My Daybook :: February 29, 2012 {Leap Day!}

by | Mar 1, 2012 | Daybook | 25 comments

Outside my window… 
It wasn’t the predicted 6+ inches, but we did wake up to more snow this morning and is sure looked beautiful!

I am thankful… 
for such wonderful holy brother-in-laws, and that got to talk my husband’s youngest brother (Father D.) for a few minutes today, for the last time before he enters a cloistered Benedictine Monastery tomorrow, March 1st.  I wasn’t able to talk very long, since tears were streaming down my face and I didn’t want him to hear me start sobbing.   He will be missed dearly!

I am thinking… 
about raising our children.   Father told me yesterday that not only must I raise good and holy children and adults, I must raise them to be good and holy mothers and fathers!  I hadn’t thought about it that way before.  Thankfully he will be praying for us al!

Learning all the time… 
and today we learned all ABOUT time!    Beginning with Charlotte’s links, we did a little research on leap day/leap year and the Gregorian Calendar.   Did you know that we are also going to have a “leap second” this year too?

Living the Liturgical Year at Home… 
It is definitely Lent!  We will be making a few plans for some of the March feasts days as well, specifically the feasts of St. Patrick and St. Joseph.  You can find some of our past posts in the Links for March, which I just updated.  Additional ideas can be found over at Catholic Cuisine.

From the kitchen… 
fun Fruity Frogs for our afternoon snack on Leap Day!

I am creating… 
Leap Day Time Capsules with my kiddos.  We ran across these free printables and have been having so much fun!   We still need to add a photograph to each, as well as a piece of string measuring their height, and then we will put them in an envelope to open on Feb. 29, 2016.   I loved seeing how my children choose to answer the questions… Here is a sneak peek at Chiquita’s:

I am working on… 
Shaking off the Bonds of Stuff with my children.  Someone must have told the mailman that we had just thrown out the old catalogs since he has delivered 12 more that very afternoon…  What a waster of paper and postage!

I am going… 
to read In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb to my children tomorrow.   I happened to run across it at the library the other day and think it is one that I’d like to add to our own collection.  So sweet!  I think we will read it again at the end of the month as well.

I am hoping… 
that someday we will get to travel to Oklahoma.  Perhaps for Father’s final vows in 5 years?

I am reading… 
a couple books from the library, The Doctor’s Lady and The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity.  They had been on my “wish list” for awhile, and I finally decided to just put in a request for my library to purchase them.  I was excited at how easy it was to do, and sure enough they purchased the books and held them for me once they arrived!   I need to do that more often.

I am praying… 
for Amy’s little boy, who has RSV at just 4 weeks old. Please keep him in your prayers!

Pondering these words…
from St. John Climacus:

“Angels are a light for monks and the monastic life is a light for all men.”

I am listening…  
to Johnny Tremain again, as we study the American Revolution. This is one of my boys’ favorite audio books.

Around the house… 
I have been enjoying those St. Valentine flowers as long as possible.  I still have a few left, sitting in our little Babushkups on the kitchen windowsill.

One of my favorite things…  
 Making Bud smile, and seeing the adorable little dimples around his mouth.

A few plans for the rest of the week…
We only have a few more weeks of hockey left, and the older boys really want me to come and watch a few of their last games.  We’ll see.  Since Bud was born, and since he really hates the car, I usually just stay home and snuggle with him on Saturday mornings.

A little peek at my day…

*I fell asleep last night before having a chance to upload pictures to this post, so I am adding it now.  🙂


  1. fadfd

    Her #3 is pretty cool too.

    Fr. Dennis will be in our prayers. We have niece who feels called to the cloistered life. It's a beautiful calling.

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Ah, yes, #3… I'm not quite ready for that at the moment… but maybe sometime in the next 4 years. I guess we will have to wait and see what God has planned for us! 🙂

  3. Unknown

    Oh no! Amy's baby! Will be praying for sure. I love those printables- we may do them even though we're late to the leapday game.

