Christmas Day in the Morning

by | Jan 12, 2012 | Advent and Christmas, Christmas 2011 | 18 comments

I just love Christmas morning, even more now than I did as a child.  Seeing our children’s joy and excitement as they opened each gift, or watched their siblings open theirs, was so much fun!  Every year, Hubby and I choose three gifts for each of our children, reminding them that Christ was also given three gifts.   This year, it was a little bit harder than usual, since some of the gifts were an assortment of clothing items and some were a combination of toys.   I ended up wrapping some items together so they still had “three” gifts each.

~ Discovering the new Train/Activity Table ~

We’ve been looking for a Train/Activity Table for awhile now and finally found the perfect one for our family!  I loved that it was black and solid wood.   I purchased ours from Baby Age, but it doesn’t look like it is available on their website any longer.   From the reviews it was compared to a Pottery Barn table at a MUCH better price.   It has been a hit! 

~ Gifts for Captain ~

Box of Clothing including a new Robe, Hockey Sweatshirt, Shirt and Socks

~ Gifts for Rascal ~ 
His very own Hockey Skates
Box of Clothing, including Hockey shirt, Hockey Sweatshirt and a new Robe
Box of Toys including the LEGO Architecture White House (to use for History this year!), Playmobil Roman Chariot and the Treasure Transporter with Rowboat

~ Gifts for the Twinkle Toes ~

New Dollhouse to share with her sister
Box of Clothing, including a new Robe, warm clothes and “Twinkle Toes” shirt

~ Gifts for Chiquita ~
New Dollhouse to share with her sister
Box of Clothing including new Robe and warm clothes

~ Gifts for Snuggles ~
The train table was basically ordered with Snuggles in mind, but we also wrapped another of the Hockey Sets for him to unwrap.  He also received a box with new shoes, his “very own!” hockey shirt, and a Toy Story Thermos for all those extra cold mornings at The Rink watching his older brothers’ Hockey games. 
His 3rd gift was a box filled with Die Cast Cars, including a talking Finn.   He later unwrapped even more cars from his Grandparents and couldn’t have been happier! 

~ Gifts for Rose ~
Another new doll, the Corolle Mon Premier Calin 12″ Baby Doll, which she LOVED immediately, unlike the doll from her birthday (which has since grown on her).  She ran to get her birthday stroller to give them both a ride!

~ Gifts for Bud ~
Bud’s gifts consisted of Sophie the Giraffe Teether, a Cloud b Twilight Turtle Constellation Night Light, and some new sleepers.

~ Stocking Stuffers ~
I can’t believe that I didn’t get a picture of the baby with his stocking!  I also forgot about a whole little box of stocking stuffers that I just found in my closet… No wonder I had such a hard time filling the stockings on Christmas Eve!  At least I have a jump start on their Easter Baskets now.  😉 

Some of the favorite stocking stuffers that did make it into the stockings, in addition to the Mini American Dolls and Bonnet, included Living Adventures from American History CD’s, Curse of the Coins, new Stockmar Modeling Beeswax, The Strange Intruder, and the Church Windows Card Game. 

Grandma and Grandpa sent all sorts of fun and thoughtful gifts to the kids, but the favorites were some of the new books that they sent.   I love that my mother-in-law runs a Catholic bookstore at her church!   I was amazed that with all the great books she sent, we didn’t have even one of them already.  The kids have been enjoying all of them! 

P.S.  Sorry for all the long, picture heavy, posts today!  I’ve been working on all of these posts a little at a time over the past weeks and just had to get them out of my drafts folder so I wouldn’t feel quite so behind.  Hope you don’t mind, but I didn’t want to end up with such a huge gap in this online “scrapbook” for my family!  🙂 


  1. Donna Alice

    I always enjoy the pictures and the glimpses into your family's life. Looks like Christmas was a truly happy joyful occasion!

  2. Nicole

    So fun! I especially loved Rascal's reactions to all his gifts.

  3. Karen

    Beautiful pictures. It looks like you had a lovely Christmas morning.

    A few years back I solved my problem with misplacing the stocking stuffers by setting aside a gallon zip lock bag for each family member that is filled with the stocking stuffers prior to Christmas Eve. It also saves me the trouble of trying to remember who I intended each of the items for in the first place. I store the stocking stuffer bags in the same boxes I use for the Christmas presents so they don't get lost. I also do a test run a week before Christmas for each bag to make sure the contents fit in the stocking.

