My Daybook :: September 12, 2011

by | Sep 12, 2011 | Daybook | 10 comments

Outside my window… It looks like it is going to be another HOT day!   We are in the peak of fire season here, but my husband hasn’t been able to be listed as available, and won’t be able to take an assignment until after he gets home from the two week training session he is began yesterday.   As much as I hate to see him fighting fires, we pretty much rely on the overtime from at least one two-week fire assignment each summer to get us through the winter months, which means (if the fire season continues and he does indeed get an assignment once he arrives home) he could potentially be gone for at least 4 weeks over the next month or two.  Sigh.

I am thinking… about everything I would like to get done while he is out of town.   I haven’t even begun to get ready for this baby…   In fact, I am still trying to figure out where to put Rose’s clothing.  (I currently have a changing table/dresser that she is using, and I will need that for the baby.)  I had hoped that we would be able to add a closet to that room, but perhaps just closet organizers (like the girls have in their room) would work for now.   Someday we may get around to finishing the closets in those two rooms!

I am thankful… that my brother Paul was willing to babysit Saturday night so that Hubby and I were able to go out to dinner before he left on Sunday.   We went to a restaurant in our little town and it made us question why we always thought we had to “drive to town” for dinner dates.  I think we’ve found a new favorite place, and it is the closest restaurant to our home, only 3 miles away!  It was so nice to have a little quite time away to talk.

From the kitchen… Smoothies for breakfast, and lots of veggies – including peppers, zucchini and tomatoes from our garden!!!  I am trying to eat a little better since the weight is coming on faster than ever this pregnancy.   I am also hoping to make a trip to the farm for some more locally grown peaches.   A dear friend brought us a case a couple weeks ago and they were so delicious!

Learning all the time… Our second week of school is underway and so far everything is going great!  Rascal even said Friday that he “loves ALL of his school books this year, and can’t wait to do more school work on Monday.”  That made me very happy!   Right now the boys are building some gliders for a science experiment from Zoology 1 and having so much fun.   The girls are working on a mini-book for a Kaya lapbook while listening to the Kaya Audio Books we downloaded from Audible.  

Living the Liturgical Year at Home… Today is the feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary!   This afternoon the girls are planning on making “Kaya’s Dried Fruit and Nut Mix” (using Dried Blueberries, instead of Huckleberries, in honor  of Our Lady).

I am creating… a Little Flowers Wreath IV Lapbook and I am so excited with how it is coming together.   Our first meeting for the year is coming up at the end of this month and so I am hoping to finish it soon.

I am wearing… maternity clothes that are quickly becoming way too small.  I had the most embarrassing incident happen on Saturday while grocery shopping, which I am trying very hard to forget!  😉   I just noticed that Old Navy is having a 30% off maternity sale (combined with the extra 2% cash back from clicking over from Ebates first, its a great deal – here’s an Ebates referral link in case your not a member, it’s free!)  and I think I am going to purchase a few new things.    They just don’t make clothing like they use to… Nothing seems to last!

I am reading…  the Little Flowers Wreath IV Leader and Member Guides, as I try to prepare for this coming year, making modifications for my younger group of girls, lots of books about Explorers to the kids, and

Pondering these words… preached by St. John Vianney on yesterday’s gospel (Anger Does Not Travel Alone), and read during yesterday’s homily by a wonderful priest:

“We should make use of all the annoyances that happen to us to remind ourselves that since we are in revolt against God, it is but just that other creatures should revolt against us. We should never give others occasion to curse us…. If something irritating or troublesome happens, instead of loading with curses whatever is not going the way we want it to, it would be just as easy and a great deal more beneficial for us to say: “God bless it!”

 ~ and here is one more interesting excerpt:

“If we encounter so many children who are wild and undisciplined, without religion, bad tempered and stunted in their souls, we need not – at least in the great majority of cases – search for the cause beyond the curses and bad tempers of the parents. .”

Noticing that… I still need to work on a new schedule for this school year.   In the meantime, the checklists I started making at the end of last year and continued this year for each child, inspired by Sarah, have been so helpful!

Towards personal care… Despite the busy and hectic schedule, I am trying to “take it easy” and simplify where I can.  A couple weeks ago I had to spend a couple hours at the hospital being monitored and having some tests done after cramping all day, before noticing a tiny bit of spotting.   It really scared me, but everything was fine and the only explanation could be stress and/or dehydration.   I’ve been drinking a lot more water, as for reducing “stress,”  I’m not exactly sure how to do that!  😉

Around the house… signs of the new school year and the upcoming arrival of fall, my favorite time of year!

I am hoping and praying… for so many intentions. Here are a few:

For my Husband (in particular) who was so discouraged and disappointed to hear this past Friday that the much-loved assistant pastor who arrived only 2 months ago – who has a special love of the Traditional Latin Mass, and has allowed my Husband to serve some of his private Masses  (permission hadn’t been granted for him to offer the Traditional Mass publicly, but he did come and offer Mass at the campground for us on both Saturday and Sunday while we were camping!!) and was an almost an answer to 12+ years of prayers to have the Latin Mass available in our area – is being transferred this coming Friday.   We had just turned in a petition asking for the Latin Mass (which was promptly denied by the pastor since they were not going to “make any changes” for the next year) last month and then just this weekend his transfer was announced.  We still haven’t been told why he is being transferred, and where he is being sent.  It has come as a shock, not to mention heartbreaking, for so many of us.   

