading them.

Pondering these words… written by Louisa May Alcott:

“Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.”

Noticing that… I have once again fallen dreadfully behind with answering emails.

Towards personal care… It’s hard to believe that I am already 16 weeks pregnant!   I’ve just recently started feeling the little one moving around, and I am not feeling nearly as sick as I was.  Heartburn seems to have replaced the morning sickness, but at least it is a little easier to control.  🙂

Around the house… I came home today with a box filled with beautiful treasures from a dear friend from Church.  I am enjoying finding places to display them in our home!  Here are pictures of a few of them:

Aren’t they just gorgeous?

This lovely statue of St. Agnes was hand cast from a Classic Catholic Mould and hand painted in the Italian Renaissance style by a local artist!  

I am hoping… that I have a chance to spend a little more time with my sister JoAnn while she is in town.  The summer is going by way too quickly, and pretty soon she will be flying off to Rome for the next semester!

I am praying… for the soul of my Great Uncle Philip (my Dad’s uncle) who passed away on Friday.  May he rest in peace!

One of my favorite things… My iSi Easy Whip, 1-Pint, White, Cream Whipper!  How did I live so long without knowing this amazing little gadget exists?!?  My friend Jamie (our contractor’s wife) introduced me to it, and I knew I just had to have one.   All you do is fill it with a pint of heavy whipping cream, add some sweetener (we have been having fun trying out some of the flavored Stevia drops – my kids LOVED the chocolate!), attach a cream charger for a minute, and then shake 4-5 times.   It’s so quick and easy, and you just can’t beat the wonderful fresh whip cream it makes!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

  • Vacation Bible School Every Mon-Fri
  • Funeral Mass on Wednesday
  • Celebrate Captain’s 11th Birthday
  • Continue sorting through clothing and bookshelves/organizing bedrooms

A Picture thought I am sharing:

A precious moment with my baby babies!  
*just ignore Rose’s mouthful of food! 😉 


  1. Marie

    I always enjoy reading your Daybook posts. The pictures are precious!

    Would you consider posting about your plans for next school year, particularly the American History plans you mentioned? Thank you for all that you share.

  2. Jamie Carin and Claudio Romano

    That statue of St. Agnes is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!! *gasp* I have a special place in my heart for her as I was baptized and received into the Church (when I was 22) at St. Agnes Church in Manhattan….in the tridentine rite 🙂

    Please share your sauce recipe if you have the time!!

  3. Anonymous

    So how did your brother do at the tournie??? He wouldn't say when I saw him at mass, lol.

    I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. God bless him and all his family who mourn him.

  4. Grace

    You mentioned a Book Sale Blog Hop. I would be interested. I have stuff I've listed on Craig's List, but it's not selling. Maybe it would sell blog to blog. Let me know if you end up doing this.:) Cute pics…glad to hear you are feeling better!

  5. Mom2Seven

    You are beautiful, Jessica! I so enjoy your daybooks. Prayers for the repose of your uncle's soul. God bless!

  6. fadfd

    Hi Jessica,

    We recieved our items yesterday from the sale! Thank you!!

    The Book Sale Blog Hop is a great idea. I don't know if I have enough to participate though. I've sold a lot via our South CA Catholic conference and cathswap. But, I'd love to check out the other goodies out there to possibly buy ;-).

    I'm off now to further paln our year's curriculum…have a lovely dinner.

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Marie ~ I did start working on a post with our plans for this coming year. Hopefully I will have a chance to finish it, and it won't sit it my draft box forever like last years plans! 😉

  8. Jessica Gordon

    Jamie ~ I still can't get over how beautiful the St. Agnes statue is. I just LOVE it!!

    As for the sauce recipe. . . I actually don't really use one. I learned how to make it from my mom as a child, who learned from her mom, and have making it (and probably simplifying it) forever. I don't measure anything but here is a general description of what I did yesterday:

    Saute 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic in some olive oil (prob. about 2 TBS) Add one small can of tomato paste and stir for a minute or two – slightly browning.

    Add 2 cans (14-16oz size) of tomato sauce and 2 cans of diced tomatoes, 1 pound of ground beef (crumbled up or made into meatballs) and seasonings.

    I don't measure the seasonings, but I put quite a bit of parsley (maybe about 3-4 TBS) about 1 TBS of Oregano, a pinch or two of thyme (maybe like 1/4 tsp) and 1 or 2 bay leaves, and some salt.

    I then just simmer it on the stove for 2-3 hours, covered. That's it. It's pretty much the only sauce I ever make, but it's loved by everyone in my family. 🙂

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Amy ~ Kevin did great, although he was frustrated with himself after his last round. He had a tough last day and a couple double bogeys cost him 1st place. Still, placing 21st out of 211 from all over the world is nothing to be ashamed of!! We were all very proud of him! 🙂

  10. Jessica Gordon

    Grace and Elizabeth ~ I will plan on posting the Book Sale link-up on August 1st! I think it will be great!! 🙂

  11. Robina

    you look great. exciting that you're feeling baby kicks. this baby just did some sort of jog inside my belly.

  12. Heather

    I'd like to participate in the Book Sale Blog Hop too.

    Love the pics of your two little ones reading together. Fun post!

  13. Kelly

    I *might* be interested in the book swap. I have a growing stack of books that I am clearing out. I am hesitant because many have some wear to them…it's a great idea, though.

    Love the pic of your little ones reading together.


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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