Girls in White Dresses

by | Jan 8, 2012 | First Communion | 18 comments

On this coming Friday, January 13th (the traditional feast of the Baptism of Our Lord) our newest blessing is going to be baptized by his Uncle, who will fly in for a quick overnight visit just for this occasion.

Yesterday morning our oldest two daughters met with our local pastor and were given permission to receive their First Holy Communions (following their First Confessions) this week at the Traditional Latin Mass prior to the Baptism!   It will be such a blessing for them not only to be able to receive these sacraments from one of their Uncles, but also during the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, which is rarely available in our area.  They are both very excited!

Thankfully Hubby has been off work for the past few weeks and was able to really work with the girls on a daily basis, making sure that they were prepared for these sacraments.  I on the other hand haven’t had much free time, though I was able to find and order them some First Communion Dresses online and thought I would share them with you all.  Aren’t they pretty?!

Dress:  Cinderella Dress  

I purchased these dresses at the amazing price of just $24.99 each from JC Penney’s the day after Christmas, thanks to a great sale along with the help of some bonus coupons!  I would have liked to find dresses with sleeves, or have had time to add them, but instead I found a darling shrug/jacket for the girls to wear over the dresses.

These were only $22.04 each, after signing up for emails and using the bonus 30% off coupon from Sophia’s Style.   I thought this jacket would be perfect for our cold January weather!

These veils seemed to match the dresses nicely.   We also liked that it had a nice long 30″ veil, and how can you go wrong with roses!? 
Please keep the girls in your prayers this week, as they continue to prepare their souls to receive Our Lord for the very first time!


  1. Erin

    Oh praying, how exciting!!
    I have been blessed in that my mum kept my veil and all my girls have worn it in turn. So be sure to keep your girls veils in case they would like to do this:)

  2. Jessica Gordon

    How special for your girls, and what a sweet idea! I will be sure to save their veils for them.

    I've always loved the idea of remaking a wedding gown into a First Communion Dress and using fabric from the train to create a Baptismal Gown. However, with all the beading on my dress it would have been really hard to resize it nicely. And then, with two daughters receiving at the same time, I wonder who would have gotten to wear it! 🙂

  3. Lori N from MN

    My veil was worn my my daughters as well! 🙂

    What an extra-special celebration it will be this weekend. We'll be praying!

    Blessings to all~

  4. Therese

    Your girls will look gorgeous Jessica. Prayers for them both this week.

  5. Stina

    I love it all, but that jacket is soooo beautiful! It's going to be such a special day.

  6. Hope

    The dress and shrug are lovely! What a blessing for both of them to be able to receive at the same time. A triple sacrament day, what could be more beautiful? We'll keep them in our prayers.

  7. Janel

    My mom kept my Communion dress for me, but it was too small for my Mary Anne to use 🙁 Everything you picked out is just beautiful! Please share pictures from the Communion and also from the Baptism…thanks Jessica! I will keep all of you in my prayers…Janel in NJ

  8. Kelly

    What a wonderful blessing that will be for all 3 kids! I'm so excited for them. We had the unexpected opportunity to have our littlest blessing baptized at the vigil Mass for Epiphany. It went wonderfully.

    You mentioned the wedding dress idea…we created a Baptismal gown out of my MIL's wedding dress and it turned out beautifully. It's now been used for 3 Baptisms (soon to be 4) and 2 Christenings. It thrills her every time to see it worn.

  9. Christine

    How exciting! I will definitely keep your girls in my prayers.

  10. Cathy

    How lovely! Will be keeping you all in my prayers~

  11. Lena

    beautiful and blessed. i will be certain to pray for your girls, baby, and uncle father.

    may all the graces that your family receive sustain you for the year.

    sparkles will be making her first communion in may. she begins instruction with fr. l this week.

  12. Anonymous

    We have made both a small book and also (for a different girl) written on an artists canvas the girls name with "Will you pray for me?" and they got to take it people at their First Holy Communions/parties and people would write what prayers they promised the child. Our daughter loved asking for prayers and our guests loved praying for them. Congratulations!

  13. mamajuliana

    What a blessing!…and the dresses are beautiful!

  14. Donna Alice

    What beautiful dresses and veils! I still have my dress and veil – no daughters to pass it on to – but we had a tradition in our family that everyone got to go pick out their own dress and veil. My dear aunt, who has been gone many years now, was in charge of the First Communion Dress shopping trip. How she loved to take each girl in the family out for a special day before the great event.

    Will be praying on Friday for the girls and little Bud. I have a dear friend's birthday that day as well and a brother actually named Bud! Well, his name is Ralph but I couldn't say that and called him, "My Buddy." The nickname kind of stuck and everyone calls him Bud.

  15. Jackie

    Thank you so much for posting this – I'm looking for a dress for my oldest and this is perfect! I just ordered it. It's a great price too. Thank you and God bless you and your girls on their special day!

  16. Mirissa

    What an amazing day it must have been. I was wondering how you decided to have both your daughters receive together. Is your younger daughter almost 7? I hope you don't take this as a criticism, I'm just truly curious as our parish seems to just have all the children receive in second grade and I look at my own 6 year old and know she isn't ready. But of course, each child is different!

  17. Jessica Gordon

    We have been wanting our girls to receive their First Holy Communions from one of their Uncles during the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Latin Mass – which we don't have available locally).

    Twinkle Toes is on the older end of the age for receiving – she is currently 8 1/2 – and Chiquita will be 7 in 2 months. We were concerned that she wasn't ready yet, and both priests that quizzed her (our local pastor and her Uncle) said that she was just barely ready when they gave their permission. It will probably be quite some time before we would have had another opportunity like this.

  18. Unknown

    I pinned this dress to show my granddaughter a variety of dress styles in preparation for her First Communion this Spring (2016). She wants nothing else but this dress – but it is no longer available at JC Penney. ANyone have suggestions for ways to search for this dress 4 years later? I'm at a loss. Nana in Indianapolis


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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