Oktoberfest/Costume Party

by | Oct 25, 2012 | Autumn, Costumes, Godparents, Oktoberfest | 27 comments

This past Saturday Rascal’s godparents, who just came back from a trip to Germany, decided to host an Oktoberfest/Costume Party.   They served German wursts, German potato salad and sauerkraut.  Everyone was asked to bring a German food or dessert to share, and dress in fun, modest and not scary costumes!   After our crazy couple days, I had to keep it simple and just picked up Pretzel Slider Rolls and Apple Strudel from Costco, but it was so nice to get out and visit with friends! 

I tried my best to convince the kids dress up as the 7 dwarves, and I could go as a (non-Disney) version of Snow White, with Hubby dressing as Prince Charming The Huntsman.  But they wouldn’t go for it! 😉  I had a couple girls, one in particular, that just didn’t like the idea of dressing as a boy dwarf!   In the end, I liked their idea better, anyways.

The four oldest decided to dress as Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy from The Chronicles of Narnia. Edmund even had an injured lip from being hit by the White Witch!   They even decided to dress Bud up as a lion to represent Aslan.

Isn’t he just the cutest little lion ever? 
As I mentioned in my Daybook, Snuggles insisted on dressing as Peter Pan and came up with most of his costume on his own!  Our little Pixie (as we affectionately call this petite youngest daughter of ours) dressed up as (a modestly dressed) Tinkerbell.   
Now to finish preparing the Saint Costumes for this week’s Costume Party at our Parish, and our upcoming All Hallows’ Eve Party on the 31st here at our home!


  1. Jan

    Wonderful costumes!

  2. Anonymous

    Can you tell us where you got those marvelous capes for the girls? They (the capes but especially the girls) are beautiful!

    God bless –

  3. Kelly

    How fun! Great costumes, too. I love the Narnia and Peter Pan theme. Cute!

  4. Katie V.

    Great costumes! How much fun! An I think it's so nice your daughters are so feminine regarding their costumes!

  5. Anonymous

    I just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful blog! I run a Little Flowers group in a nearby town with 21 girls and am thinking of starting another group in our town and have found your blog a wonderful font of knowledge! As a mom, it inspires me to try to be more "there" for my children and to think about everyday things more spiritually. Thank you!! Janelle Spencer, mother of 4, Michigan

  6. Charlotte (WaltzingM)

    I love the battle-ready faces on your big boys! And never have I seen a more modest Tinkerbell. And I could just cuddle that little lion all day long!

  7. Julie


  8. Marie

    Love! Your kids are so cute!

    Can you please direct me to your post about the party you hosted last year? I can't seem to find it and really could use some inspiration. Thank you!

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you for your comment! God bless you for running a group… It's a lot of work leading, but so worth the effort!

  10. Jessica Gordon

    Oh, yes, they were trying very hard to keep a straight face! 😀 Looking forward to the day you do get to cuddle that little lion… Hopefully he won't have outgrown the cuddle stage! He needs to meet his godmother soon!

  11. Katie

    Cute – cute – you always make things come together so nicely – as if it is so easy! I know it is not, but you sure have a knack for it!
    I am so curious – what kind of car do you have with 7 kiddos? just being nosy! we are only at (almost) 5, but will be full in our car! 🙂

  12. Mary

    Beautiful family, beautiful pictures, and beautiful format!

    I love Dad's T-shirt!!!

    If my husband would wear a T in public, ESPECIALLY with words on it, this would be one he'd boast!

    I'm so glad that you reminded me of ourcoatsofmanycolors too! I still have one or two who could use one of these costumes – especially the boys!

    Happy Month of the Holy Rosary!


  13. Jennifer Elia

    Looks great. My daughter decided a few months ago that she wanted to be ST Kateri and has been hard at work at her costume. It's fairly elaborately beaded for what Kateri would have had, but hey she's a saint now, she deserves a little sparkle. We are just hoping that we have a Halloween this year. Huge storm forecasted for the early part of the week. Last year, we had our only snow storm right before Halloweem and there was no electricity and massive flooding.

    Please pray for the "Princess and the Kiss" book reading party, it is scheduled for this Sunday and I am going to have to make a judgement call. The girls are all so excited, it will be a shame to have to cancel. I have the activities all ready to ship to your girls once we get to have the party.

    Take care and enjoy the week, sound like you have a lot of great things planned as usual.

  14. Mama Bear, JD

    This is my first year to homeschool and I am finding your past posts so helpful in planning our activities for this week! I really appreciate the time you have put into sharing your great ideas.

  15. Mary

    What did YOU go as, Jessica? 😉

  16. Kimberlee

    As you can probably guess, we love your costumes! 😉 They all look fabulous, and so sweet to have Aslan with them. So glad Edmund is feeling better and having fun after such a hard time. (hope he didn't have too much Turkish delight at the party)That's also the sweetest Tinkerbell and Peter Pan ever!

  17. Collette

    Soooo cute!
    Your kids did such a great job figuring out all of their themes and costumes….esp. love the little lion. 🙂
    AND Peter Pan & Tinkerbell – very sweet!

  18. Jessica Gordon

    We have a Toyota Siena. It only has 8 seats, so we are currently one seat short… We are hoping and praying to be able to purchase a larger van, but at this point everything is going to Dental bills. Someday. In the meantime we still have enough seats when it's just the kids and I (which is most of the time) and two of the kids double buckle on occasion (5 miles to Mass on Sundays and events like this). If we have far to go we are going to need to start taking two cars as the kids get bigger. I've loved the Sienna, and will miss it when we do go to a larger car.

  19. Jessica Gordon

    Isn't his t-shirt great! And totally NOT FAIR! 😉 It was perfect for my husband!

  20. Jessica Gordon

    Praying for you, the storm, and your meeting this weekend! I've also been meaning to email you back for awhile now, but am way behind once again! Looking forward to hearing about your meeting, if you are able to have it.

  21. Jessica Gordon

    Yay for homeschooling! Glad to hear my posts have been helpful! Have a wonderful and blessed school year!

  22. Jessica Gordon

    You know, I thought about you and your children when mine told me their plan! 🙂

  23. Anonymous

    I don't see you…. 🙂

    I love the costumes. It looks like it was such a blast! Wish we could have gone!

  24. Anonymous

    I realize that this is a very old comment, but I must warn you that the first link takes anyone who clicks it to a very, very bad website. The first thing you see is something no one should. I don't know how, but this site's links must have been hacked.

  25. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you for letting me know!

    Last year "Our Coats of Many Colors" (a company who has been selling saints costumes for many years) warehouse burned down… a couple months ago I happened to look them up again to see if they were back in business and realized the links to their website were all redirecting to horrible websites! I spent hours combing through my blog removing all the links that I had shared over the years.. but somehow missed the one in the comment above. I'll be spending more time tonight searching some more — and asking my guardian angel to help me! — to see if I can find any other bad links… I'm deleting the comment above since I am not able to edit it.

    The original reply from Oct 25, 2012 (minus links) read:

    "I purchased them from Our Coats of Many Colors! The pink cape is the same that Twinkle Toes used to dress as St. Margaret of Scotland in 2009 and the Green is from their St. Brigid Costume (which I purchased this year, when they had their Facebook sale). They are so beautiful and well made, and definitely worth the cost since my girls have (and will continue) to get so much use out of them! I do purchase them big and just cinch the dresses up (to reduce the length) with the belt rope so they can get many years of use out of them. 🙂 "


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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