My Daybook :: November 5, 2012

by | Nov 5, 2012 | All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, Chapel Veil, Daybook, The Veil, Veiling | 20 comments

Outside my window…
the leaves are falling off the trees and we have lots of firewood to stack!  Winter is on it’s way…

I am thinking…        
about blogging… and Facebook… and Copyright Terms and Conditions, which, apparently, most people just ignore!   I had absolutely no idea, when I posted this picture with a link to my blog post on my Shower of Roses Facebook page that it would go viral like it did.   I guess the Holy Spirit wanted it out there for some reason.  Still, I would have preferred being asked before my children’s picture was turned into a “Meme” to be shared all over the world.

I guess I was not clear enough when I said:  “do not ever allow pictures of my children/family to be reposted anywhere online, other than on my own blogs and Facebook pages.  If you see pictures of my children elsewhere online (other than on my personal friends blogs), please let me know.  My husband & I only want our family/children’s pictures posted in the context of how we choose to post them, and not used to illustrate other bloggers posts, etc, whether we agree with them or not.  Thank you for understanding and respecting our wishes!”

I am thankful… 
for all of my dear blog readers who are always watching out for me and my family, and letting me know when someone isn’t “Doing It Right!”  😉  And for all those that let the various commenters know that Captain was dressed as ST. PAUL!

Learning all the time… 
With Election Day tomorrow, we are going to spend this afternoon reading books about the Election Process (including the Electoral College) and creating our Election Lap Books!

Celebrating the liturgical year… 
Have you started preparing for Advent and Christmas?  I already have my Advent candles, since I ordered extra last year.  I purchased new nightgowns and pajamas to give all the children on Christmas Eve.  I’ve started choosing this year’s new Christmas themed picture books for the feast of St. Nicholas.  And I’ve started making and ordering a few gifts.  I like to be done with all (or at least most) of my shopping by the beginning of Advent, which is less than a month away!

From the kitchen… 
Don’t you love my “Fairytale Pumpkin” Vase?!  Hubby carved it out for me, inserting an empty pumpkin can in the middle, to hold the autumn flowers he brought home before our party last week.

I am working on… 
answering comments and emails.  A frequent question that I am asked, anytime I post a picture of my girls in their veils, is where they are purchased.   I’m currently looking for new veils for my older girls, but they have been wearing the Girls’ Kerchief Tie Veil for years.   (It’s time for me to order a couple replacements…) Rose’s gorgeous veil was a handmade gift from Amy!

I am creating… 
a blog post about this year’s All Hallows’ Eve Party.

I am going… 
to start shooting “raw” now that I am learning how to use Lightroom!  (I’m only using Lightroom 3, but 4 is now definitely on my wish list.  Thank you, Marc!)   

Oh, and I am going to clean my camera!

I am hoping… 
to complete our activities for “C” with Snuggle’s this week.  When it gets extra busy around here the Alphabet Path is the first thing to go, it seems.

I am praying… 
for a good outcome in tomorrow’s Election. Pray, pray, pray!!!

I am reading… 
Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts, See How They Run: Campaign Dreams, Election Schemes, and the Race to the White House, Vote!, So You Want to Be President?, and a few other books I picked up to share with the children.

Pondering these words…
I always love the saint quotes I find in my Catholic Daily Planner.  They aways seem to be exactly what I need to hear each week.  For example, here is last week’s quote from St. Francis de Sales:

“Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself.  Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them – every day begin the task anew.”

I am listening…  
to Rascal completing his spelling lesson/test. I can’t tell you how thankful I am for The Phonetic Zoo and all the products we are using from Institute for Excellence in Writing.  They are all so effective and sure make my job easier!

Around the house… 
lots of costumes that still need to be put away.  At least I have kept up with the laundry and they have all been washed.  Hopefully I can check that off my to-do list today.

One of my favorite things…  
my Catholic Embroidery Aprons!   I didn’t dress up for our All Saints’ Party, but I did wear my favorite St. Therese Apron.  🙂

This week’s plans…

  • Vote!
  • Take the kids to Mass and Adoration on Election Day
  • Return/Pick-up Library Books
  • Lego Robotics Classes for the Boys
  • Tutor on Thursday
  • Host an Online/Facebook Pampered Chef Party!
  • Try and stay away from all the candy and get back to my diet and exercise after completely failing last week…

A little peek at my day…
How is it possible that my little Bud is going to turn one next month?! 


  1. Krista

    Yes, anything one posts is apt to get "passed around" – it's the "dangers" of the internet it seems… One thing I notice when researching for feast day info/ideas is that I will see pictures of this and that from various blogs – people's kids, crafts, etc… I HAVE seen pictures from yours, too. This is when one goes to a general search via google, etc and an images link comes up. I will recognize some of the pictures there. I'm not sure if one can some how keep content from one's blog OFF those internet searches or not.

    I'll keep my eye out for ya, Jessica!

    God bless!

    PS – getting ready for a little snow here in VT on Wed night/Thursday – a Nor'easter is coming up the coast now! Best get that firewood of yours stacked, eh?! 🙂

    PPS – can't wait for Advent and Christmastide and all the great feasts within!!! Such a lovely time of year!!!!

  2. Lucy

    Oh ouch! That's awful Jessica. I saw the photo but assumed you'd given permission. I don't know if Facebook would help you deal with it – I guess it is one of those things that what we put online becomes in a practical if not a legal sense "public property" and passes out of our control. Which is a scary thought! At least in this case it was mainly positive attention for something lovely like getting dolled up for Halloween!

