I’ve used Little Saints Preschool with all of our children.
When our oldest was in Preschool (back in 2003-2004) I nearly burned myself out on homeschooling that very first year, trying to “do it all!” I remember spending most of the summer in 2003 collecting all the books (all of our local libraries were closed down at that time due to budget restraints), art supplies, and cutting out countless pieces of felt and paper for all the activities in the program, combining Little Saints with Mother of Divine Grace from 2003-2005.
The following year (2005-2006) seemed like a breeze when I decided to just enroll Captain in Seton for Kindergarten, even though Seton (as a whole) ended up not being the right fit for our family… Since then I’ve continued to use bits and pieces of the Little Saints Preschool program with the rest of the children. Of course, like everything we do, I love to modify and expand on the themes with some of our own ideas, books, snacks, and recipes. The themes are a great place to start though, and the book is filled with all sorts of suggestions.
Below you will find links to a few of the weekly themes that have made it on to the blog. I will continue to add to this post as time goes on…. Perhaps by the time all our children my grandchildren have made it through preschool there will be links to all the themes. However, I’m not making any promises! 😉
2008-2009 (Twinkle Toes and Chiquita)
I Belong to God (Theme #1)
Having Fun with the Alphabet (Theme #2)
My Five Senses (Theme #3)
Number Fun (Theme #4)
Winter Fun (Theme #22)
2011-2012 (Snuggles)
I Belong to God (Theme #1)
Alphabet Fun (Theme #2)
Colors/Guardian Angels (Theme #9)
2016-2017 (Rose and Bud)
Alphabet Fun (Theme #2)
Fall Is Here! (Theme #10)
2022-2023 (Grace and Joy)
I Belong to God (Theme #1)
Alphabet Fun (Theme #2)
My Five Senses (Theme #3)
Number Fun (Theme #4)
Colors/Guardian Angels (Theme #9)
Fall is Here! (Theme #10)
I still have our Little Saints program from YEARS ago and I nearly burned myself out too, but I still love it and have used parts of it here and there. It has been a great springboard for ideas this school year – even though I don't have a preschooler.
I'm glad you got these together. We use little saints some too.I love out, but it is a lot. I am doing my own little preschool alphabet path for my three youngest this year with it. I have changed some of the names of the units so there is at least one for each letter, and I will just pick a couple of activities in each unit to do. Next year we can do it again and pick a couple different activities. 🙂