{pretty, happy, funny, real}

by | Nov 17, 2011 | {phfr}, Precious Moments: 03, Precious Moments: 04, Precious Moments: 06 | 12 comments

Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.

This past spring I attended a fundraiser for a sweet girl in our town.  I ended up having the highest bid on one of the silent auction items, a gift certificate to a newer local beauty salon & day spa!  I have been meaning to schedule an appointment for months, but with the expiration date coming up next month I finally got around to doing so… just in time for Thanksgiving! 

My three pretty girls all had the appointments for their haircuts this morning.


Very happy that the new (to us) hairdresser not only washed their hair in a big fancy sink, but braided their hair (and showed me how) too!


Rose, however, didn’t know what to think about her very first haircut….

Home again!  Now if we can just figure out a way to open the front door without one of the cats trying to sneak in every. single. time.

Tomorrow it is my turn for a little pampering, 
including a cut, style and even a spa pedicure!!

Visit Like Mother, Like Daughter for more pictures of contentment.


  1. Dawn

    I love the hair stlyes. What a fun adventure for your girls.

  2. Mom2Seven

    They are just beautiful! You'll have to post pictures of yourself tomorrow! 😉

    ~Annita +JMJ+

  3. Robina

    just love C's hair. enjoy your spa day.

  4. Mary

    Those braids are amazing! Have fun tomorrow-it sounds so relaxing!

  5. Collette

    So sweet – and your daughters' braids are beautiful! Sounds like you have found a very nice hairdresser!

  6. Kelly

    Your girls are beautiful. Just like their mommy. 🙂

    Enjoy your pampering! You deserve it!

  7. Unknown

    What beautiful girls! I have three girls about these ages also (along with two older boys). new to your bog and i'm your newest follower. found you through the homeschool post voting!

  8. Stephanie

    Oh, your girls are so lovely! Enjoy your pampering! Every woman should have spa pedicures, especially during pregnancy.

  9. Lisa

    What a treat! I love those sweater dresses, by the way.

  10. Emily Snow

    looks like fun, That is how I braid my girls hair for ballet and things. I also do what we call a headband braid. and stop when it looks like a headband.

  11. Leila

    They are all darling! Beautiful!

  12. CarlynB

    Oh my goodness, the braids! Beautiful!


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