    Darling picture of Bud.

  4. Mom2Seven

    Love your Daybooks and your pictures! Peace

  5. Sue

    I don't think I've ever commented before, because your blog used to load very slowly for me for some reason. It loads fine now, and I have no idea what the problem was, or why it got better, but I'm so glad. I love your ideas, and your blog is a peaceful place to visit!

    Your little guy is such a beautiful baby!!! His smile melts my heart!

  6. Anonymous

    Bud is absolutely precious. Can't get enough of that smile!! Soak up every minute of that delightful soul!!!

  7. Anonymous

    The frog snack is so cute! We simply had to try it this afternoon. What a hit! Thanks always for your inspiration and for sharing such fun and wonderful ideas on your blog. –C

  8. mel

    Oh my goodness! We know that abby! It is near us, as welive in NWArkansas…popular place to visit with Catholic homeschoolers here. How amazing,small world! We have neverbeen ourselves but alwas have meant to visit.

  9. Donna Alice

    Chiquita's leap year paper was so sweet! Makes me wish my homeschoolers were little again and we could do the fun stuff. We are now doing high school and 9th grade – groan! After six weeks of Macbeth I would love to make a fruity snack and do a leap year project. Enjoy these golden days!

  10. Katie V.

    Really enjoyed this post! Yes, these certainly are the golden years (I've got three little guys). Thank you for the fun ideas! Chiquita writes so well. my oldest will be turning six in two weeks. God bless!

  11. Katie V.

    PS. do you do a lot of preparation ahead for these activities or are some spontaneous? (like the frog)

  12. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica, I have been reading and enjoying your blog for some time, but haven't commented much. I have always been amazed that you have three brothers-in-law who are priests! With the decline in vocations, what do you think led them there? Something unique about your mother and father-in-law? Even devout families do not seem to have sons (let alone three!) entering the priesthood these days. Your family and your husband's family seems so amazing — you should seriously consider writing a book some day on Catholic parenting. I know, in all your free time! Thanks again for sharing on this blog and God bless! Julie

  13. Grace Hincapie

    Fr. Dennis will definitely be in my prayers! My brother is discerning the Benedictines at Clear Creek. I hope you have a holy and restful Lent.


  14. Jessica Gordon

    I'm sorry about that! I did have a couple widgits (Catholic Mothers Online, etc) that I had to delete since they were causing problems for some visitors. It took me a long time to figure it out. I'm glad it is loading better for you now! Thanks for taking a second to say hello! 🙂

  15. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, these sorts of things are usually spontaneous. I used what we had to make the frogs (I didn't have any grapes, and substituted mini-marshmallows for the cream cheese) and when I was searching for a leap day printable I ran across the time capsule. There was hardly any planning on my part at all, but we still had a fun day! 🙂

  16. Jessica Gordon

    Both of my in-laws are very devout and inspiring Catholics, and have always lived out their love for God and the Catholic Church daily. Even though they sent their kids to Catholic schools, my husband says that every Sunday his father would sit down and instruct them using the Baltimore Catechism, in addition to gathering his family for the daily rosary. The faith was not just taught by their mother (and at school), their father had a very active role in their faith formation as well, educating them and teaching by example. My husband says that seeing his father, on his knees at his bedside, praying frequently left a big impression on him as well. They raised their children to be open to God's will in their life, and ultimately it was God's grace and calling that led them to the priesthood.

  17. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you Sarah! They ended up having to admit him to the hospital last night… Please keep praying!

  18. Katie V.

    Ok thanks so much Jessica. Phew, makes me feel a lot better! 😉

  19. Anonymous

    Thank you for responding Jessica. Very inspirational!

  20. Nat and Holly

    Thanks for linking up to our Leap Day time capsule! We had fun filling them out with our kids too 🙂 Have a great weekend!


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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