Seven Quick Takes

by | Jan 7, 2011 | Christmas 2010, Seven Quick Takes | 14 comments

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After a whole week of not blogging, I hardly know where to begin!   I didn’t “plan” on taking a break, but our whole family came down with the flu (fevers, body aches, sore throats, etc) on New Year’s Day, and blogging has been one of the last things on my mind.   Yesterday was my first day of not having a fever and I am finally starting to feel a bit better.   Now, if I could just get rid of this lingering cough!    Thank you to all of you that emailed to check on us and offer prayers for our family, after noticing that I’ve been “missing.”  🙂  
~ 2 ~
Oreganol Oil may taste awful, but the stuff really works.  Usually when I get sick like this, it always turns into Bronchitis or Pneumonia,  but so far not this time.    We’ve also been eating lots of Chicken Soup, taking plenty of Vitamin C and our friend Marc’s “Horrible Super Tonic,” drinking tea and finally using up some of those Honey Sticks!
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There is nothing like the flu to jump start that New Year resolution to lose some weight…  Seven pounds in seven days, is not bad!  Now if I can just keep it off and lose another 10-20.  😉 
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Yesterday we celebrated the feast of Epiphany.  It comparison to the last couple years, it was a very simple celebration… Our Three Wise Men finally arrived at the manger, we read a couple of our favorite books for Epiphany, had breakfast (belgian waffles, orange juice, and cinnamon rolls) for dinner, and then the children exchanged the gifts they had chosen and wrapped for each other.
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Sometime during the couple days when we were all feverish (except for Rose),  Chiquita decided to “trim” her hair.   Apparently it was “sticky.”    When I first noticed it, I wasn’t sure if I was seeing correctly or not.  lol!  I am taking her in to my hairdresser later this afternoon to see what we can do.  Layers, maybe?  I was really loving her hair long, but I suppose we could cut it short again too.
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Over the last few days, I pulled out my copy of Managers of Their Homes and have been working on creating a new schedule, incorporating this year’s school plans and some of the ideas in Large Family Logistics.  I’m hoping to be able to finish it up over the weekend and start using it this coming Monday.   I am sure I will need to make more modifications as I see what works and what doesn’t, but I am looking forward to getting back into a routine, focusing on learning, and working on developing some good habits after such a busy fall.  
~ 7 ~ 

This picture is for Charlotte, who has recently inspired a love of Matryoshka dolls in our home!   I just love my new measuring cups, and I recently ordered a set of these adorable note cards.   Anyhow, my mom had gotten Rose some pajamas for her birthday, but since they were a size too small (carter’s sizing can be confusing in that a 12M size is really for babies up to 12 months, not turning one) I went to the store to exchange them.   They didn’t have the same style my mom had chosen, but when I saw this one, I knew I had to get it.   🙂  Isn’t it darling?!   It’s a little too big (they only had one size 2 left in this pattern), but that’s okay, it’ll fit better soon enough! 

There,  I managed to make it through a whole post!  I hope this new year is off to a wonderful start for you all, and hopefully I will be back to post again soon.   God bless!  

Visit Conversion Diary for more of this week’s Seven Quick Takes.


  1. fadfd

    Glad you are feeling better. I had thought it was odd not seeing you on my google reader for a bit.

    Chiquita's hair reminds my of what Princess did to hers a few months back. Lucky for me (and her) she did a great job with adding bangs. No need to clean it up or anything…perhaps she has a gift for hairdressing…LOL

  2. Anonymous

    Ditto…..the haircut really does not look that bad in the photo at all. Maybe just some triming to shape it a tad will do. She is adorable as always. I wondered why you were so long away but figured you were just taking a much needed break. Sorry to hear you were all ill and so happy to hear you are all on the mend now. God Bless!

  3. Barbara

    Feel better soon. Rest, little mama!

  4. Jennifer Gregory Miller

    I'm sorry you were sick! So glad you are feeling better!

    I think the hair is fine…and it always grows!

  5. Pamela

    I am so sorry to hear you were sick, that is the worst! Lots of Vitamin C does work. Love Matryoshka dolls! Your little rose looks so cute in her pajama's. Happy New Year!

  6. Shelly

    I feel like i havent blogged in months and months (and really, I haven't – just shared the occasional pictures / birthdays).

    I love your little Rose's jammies! So very adorable – as is she!!

  7. Charlotte (WaltzingM)

    I LOVE THOSE JAMMIES!!! They probably don't have them in my size and wouldn't look nearly as cute! Rose is adorable in them!!!

    I really don't think the hair cut looks that bad and I think your stylist should be able to do something with it but still keep a good bit of length on it.

    Now, go get some rest!!!

  8. Kelly

    I agree with Charlotte, you need to keep resting. But it's nice to see your post pop up in my reader. 🙂

    I'm with you on the Matryoshka dolls! So cute! I actually just purchased a set of the measuring cups for my mother inlaw and myself (of course) 🙂 and also found THE CUTEST knitting needles with little painted Matryoshkas at the ends over on Etsy. I'm afraid Etsy might be the end of me. So many wonderful things to find over there.

    I think Chiquita's hair will be okay. It's long enough the stylist should be able to make it look nice.

    Prayers for your continued recovery.

  9. Robina

    Rest up and much love and health. Super cute nannies. Speaking of which where did you get the long sleeve red nightgown? I have been searching for some warm flannel ones.

  10. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you everyone, and thank you for the reminders to rest. 🙂

    Well, we are home again from the beauty salon, and Chiquita's hair doesn't look that much different. It is just a little shorter in the back and there are a few more layers. To quote my hair dresser "She actually did a REALLY GOOD job of cutting it herself!"

    Robina ~ I purchased the red nightgown from Lands' End in 2009, and they have been great. I actually posted a bit about them here.

  11. Anonymous

    So glad you are all feeling better. Sorry to hear that you were under the weather.

  12. Erin

    Sorry to hear you've all been so sick! It's a bummer when that hits during holidays! What is the "terrible super tonic," out of curiosity? I made a tincture by steeping a whole head of crushed garlic in some apple cider vinegar and straining it, and we add a couple drops to a glass of juice each morning – it is supposed to prevent illnesses, and we haven't been sick so far, knock on wood!

  13. Jessica Gordon

    Erin ~ The super tonic that our friend made is (I am pretty sure) based on a Dr. Shulze formula. It is "fresh organic juices of garlic, ginger, onion, cayenne and horseradish in a base of Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (brewed for at least one month)." It's really not too bad, if you plug your nose while taking a shot! 😉

  14. Megan

    I really like the matryoshka nesting dolls too. When hubby has gone to Russia he's brought some of the nesting dolls back. Go to and type in matryoshka or even matryoshka skirt. They have cute clothes for children and hey, Waltzing Matilda, even women 🙂


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