  3. Anonymous

    I never comment, but this time I have to! You should be so proud of your husband- I just paid $50 at a local grocery store for a flower arrangement in a pumpkin just like the one you pictured! I delivered it to a sick friend-I'd never pay that much for flowers for myself. Lol! It's beautiful! And yes, thanks to you, this year I am prepared for advent!

  4. yvonne

    I'm so sorry people don't "follow the rules". You are so generous with your postings and creativity. So many times the Moms will be chatting while we wait during CCD and your blog is always the one that gets recommended for "living the Faith". I'm sooooo not ready for Advent.

  5. Kelly

    I'm so sorry someone stole your photo! That's so sad. We're getting ready for Advent (most of the way there, I think) and St. Nicholas' day (ready) and Christmas (not even close!). We also have a first birthday next month, the day after Bud's as a matter of fact. I'm only partly ready for that, emotionally not at all though 🙂

  6. Erika

    You know, I saw that photo on my Facebook feed this morning and I sympathize with you! I would not want my personal photos taken (especially of my children) and turned into something to be spread across the internet without my express consent.

    Good for you on getting started on Christmas! I want to have most things done by the beginning of Advent, too. It really helps me live out the season as it is intended (because I don't like the focus to be on running around trying to find gifts, gifts and more gifts).

    God bless you!

  7. Mary

    Gotcha covered. 🙂

  8. Amanda L.

    Jessica, I need to say to you that this year I did a Bingo of Saints like yours in portuguese, and posted it in my blog, because here in Brazil we need this ideas. So I think you woldn't be angry because of it!
    I really love your blog because it aways makes me be happy to be Catholic and makes me want to have a numerous catholic family. Here in Brazil the most of catholic woman don't believe in it.

  9. mel

    I finally got an apron from Catholic Embriodery for my birthday. Really nice quality, I like it a lot and I'm thinking of ordering a couple more Christmas gifts.

  10. mel

    I finally got an apron from Catholic Embriodery for my birthday. Really nice quality, I like it a lot and I'm thinking of ordering a couple more Christmas gifts.

  11. Katie

    What kind of camera and lens do you have?
    And how do you keep your camera with you sooo much? They are big and bulky -I always find mine a nuisance to have around, esp. if I have a longer lens on it.

  12. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, if it hadn't been portrayed in a positive way I wouldn't have hesitated to ask for it to be removed. It happened on an extremely busy day for me, as I was getting ready for our huge party, and I didn't have time to spend online. By the time I did it had already made it's way around online, shared over 10,000 times and viewed by 350,000+ people, from what I counted.

    Anyhow, it is scary and really makes you think twice about what you share online!

  13. Jessica Gordon

    I think there might be setting for limiting the images from showing up in Google searches. I don't have a problem with that, but maybe I should change the settings at least until I have a chance to go through my archives and add © to all the images. It will take forever, and shouldn't be necessary, but it might deter at least some from taking and reusing the pictures.

    Thanks for all your comments lately, and the suggestions on the feast of All Souls!

  14. Jessica Gordon

    Birthdays… I now have TWO during December and haven't really started getting ready for either! :/

  15. Jessica Gordon

    I have no problem with that! You are more than welcome to recreate any ideas I share here, linking back to my blog posts. It's the pictures I post (particularly of my kids) that I don't want taken from here. I'm glad you enjoyed the Bingo game! God bless!

  16. Jessica Gordon

    I have a Canon 60D with the 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS UD Standard Zoom Lens. I also have this 50mm lens, but I haven't used it much yet.

    It is usually out sitting on my counter, and when we take the kids somewhere (field trips, etc) I am usually carrying it over my shoulder or it's in my diaper bag. I have a case, but I find it hard to use when I am out and about. I've been looking at another that might be a little more practical.

    It is a nuisance, especially since I'm usually carrying a baby, too. But I think the pictures are worth it, even if I'm not able to play around with the settings much. 🙂

  17. Jennifer Elia

    I have been planning for Christmas since New Years–Ha! I'm a bit of a planner, and since I have started crafting most of my gifts, it takes me that long. I am dying for my kids to decide to write the St. Nicholas letters. On, St. Nicholas day, they leave a letter in their shoe saying what they would like in their stocking. It keeps the Christmas gimmes down since stocking gifts must be small and low cost. Mostly they ask for candy—but I want to know so I have time to get it. I suppose this is a great exercise in patience.

    We need to get back to our alphabet study, last week was supposed to be H, but we spent the week recovering from the hurricaine. At least hurricaine starts with H. The devestation is unreal, we only lost power for 5 days, most of my friends are still out and some won't have it back until after Thanksgiving….anyway, sorry to ramble. Great post, Jessica!

  18. Krista

    Yes, it's an unfortunate situation and will be a lot of time to copyright all your pictures… 🙁 The internet makes this a SMALL world…. Good luck on trying to curb this, Jessica! I will keep it in my prayers….!


    PS – hope you get a chance to listen to a Requiem Mass or two – Duruflé is the BEST! Plus, you will recognize the plainsong chant he bases his settings on – just GORGEOUS!

  19. Anonymous

    I can't believe our boys are getting so big either. It kind of makes me sad… but happy too. Where does the time go? And Rose looks so cute in her veil!!


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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