“My First Holy Communion” Party Favors

by | Jan 19, 2012 | First Communion | 4 comments

In addition to the Baptism Favors, I also made First Holy Communion Lollipop Favors for the Cake Reception following the girls’ First Holy Communion and the baby’s Baptism.  For these I used the Girl Communion Candy Mold (a boy version is also available), along with Lollipop sticks, white and pink candy melts.

You can see an example of how the multi-colored candies are made in this post.  I poured the melted white chocolate into the center of the mold first, let it harden in the fridge, and then finished the lollipops by filling the mold the rest of the way with the pink candy and adding the lollipop stick.   It would have been helpful to have more than one mold, but since I really couldn’t make very many at a time (due to a little one who loves to be held) I made them four at a time over a three day period as I had little bits of free time.

I packaged the candy shells in Clear Treat Bags, tying them with Pink Curling Ribbon. I made similar tags to the Baptism favors, some reading “My First Holy Communion…Deo Gratias!” and some that were customized with “God Bless (Child’s Name)”at the top, and the date of the First Holy Communion on the bottom.  I just used scissors to cut the circles, which really didn’t take long, but I would love to purchase a 2″ circle punch for the future.  I cut the 2 1/2” scalloped backgrounds using my CricutWinter Woodland Cartridge, and gold card stock.

Here is the link to my document for the “My First Holy Communion” tags, which I printed out onto white card stock, in case anyone would like to use them in the future:

I was planning on making a couple dozen Cross Lollipops as well, but ended up running out of time even thought they are quicker to make and also take less of the melted candy.  These would be a great option if you need a lot of favors.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to display the lollipops, and started looking for a styrofoam block.   I wasn’t able to find anything, and wasn’t about to spend $8-10 dollars for one from Walmart, so I ended up cutting down a shoebox (from a cute pair of new boots), to make it shallower, wrapped it in gold wrapping paper, and then punched holes in the top with a hammer and nail.  The lollipops didn’t stand up completely straight, but I thought it worked well enough, especially since it didn’t require purchasing any more supplies.  🙂


  1. Catherine Anne

    It has been so nice reading past post here today. What a beautiful family you have. Blessings Catherine

  2. Lori

    Beautifully done Jessica! Blessings, Lori

  3. Donna Alice

    You always have such clever ideas! I'm constantly 'borrowing' ideas especially for our Girls' Camp at church. Last year we borrowed your Marian tea party idea and the little girls were thrilled. One sweet little girl even asked Father, "When is the Blessed Mother coming?" Of course, since it was Mary's party she was the invited guest. 🙂 The girls and little Bud looked so sweet on their special day!


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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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