{pretty, happy, funny, real} ~ Celebrating Candlemas

by | Feb 3, 2012 | {phfr}, Candlemas | 22 comments

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life. ~


.: Our 2012 Candlemas Luncheon Menu :.
Pure Hearts
Turtledove Sandwiches
Holy Simeon’s Arms (Pretzels)
Anna the Prophetess Black Olives
Piercing Swords with Cheese Cubes
Pure White Punch


Very happy that their Momma pulled herself together enough to have another fun Candlemas Celebration this year!  It has been a rough week…
Super happy to have a chance to hold Bud for a minute… and that he wasn’t crying! 

“Momma, please put the camera down and hurry…  I’m hungry!”


My lunch…  
It was real hard to make all that yummy looking food for the kiddos without even having one little taste!  I have been off of dairy, sugar, and pretty much all pre-packaged/processed foods since Tuesday afternoon, after meeting with our pediatrician.  (Dairy was his recommendation and I added the rest to try and get a jump start on the ridiculous amount of weight I now need to lose, without cutting calories.)
He is still fussy (in fact he was worse than ever on the way home from the grocery store last night – the carseat, especially at night, is the worst!)  but, for the moment, he is sleeping peacefully snuggled in his swing with his new cute and comfy flannel quilt.  That’s a definite improvement!! 

Visit Like Mother, Like Daughter for more pictures of contentment!


  1. Barbara

    Wish I could come and hold your little fusspot all evening. He is so beautiful. Happy feast day!

  2. Jessica Gordon

    I had just started to type that I couldn't believe that he was actually still sleeping (on his own) and then he just woke up, and was very mad when he realized he wasn't being held! lol! Thank you again for the blanket, Barbara! We love it!!

  3. Charlotte (WaltzingM)

    I am totally in love with that tiny tuft of hair he has sticking up while he sleeps so cozily in his beautiful quilt! And Barbara, I call long distance dibs on the fusspot!

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Snuggles was cracking up over his "stick em' up hair" earlier! He had just had a bath, which always makes his hair all fluffy. 🙂

  5. Nicole

    Sorry to hear it's been tough, Jessica. The few times I've had dairy since Zoe was born is rough on her. And she's a totally laid-back baby. But, having gone through this with my third, I'll say keep it up and you should see improvement within a week, and even more so the more time passes. Strangely, it didn't cause a lot of crying with my third but she never slept and it caused her GI distress.

    Prayers coming your way that it eases up. Get sleep when you can. And oh my goodness, I do not know how you pulled off such a beautiful-looking tea! This is my first time all day that I have not held Zoe (growth spurt I think – I am tired!). I seem to recall mentioning to the kids it was Candlemas but it's a blur. 😉

  6. Dawn

    I hope next week is easier. I hope going dairy free helps.

  7. Erin

    Aw, I have a car seat crier, too… all of mine have been to one degree or another, but the current baby's been the earliest and worst. And to be out of my arms even while sleeping is the end of the world, so here i am, typing one-handed while she sleeps on me… ah well, they grow quickly. i hope limiting dairy helps, and if not, hope the fussiness just gets lesser as he grows!

  8. Lindsay Boever

    So sorry to hear about his fussiness. Really, it is so trying every time we have a new baby and they scream all the time. Although, to have a baby screaming in the car EVERY TIME is immediate sainthood. My friend once told me when I pulled up to her house that she thought a cat was being killed outside because she heard the horrible shrieking from the baby. Then, you can't eat anything because it just upsets them even more. A very special cross the Good Lord has given you. I will pray for your strength and courage and thank you for all your sufferings. I am sure the devil is very mad at you for all the good work you are doing through homeschooling and all the people you inspire through your blog. God speed my friend.