  4. Jessica Gordon

    I know! Aren't Rascal's reactions great! He was so excited about every single gift! I loved it!!

    Karen ~ What a great idea!! I will have to try and remember that for next year.

  5. Krista

    GREAT FUN!!! I love the idea of getting gifts that can be used for "school", too! I do this with my daughter, too – the toys and books all have that "educational element" in mind! It's almost hard to NOT have it be educational! It makes learning "fun"! 🙂

    BTW – I had heard that "American Girl" supports pro-choice/abortion funding! Does anyone else know about this or know more? Or they may be in cooperation with Planned Parenthood, too. Just thought I should mention this!

  6. Jessica Gordon

    Krista ~ That issue was brought up last year, when we purchased the girls their doll. I was under the same impression for awhile, and you can be sure that my husband and I looked into it before making a purchase. They were on the pro-life boycott list for a very short time, and the boycott worked. 🙂 Here is an interesting article from Life News if you are interested. Thank you though, for sharing your concern!

  7. Anonymous

    What a wonderful, magical Christmas! Jessica, you are such an inspiration.

    If I may ask, how/where did you find a riding outfit for Felicity? I bought the doll for my daughter last year (and saved it until now), but the clothes were all sold out. I tried buying some handmade outfits from ebay, but the quality wasn't great. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    God bless you and your beautiful family!


  8. Jessica Gordon

    Actually, last Christmas we ordered Elizabeth for Twinkle Toes since it had been her favorite and was going to be discontinued. I ended up ordering the set of Elizabeth and Felicity along with the riding outfits for each, before they were sold out. I saved the Felicity Doll for her birthday and the riding outfit for this Christmas. It is too bad that they don't carry them anymore. 🙁

  9. Joene

    It's always wonderful to read and see all of your posts, no matter how long or short! God Bless you and your family!

  10. Kelly

    I can't believe you're so caught up. Bud was born a day before mine and I still haven't looked at the pictures from Christmas yet! I loved Rascal's reactions to his gifts.

  11. Krista

    Thanks, Jessica, for the link regarding "American Girl". I see that it was written in 2005. Hopefully there are no other "links" to pro-abortion groups in any way since then. It's "amazing" how often Planned Parenthood or other pro-abortion groups have links to the schools, toy companies, clothing lines, etc. We as parents need to keep vigilant so as to not end up supporting such groups indirectly. One would think buying a doll for your little girl would be "safe", but today, that's not always the case, sadly…

  12. Anonymous

    what wonderful pictures…I really like our Catholic store here…hope to find a good one when we move…

  13. Unknown

    Dear Jessica, I am a new visitor to your blog and for the past couple of days I have been in and out of it at least five to six times!! You are such a great inspiration to me! I love reading your blog. I found this through your other blog….Catholic Cuisine. I am happily married and have two children and study Theology in Austria. This blog is a great example of your selfgiving not only to your family but also to all young families who are striving to get closer to God.Be assured of my prayers for you and your family.
    God Bless!

  14. Unknown

    I had just stumbled onto your site through American Girl exploring. Thank you for all that you've put out for us Mommas in need! It's soo refreshing to see I'm not the only one who wants to implement those dolls into fun studying! Most Catholic Homeschooling Moms would be taken aback by their cost alone! Now I feel much more normal to know someone has done it.
    I can't wait to explore your blog more. I'm soo excited by much of what I've seen so far. I love how everything is pretty much done in a religious way even if it's considered "worldy" as a Catholic Mom I really do appreciate all the help and inspiration!

  15. Unknown

    I forgot to mention the site I listed is another resource for the AG debacle.

    I am giving Corolles & Waldorfs to my Daughters as well and in the future if I have sons I'd love to immerse my boys into Playmobil and the wooden elements sets typically for Waldorf figures! I felt soo guilty in the past for doing so because most Catholic homeschooling Mothers I'd come across were the thrift shoppers and regifters. Thank you again for helping take a small load off my shoulders.

  16. Anonymous

    Can you please tell me where you purchased this dollhouse from? I know it's been a few years, but I'm hoping to find something similar for Christmas this year. Thank you!

  17. Jessica Gordon

    I bought "Seri's Wooden Dollhouse" from either Nova Natural or Belly Luna toys, I believe.

  18. Anonymous

    Thank You!!


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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