On Easter Morning {Our 2012 Easter Baskets!}

by | Apr 12, 2012 | Easter, Easter Baskets | 8 comments

Following Mass on Easter Morning, we returned home and the children were all so excited to see what was inside their Easter Baskets!  I just wasn’t able to make all our handmade candy this year, but we still included a Chocolate Cross and a hollow chick filled Easter Egg in each basket.  They each received a couple new books and some bubbles as well.  Last Christmas I had misplaced a box of stocking stuffers which really made filling the baskets extra easy this year!  
This year’s Family Easter Symbols Basket was also a hit, though I never did have a chance to order some bells.   Instead I included a beautiful CD from the bookstore at my brother-in-law’s new monastery.  We haven’t started the puzzle yet, but hope to this weekend.
It was our little Bud’s First Easter!  Last Easter Sunday we had just found out that he was on the way, and shared the news with our very excited children.  
Bud really enjoyed all of his goodies.  His Easter Basket contained his patron Saint from Saintly Silver, Easter Babies, The Tale of Sir Prance-A-Lot, and Mortimer the Moose.  (We usually include a toy or two in ach basket.)  His basket also contained a sweet cloth book made by his Godmother and another patron saint doll sent as a baby gift from St. Luke’s Brush!  (Thank you Charlotte, Amy & Garry!)
Bud has been extra cranky these past few days, which makes me think he might be teething already.  He sure loves chewing on those antlers! 
Rose’s basket contained her new books, The Story of Saint Perpetua, some new sunglasses, shoes, and hair ribbons, and a lovely St. Therese Doll
Snuggles was especially excited about the awesome little Log Carrier that he received, in addition to Simon and the Easter Miracle, Easter in the Garden, a St. Gabriel (for our little one in heaven) painted doll, a little chick finger puppet, and his very first little lego set

I never seem to have any trouble (over) filling my girls’ baskets!   In addition to their books, Beautiful Butterflies Stained Glass Coloring Book and Fancy Nancy’s Elegant Easter for Chiquita, and Kat Finds a Friend a St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Story and Zita the Spacegirl for Twinkle Toes, Chiquita also received her own bonnet (she is currently studying the Early 19th Century and hoping for a “Prairie/Kirsten” themed birthday in a couple weeks), and both the girls received a couple beautiful new coloring books from their Grandma (Choirs of Angels and Mary Most Holy), new sunglasses and hair ribbons, nesting doll tape and pencil holder, new journals, and a couple American Girl Craft Kits that I found on clearance at the craft store.   Instead of a patron saint item, I included the gorgeous Blessed Imelda dolls that I had originally ordered as First Communion gifts, but didn’t arrive in time.  These dolls are just precious!

Twinkle Toes especially loved the Zita the Spacegirl book!  Within hours she had read the whole book, and has re-read it a couple times since.  I’ve already pre-ordered the sequel to save for her birthday or Christmas.  She thought it was really neat that I went to college with the author/illustrator, Ben Hatke.  
Yes, even Rascal enjoyed her book on Easter, though he tried covering up the title right after I snapped this picture when he realized I has my camera.  😉 
It took a little more work, but the older boys’ baskets were filled with goodies too: new books, beautiful Patron Saint Dolls from Catholic Folk Toys (that I’d been saving), Wood Colored Pencils, NHL Trading Cards, Gum, Little Blank Books, Mini-Figures, little games, and a couple little lego sets.  For some reason my boys are loving all the fire themed lego sets! 😉 
I think this post wraps up all the pictures I had hoped to share from our Easter celebration.  Click here to see pictures from this year’s Family Picture, Easter Egg Hunt, Decorating our Easter CakesEaster Sunday Dinner, and a few more pictures!  


  1. Roxaline

    Everybody in our house loves Legos! Have you seen the new girly Legos? My girls each got one in their Eater baskets and spent the rest of the afternoon playing with them!

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, I've seen them, but I haven't purchased any of them yet… My boys are great at keeping all the little pieces picked up, but not my girls. They have enough just trying to keep up with all their tiny calico critter toys. 🙂 The do have fun playing with their brothers' legos though!

  3. Jennifer Elia

    Great Easter baskets. I actually this morning just ordered a Blessed Imelda for my daughter's friend's Communion in May. It is so funny to me though because I know Joanne who makes them, she lives 5 minutes from me and it warms my heart to see her dolls shipped clear across the country to your beautiful girls. My kids keep begging for St Michael and Blessed Kateri, maybe next Christmas. As always a most enjoyable and inspiring post! God bless, hope little Bud is doing better. Hylands' Teething Tablets always helped my babies.

  4. Cathy

    Jessica, what a wonderful and blessed (and busy!) Easter you had. Thanks so much for including all of us via your beautiful pictures!

  5. fadfd

    Everyone looks so happy and healthy! I'm so glad everyone is well again.

    Where you happy with your paschal eggs?

  6. Julie Maria


    Please, anyone knows where I can find this cute nun dolls? The white and the brown one in the internet? I need a better picture of them!

    Thanks and God bless!!!

    Julie Maria

  7. Laura

    Hola Jessica, soy Laura de Argentina, te conocí a traves del blog familia catolica, estoy enamorada de tu familia, de tu trabajo, de tus ideas, de tus impresionantes fotografías y producciones. (no se escribir en ingles) quiero agradecer todo lo que compartis y contarte que esto de las canastitas me inspiró para esta pascua, "las mias no le llegan ni a los talones a las tuyas", pero quedé contenta igual y te comparto mi humilde resultado tomado de tu blog http://familiaunafiesta.blogspot.com.ar/2015/04/pascua-regalo-canastas.html (me fascinan tus fiestas de los santos, los cumpleaños, los libros, tu casa…TODO) Qué el Señor no deje de bendecirte saludos desde el hemisferio sur.


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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