Six Months Old Today…

by | Jun 20, 2012 | Precious Moments: 07 | 24 comments

… and just as cute as can be!

* I’ll be back soon with some pictures from our camp/retreat – the girls even wore their new hippie Sacred Heart T-shirts one day, and looked super cute – but first I need to finish unpacking, catch up on the mountain of laundry, and try to fit in some sleep and exercise.   I’ve been drinking way too much coffee the last few days which (I am pretty sure) was the cause of a full blown panic attack at the grocery store late last night…  If you could offer a little prayer for me, and that Bud sleeps for at least a couple hours tonight, I’d be very thankful!


  1. Maggie

    praying you get sleep…we moms need that most!!

  2. Jamie Jo

    I'm up with you–Simeon has had a fever since Sat night, doctor said he's just teething!! We've also had storms during the night the past few nights, so all the kiddos end up with us in the nights….I'll pray for you, will you for me? 🙂

    (I need to pump in the middle of all that too)

  3. Jamie Jo

    Little Bud has a tiny bit more hair than Simeon!! He's adorable!!

    Simeon will be 6 mos on Friday.

  4. EllaM

    He is so precious! Praying you get a few hours refreshing sleep tonight. I know how you feel – my new little one is 6 weeks and every time he wakes up so does my 2 year old. 🙂

  5. CeAnne @ Sanctus Simplicitus

    He is quite a cutie! God sends little blessings right at the time we need it. Sending up some prayers for a smooth transition back home!

  6. Jennifer Elia

    Praying for you. He is just beautiful, getting so big so quickly though. Why do babies have to do that?

  7. Nicole

    So cute! I hope you had some rest last night.

  8. Bonnie

    You do have a beautiful little boy! I will keep you in our prayers. My husband and I will be in Scotland for three weeks and would love to send the children postcards. Please email me if you would like this to happen. I in return will fill you about our very Catholic family.

  9. fadfd

    Oh Jessica I hope you slept well. He is getting so big so fast!

  10. Lori

    Oh, he is just beautiful! Praying you can catch up on some rest soon! Love, Lori

  11. Anonymous

    I said a Memorare for you. God bless!
    Teresa in Kansas

  12. Shauna

    I am so sorry that you had a panic attack. I had my first one last September but I didn't know what was happening. I was a greeter at our church carnival and all of a sudden I became afraid of everything. I didn't even trust my husband to watch our kids, I thought he was going to lose them. I didn't calm down until I got to the car. It has only happened one other time since them at the grocery store. This time I knew what was happening and found a chair to sit in and just concentrated on my breathing and repeated the Hail Mary over and over. I made it out of the store fine 🙂 I haven't associated it with coffee. For me I think it stress and anxiety and then a public space triggers it.
    Anyway, Bud is beautiful and I pray that you can relax and have some stress free days ahead of you!

  13. Anonymous

    All of the negative comments about tie-dye and jabs at 'hippies' make me feel more and more like I will never have a place in the Catholic mom community. We have three boys all named for Saints that are dear to us. We cloth diaper. We eat all natural and organic. I dread my hair. I make our own non-toxic cleaners. We listen to the Dead and like music. I don't shave my legs. We burn incense. We recycle and emphasize the importance of ecological stewardship. We go to mass but are shunned a lot because of how we dress. We respect and enjoy learning about other religions but eagerly talk about our own when asked. If not for the fact that we are regular mass-going, NFP using, prayerful people I am sure that the majority of Catholic moms (especially those who blog) would have NOTHING to do with us and I am sure that despite that they would not want their children to have anything to do with mine. I have experienced this… and it makes me sad. I will never forsake Christ, but I can see why so many outside the Church see me as a hypocrite when looking at other members. Please think before you post and speak.

  14. Anonymous

    Oh goodness he is so CUTE!!!!

    And watch the coffee! This has happened to you before. Eat lots of fruits and veggies and not too many carbs, that should help energy levels.

  15. Anonymous

    I just wanted to say that as someone who knows Jessica in real life (she and her husband are my son's godparents) that she meant no harm. I am a cloth diapering, granola making, recycling mom who makes all her own cleaners too. She loves me and my family.

    It is so hard to read things sometimes and hear people's tone. I know that Jessica would never mean to hurt anyone or want anyone to feel that they are not good enough. We all have our own path in this world. God created us to be different. If we were all the same, the world would not be as beautiful as it can be.

    It sounds like you have been the butt of some nastiness and I am sorry. I have been there too. Some people have a hard time with people who are not exactly like them. I assure you, Jessica is not such a person. And I am sorry that anyone treated you badly for who you are.

  16. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, I am praying for you too, Jamie! I'm pretty sure that my little guy is teething too… poor babies!!

  17. Jessica Gordon

    I know!! He is growing up way too quickly…

  18. Jessica Gordon

    That is very thoughtful of you! Thank you! And how fun to be traveling to Scotland! I hope you have a great trip!!

  19. Jessica Gordon

    Panic Attacks are so scary, especially the first time! I was thankful that I knew what was happening the other night, or I might have opted to head to the ER instead of home. I had another mild one last night, at home, but I'm feeling a lot better today… so far! 🙂 My mind has just been racing with all the things that I need/want to get done…. I just need to slow down and let a few things go, I suppose. Thank you for sharing your own experiences with me and for the prayers!

  20. Bonnie

    Thanks for the wishes,I hope you are feeling better. We have visited St. Andrews for the last ten years( our youngest graduated from the University) and we love the town. We are not golfers, but we love being able to walk on the course, the course is closed for golf on Sundays and walking is permitted ALL over the course We can walk to Sunday mass at St. James. My husband will celebrate his 80th birthday there. Next year we will be in Rome. My 3rd daughter's brother-in-law is an ordained priest studying in Rome for 5 years. I watched him grow as a little boy, into this wonderful priest. We want to spend sometime with him. We will remember you in our prayers. All of your followers are not young mother's with small children, some I'm sure are grandmothers like me (I have eight). You are a wonderful mother with great wisdom. God bless.

  21. Jennifer Elia

    I wish God created children with a pause button. It slips by way too quickly. (and volume control–LOL!)

  22. Kelly

    Jessica, your Bud is just so beautiful! His eyes!! They just melt my heart. 🙂

    I know I'm reading this late, but I will be praying for you. I'm sorry to hear about your panic attack. I've had similar occurrences and I'm pretty sure it was coffee related. My girlfriend introduced me to some essential oils that you can use as a "pick-me-up" instead of caffeine. I've tried them in the afternoon when I really start dragging and it does seem to work. I guess it's aroma therapy. I don't know much about it, but I can message you with more information if you're interested. God bless you!

  23. Erin

    I think it was a joke, not an attempt to be judging hippies. I also use cloth diapers, natural foods/cleaners, my kids have all nursed into the preschool years, and they even wear some tie dye. I didn't feel any judgement in the hippie comments. And I can see that as Catholics living in very liberal states than people may not want to be wrongly identified with the political and secular conceptions of what hippies are. I hate that as a very natural person, I am really in the minority among other natural parents because they are mostly either atheists or the variety of Christians who think relativism rules and that there is no Absolute Truth.


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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