The past few years I have shared some of my “Fun Finds for Advent.” I had every intention of finishing up this year’s post last Monday or Tuesday before our guests arrived for Thanksgiving, but I just wasn’t able to squeeze it in… Even though it is a little late, here is what we are adding to
our usual traditions for this Advent!
#1: Wise Men ADVENTures
once again by
Catholic Inspired, we are going to be enjoying some
Wisemen Adventures this Advent! The Wise Men had one last
game of Farkle to finish last night before they set out to search for the Christ Child… Our oldest two boys
(who will be keeping the wise men on the move all through Advent!) are having so much fun with this already! And I couldn’t resist emphasizing the “ADVENT” in Adventures. 🙂
It’s not too late to join the fun! Put
that Elf back on the shelf and pick up some
Wise Men! 😉 We will be using the
Playmobil Wise Men, but any would work just fine. I read that Jennifer will be hosting a link-up, so be sure to take pictures each day!
#2: The Jesse Box
I also pulled out
The Jesse Box! I was given this last year as a sample, but just didn’t have the time to review it back then. I pulled it out this week and am so excited to use it with my children this year. (Update: You can find all the details and additional downloads, activities and lesson ideas on
the website created by the makers of The Jesse Box.)
Each week we will be creating a new scene based on the Gospel Reading for the week!
#3: The New Holy Heroes Jesse Tree DVD
#4: Saints of Advent
#5: Advent Calendars

I love that Advent begins on December 1st this year and so nicely coordinates with our favorite Advent Calendar! Along with our original Jesse Tree, this Advent Calendar (pictured above) was one of our very first Advent traditions… It is still a favorite!
This year, since Advent doesn’t often land on December 1st, I did something I have never done before and bought a few totally secular fun Advent Calendars for the children. Originally I had just bought the Playmobil Winter Wonderland calendar (for Snuggles and Bud to share), but with the great sales this past week I added the two lego calendars (for the four older children to share) as well, along with a chocolate calendar for my husband and Rose!
(*all way over priced at the moment…)

“Mama! Deer, Deer!” Yep, I knew he would love that! 🙂
This year we are going to assemble
“The Invitiation” – a gorgeous Noah’s Ark themed 1,000 piece puzzle (along with
this Ark-Full Animals Puzzle or
this Animal Alphabet for the younger ones) to go along with some of our Jesse Tree readings! I’m also still considering this lovely
12 Days of Christmas Puzzle for during the 12 days of Christmas…. So pretty!
#7: Celebrating Advent and Christmas with Children
Celebrating Advent and Christmas with Children is a brand new book by Colleen Rooney which was just released last month! Colleen kindly offered to send me a review copy along with a second copy to offer to one of my visitors here at Shower of Roses!
It is such a beautiful book, packed with great ideas and recipes, and is a welcomed addition to my collection. I look forward to trying some of her ideas with my own family soon!
Check out the additional “Fun Finds For Advent” in the archives:
I hope you all have a very blessed Advent!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
I love all your ideas – thanks for sharing! God bless you!
Thanks for sharing! I'm really interested in the book!
We are using the Holy Heroes DVD as well. My son loves it! He wanted to keep going past the first day! It is simple and engaging and I think he's going to get a lot out of it.
Love this blog!!
You have such great ideas!
Thanks for the giveaway!
[email protected]
Your square candles – too cute!
I saw the Wise Men ADVENTure idea, too. I think we'll try this from Christmas to Epiphany this year, and maybe longer next year if its a hit. 🙂
Blessings to you~
This looks great! I am having problems commenting on Google etc…so I'm trying it this way.
Karla in MN
This looks like a perfect book to use with my grandchildren…would love a copy. Your Advent ideas are wonderful Jessica. We are third generation Advent Calendar users…it was first introduced to my siblings and I when my Dad was stationed in Germany many years ago…then after I was married our children were given a German Advent calendar filled with a Bible verse and a chocolate every year…loving this custom–they still opened a door a day while they were in college…and now we are passing on this wonderful tradition to our new grandchildren. I began reading Kersti and Saint Nicholas today…I just know your daughter is going to adore this charming story of Kersti's adventure with the good Saint Nicholas also known as Sinter Klaas in the Netherlands! Happy Advent to you and your dear family. Isn't wonderful to celebrate this special season with children!!!! ~Debbie
Looks like a great book!