  9. Summer

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful tea with us. It even more special knowing the effort that went into it!
    Crying babies are tough! My 5th, a boy also, sounds just like yours. Oh how he cried in the carseat and we live 45 minutes from anything! Sigh. Just a quick thought to add to all the great advice: My ped. wanted to put the wee babe on prilosec. I couldn't stand the idea of one so little on a prescription before I had tried other natural relief. After much research, I found Colic Calm http://www.coliccalm.com/index.html Its homeopathic. For us, it worked beautifully. You could just see him relax as soon as he took it. My grandmother laughed and said that it all the ingredients probably just added up to whiskey, which is what she gave her fussy babies. 😉 I have an extra unopened bottle because my dh ordered more as soon as #6 made a peep. He never needed it! I can always mail it too you to try, if you like.
    God Bless,

  10. Katie V.

    My youngest was allergic to dairy and soy. So I switched to Almond Milk (Almond breeze, unsweetened, plain tastes the most similar to milk, for me at least. They also just came out with Almond/coconut milk which is quite nice. after my Benjamin went through that awful colicky period (now icant even remember how long it lasted, 6 months?), he turned out to be my most easy going, laid back child. Yes, and I agree, it's something to offer up for all the wonderful inspiration you offer through your blog. With prayers. God bless!

  11. Katie V.

    Ps I meant to say —-a little something to offer up because yes, the devil is angry to see such a devout family, homeschooling mom and spreading the Good News through your blog!

  12. Anonymous

    Sending prayers for peace and tranquility for you, Jessica. Your new little bud definitely looks like he is thriving and growing, so come spring, perhaps that little Bud will open up and settle in and not cause so much stress for his Mama. Your home looks like the very place I would love to be, so much love for our Lord and each other. You will be rewarded for your being such an inspiration! Thank you!

  13. Unknown

    Hi, I am new to your site, my friend told me what wonderful ideas she has glemed from you and I had to check it out. What a beautiful family you have!

    I see that others have already mentioned it but I will as well – MSPI, Milk soy protein intolerance. Three of my four kids have had this and it makes them miserable when those protiens are in their systems. As long as you are cutting out the milk, maybe try the soy because it is not that much more and you can always add it in if your little one gets feeling better and test to see if he can handle it. We never had any tests done but all of the issues resolved just by food elimination. My youngest is now 15months and has not grown out of it yet but with God's grace soon will. You'll be in our prayers. Oh, and you can e-mail me if you have any questions or need food ideas. betsyandscott (at) abe (dot) midco (dot) net

  14. Jessica Gordon

    As my children get older, they remember the feast days on their own, and don't let me forget! 🙂

    My doctor didn't mention soy, but I try to avoid it for the most part anyways, and haven'e had any. I will make sure to intentionally avoid it as well. I'm really not surprised that the dairy is most likely affecting him, especially since I am "severely intolerant" myself, but just have a really hard time avoiding it for my own sake. The last couple days I have just eaten meats, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, using coconut oil for cooking and a few spices. The baby slept so much better last night and has taken a couple naps on his own today. I am feeling better too. The hard part will be keeping it up, and being able to keep enough produce in the fridge!

  15. Jessica Gordon

    I had meant to pick up some unsweetened almond milk at the store but forgot. (I did pick up some coconut milk.) I will have to add that to my shopping list for next time. Thank you for the reminder, and for the prayers!

  16. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you all for the comments, emails, suggestions, encouragement, and most of all prayers! After two days of being diary (and soy, etc) free we are already noticing a difference. He is less fussy and sleeping on his own. I'm not ready to try and go anywhere (particularly at night) with him yet, after out last trip to town, but very happy to see such great improvements already.

  17. CeAnne

    Love the strawberries! They make me think of Tounges of Fire… Pentecost treat maybe?! You are always so creative! Love reading your bloc <3

  18. Lena

    lovely tea!

    your salad looks delish. give it about two more weeks on your new "diet" and you won't even crave the sugar. i can't attest to quick weight loss but you will be restoring your health. ALL FOR!

  19. Gardenia

    what a beautiful table full of lovely things to eat!! Your little Rose all of the sudden looks older — I'm sure it's that little Bud is now here. you children must be a source of great joy for you. i see the love and happiness in all their faces. God bless you!

  20. Lisa

    The quilt is very cheery. The menu sounds – and looks – great! Those pure hearts – are they strawberries halved, and dipped in a white something. Cream cheese, or maybe white chocolate? What a good idea.
    And your kids are so, so cute.

  21. Jessica Gordon

    I had extra melted white chocolate from making the candle cookies so I cut the stems off of some strawberries and then dipped them in the melted white chocolate. I set them on some wax paper. After they had hardened I cut them in half, revealing the "heart" in the middle. They were super quick and easy to make. 🙂


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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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