Seeing Quick Takes like this (#1 and #5) reminds me how much I love about our home state, despite the challenges… No place is perfect, right?! Our biggest challenge is the lack of traditional masses in our area, but we do have another Latin Mass coming up the first Sunday of October! It is the 4th in the series of “Quarterly Masses for a Year” that our pastor agreed to this year. Please keep this intention in your prayers. My husband will be meeting with him again following this next Mass to discuss any future masses to be scheduled. (And did you happen to see Bud’s little apperance on Father Z’s blog! You can click back to my original cake post here.)
Where is the coffee shop that offers $1 drinks for teachers and students? Is it local?
I love your blog and look forward to reading it.
God Bless.
Yes, it is a local coffee chain… If you are local send me an email and I'll give you the details. 🙂
Oooh!!! That apron is so pretty!
We have weekly devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in our parish. I put in a prayer intention that you get a weekly Latin Mass in your area.
God bless,
Meant to comment on your previous post, love the look of that book! And I remember it was by Catherine Bebe, I have an OOP vision book by her, The Bible Story, so the book caught my eye for that too. Have you Maria Montessori's Mass Book For Children?
And your husband must say, "you're a girl after me own heart" over those pretty pizzas. During the summer we started making homemade pizzas again, on Fridays, because it was something everybody loves, and easy to keep meatless. I'm going to take notes though, and write down those toppings and maybe we'll switch to Sunday night this winter for pizza! After years of searching for the perfect thin crust pizza dough, I finally found one we like…and it freezes well!(enough for four 12" pizzas) http://www.welivedhappilyeverafter.com/2012/07/crispiest-flakiest-thin-crust-pizza.html?m=1
I'll be searching for that beautiful book, We Know the Mass for Home, School and Church. It is surely something Neumann Press would have reprinted 🙁 Praying that your access to the Latin Mass increases…to weekly…then daily 🙂
The apron is gorgeous! – Genevieve
What time was dinner again? (I wanna make sure I'm ON TIME!) 😉
That pizza looks absolutely delicious!! We have instituted homemade pizza Fridays at our house, but I haven't done anything too adventurous with my toppings yet. I'm inspired!
We are Friday night pizza makers here too. We like this dough recipe for overnight pizza dough(I usually make it Wednesday and refrigerate it until Friday)http://www.fornobravo.com/pizzaquest/instructionals/59-written-recipes/169-ny-style-pizza-dough.html
Try a little corn meal under your pizza dough, won't stick and adds a nice little crunch.
Jessica: Regarding your love for pumpkin latte's – please check out #AJO. It's for a lovely young girl my daughter graduated from HS with in June and tragically died from an epileptic seizure. Next time you get a latte, pay it forward and ask them to mark the cup with #AJO.
#AJO Campaign Expands Globally
1109/12/2013 17:27 PM 09/13/2013 12:55 PM
A simple act of kindness has sparked a world wide pay it forward campaign.
The #AJO viral campaign has made it's way to Mexico, Hawaii and Australia, not to mention several states in the across the U.S.
AJO stands for Alyssa Josephine O'Neill, an Erie teen with Epilepsy who tragically died after suffering a seizure just over one week ago. Alyssa's father Jason O'Neill purchased a pumpkin spice latte at an Erie Starbucks and then 40 more for the following customers. This pay it forward campaign is now all over the world and thousands of dollars has been spent here in Erie alone. You can search #AJO to learn more about Epilepsy and the pay it forward campaign.
Thank you!
I'll have to try out your dough recipe, though the one we did use was such a hit! I was able to make a large batch of it and it stores nicely in the fridge for up to 2 weeks! It was from the Artisan Bread in 5 blog: Pizza Margherita! I made about 12 personal (dinner plate size – approx 8"?) pizzas from each batch of dough I've made so far.
Neumaan Press did come to mind when I was reading our book… Sigh… Thank you so much for the prayers, they are very much appreciated!
Do you mean "The Mass Explained to Children"? You know, I thought we had that book, but I am not finding it at the moment. I am going to have to see whether or not we do…
You let me know the time, and I'll make sure the pizza is ready! 😉 It would be so much fun!
The Apple Smoked Bacon on pizza is my new favorite – I found it at Trader Jo's after Cassandra suggested it and had it as one of the toppings for the pizzas she made when we visited. So so good! I sautéed the portobello mushrooms in a little bit of butter with garlic and they were another favorite here in our home. We also started grating some fresh parmesan on top of some of the pizzas as well and that is really good too. My younger kids love Canadian Bacon and Pineapple or Pepperoni. It was so fun to make them all their own pizza's just how they like them. I think we might have to institute a pizza night too! Fun!!
Well, the plane would take like 6 hours, then there's security – another 6, plus getting bags at terminal and drive to your house – better make it TOMORROW night! LOL! 🙂 But here's my order so it's ready to go when I arrive: double cheese, broccoli, pineapple, mushrooms and grated parmesan cheese on top! 🙂 And didn't you say there is Latin Mass coming up at the beginning of Oct??????? I'll make sure it's THAT weekend, actually! I'll bring my veil, too! YEAH! Oh gosh, we'd have a blast!
I have that book "The Mass Explained to Children" as well. I would recommend it! It's only black and white, however and I'd say for slightly older kids, like 3rd or 4th up. You could still use it for younger kids, but I think older kids would get more out of it. It was originally published in 1932 and is hardback – 116 pages. It's a nice little book!
If you're happy with your dough recipe, keep using it. I'm sure everyone has their favorite 🙂 – Genevieve