For Father, that he will be happy at his new assignment, and allowed to publicly offer the Extraordinary Form of the Mass in our liberal diocese.  

For my friend Julie who is hoping to adopt again and asking for others to join a novena to St. Therese (beginning today) for the intention of health, safety, peace and joy for all those involved in their adoption journey, and for the intention of bringing their baby home soon.   

For Daisy as she continues to recover beautifully from her heart surgery.  

For Charlotte as she continues to recover from her delivery.

In thanksgiving for the safe delivery and health of sweet little Cupcake (who is going to be our Goddaughter!!!!!!!)  and that I might just be able to find a way to make the trip to Texas next month to be there for her baptism!  

One of my favorite things… my Snoogle, or “new husband” according to Hubby.  It is helping so much!!   I even took it camping with us!  hehehee  😉

A few plans for the week:

  • School, school, school…
  • Work on organizing all the hand-me-down clothing and the nursery
  • Mass on Friday and Sunday

A Picture thought I am sharing:

taken by my sister Mary during the birthday tea-party


  1. Karla in MN

    No catholic priest needs PERMISSION to offer Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form. It REALLY boils me that you have been denied the Latin Mass. Liberal Bishops are destroying the Faith, and being disobedient to the Holy Father. The Moto Proprio made in perfectly clear that no priest needs permission, nor can he be disciplined for offering Mass in the Extraordinary form. This is why so many have turned to the SSPX for the Sacraments, Liberal Bishops and Priests who deny the faithful. I am so sorry to hear about this. I know how you long for the Traditional Latin Mass.

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Oh, you don't have to tell me that, but, despite the Moto Proprio and the other documents that have followed, it is still not that easy.

    We have been told in the past that we could not have a Latin Mass, since there weren't any priests in our area that could say it. That is why we were all so very excited to have this new priest in our part of the state, who was ordained just a year ago, and already offers the Latin Mass when he can. We thought for sure it would finally be an option.

    Just last month my husband and a couple others turned in a petition (signed by 50+ people) asking for the Latin Mass, now that we had a priest that could offer it, to the new pastor. But instead of allowing it, the only priest capable is transfered… We are trying to not jump to any conclusions about their motives, but it is hard. Especially since no explanations have been given.

  3. Mom2Seven

    I love your Daybooks (I think I say that every time!). That is a beautiful picture of your daughter. You MUST slow down and take care of yourself! Things have a way of working out even when we have to temporarily slow down. That's been a tough lesson for me over the years, but I'm older than you and am learning! 🙂 Prayers for your little unborn one and for you!

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you! I so appreciate the prayers. I am trying to make sure I take care of myself and this little one. I am so very happy that I am finally 24 weeks, a milestone I am always so happy to reach after delivering my first too early. Deo Gratias!!! It's hard to believe that my due date and the NEW YEAR are only 16 weeks away! This pregnancy is flying by!!

  5. Kelly

    I know what you mean by flying by! I'm a week ahead of you and haven't done a thing either 🙁 We did, however come up with a temporary solution the the clothing storage issues we will have when the baby arrives. We got one of those 3 drawer sets from Rubbermaid/etc. It's a temporary solution until we're past the flood of baby clothes and he can share a dresser with a brother.

    That's so sad that Father is being transferred, I know you love the TLM. That's a great picture of Twinkle Toes. She's growing up to be such a beauty.

    I've also found that I need to take it easier this time around. Be easy on yourself and don't feel that you have to do it all. The kids can so a lot too 🙂

  6. mamajuliana

    Hello, I just found your blog when I was looking for 'memories' of celebrating feasts with our children. I added a link to my post to your Sept 09 post of the Feast of the Holy Cross. I miss the days when our children were younger and we homeschooled. You have a beautiful family.

  7. Lori N from MN

    Oh Jessica,
    I pray for your husband (even while in training) and all fire fighters. We have a terrible fire near us, now over 60,000 acres… and still growing strong.

    So sorry that your dear priest is being transferred. As you know, all things happen for a reason. Praying for your Latin Mass intentions.

    And praying for you and your littlest blessing – slow down and rest, whether you think you have time to do so or not. Your oldest children are capable of doing so much to help – just remember to ask them! 🙂

  8. Robina

    keeping you in my prayers. rest and take it easy. what a wonderful choice Charlotte made in choosing you as a godmother. Congratulations.

  9. Jackie

    Jessica, I am having the same struggle with weight gain this pregnancy. One thing that has helped is I made up a little checklist of how many servings of bread, veggies, protein, fruit, etc. I'm supposed to have daily while pregnant. I think I found the info at Then I posted it by my frig in a page protector with a dry erase marker, and I check off what I've eaten as the day goes along. That way if I want a snack, I usually notice I haven't had any veggies…and it's incentive to choose something from the list of what I should be eating. Hope that helps! Your blog is such a blessing to me, I always feel so inspired after reading it. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful ideas. God bless you, Jackie

  10. Kathy

    Jessica, I enjoy your blog very much. I love your ideas for little flowers. Our group started last year and we are going on to wreath II this school year. So sorry to hear about the new priest being transferred. We are in the same situation here. It is so discouraging that so many faithful who desire a TLM are being ignored. Well, You are not alone in this. I am not pregnant or nursing right now, so I think I need to start praying and fasting for the gift of a TLM in our area and for others who long for it.


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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