I have been waiting for advent to begin. Such a blessed time for our family, with some old traditions and new ones as well. Your blog gives me so many ideas. Thank you for all you do and blessed Advent to you and your family.
Laura G.
Wonderful items! Have a blessed and holy Advent season!
I am such a fan of your blog. Please keep inspiring us.
Barbara at [email protected]
I ran across your blog this evening looking for some information and traditions surrounding St. Nicholas' upcoming feast day for my daughter's preschool class. I love it! Definitely going to be a regular visitor here! Happy and Blessed Advent!
These are such wonderful ideas. I love all the Advent suggestions I've found here so far. Thank you!
Enjoyed these finds:) Love to win:)
I love the wooden St. Lucy!! I have to get one for my little Lucy!
I love your ideas!! I put my favorite (affordable and doable) into a word document and have it all in a folder and already referred to it aout 4 times today. Thanks so much for sharing all this!! We are definitely going to do the 3 Kings activity!! I always thought the Elf on the Shelf looked like fun but…never did it because it wasn't meaningful.
Thank you for the giveaway! Thank you also for sharing your wonderful ideas.
What fun!!
I love all these wonderful ideas!
We have the same wooden Advent calendar and are also doing the Holy Heroes Jesse Tree DVD this year. Thanks for so many new ideas!
The book looks like a beautiful resource!
Thank you for the giveaways!
Your resources are always great! Now I have more things to add to my advent season! The Jesse Box is FANTASTIC!!
OH I love the Three Wise Men Idea!!
Sometimes I think your wonderful blog and money leaving our checking account go hand-in-hand. Gotta snag some Playmobil Wisemen.
Thanks for sharing this giveaway, and all your beautiful Advent/Christmas traditions. Happy Advent!
Forgot to mention something in my last comment. For those people purchasing The Jesse Box set, they should also check out It is the website created by the people who make The Jesse Box, and it is filled with 'lots of freebies (activities, lesson plans, etc.) to go with the box. I've been eyeing this item for a while — thank you for posting the website with the lower price. Much more in my budget!
A wonderful book! Have a wonderful advent season:)
I love your ideas. We used to have the playmobil advent set, but through the years the kids lost the pieces to it. I think we only have very few left. I like all your other ideas too. This year we are adding to our traditions and making a soft manager for baby Jesus. We are still using our felt Jesse Tree with the symbols that my mom made over 12 years ago. I have to find the sheet that goes along with it for the readings.
More wonderful ideas, Jessica! I love the square candles on the stands by the way! I would love to try the Wisemen idea, but my daughter is so enchanted with our elf on the shelf that I think she would be very disappointed if we skipped them this year! So I usually have them doing some things like reading the Nativity Bible passage, checking out the advent wreath, etc.
This new book looks wonderful! What a wonderful resource for any mom!
Would love this book! Looks great!
Another great post! This book would be a great resource for staying Catholic during the crazy holiday season!
Love the Wisemen idea! Where did you get your Advent Wreath?
Some great new ideas! Thanks!
beautiful Jesse Box, thank you for a chance to win!
Thank you for these great ideas! We've started the wiseman adventures this year as well!
I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for sharing Jessica! You are awesome!
Wonderful links (as always) and a great giveaway! I absolutely LOVE the wise men idea!
You mentioned a Nativity Set from Armadillo Dreams, but I can't find it on their site. Can you reply with a link?
You should check out Illuminated Ink – they also have some wonderful things for Advent and the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!
Great Post!
Thank you! looks like fun!
Donna Marie
child of mary 2002 at yahoo (dot} com
This looks like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway!! Blessed Advent!
Great suggestion, Cheryl! I was looking at there website yesterday and meant to include the link but forgot… I just updated the post! 🙂
I don't think it is currently available… You can see a picture in this sold Etsy listing: Nativity Set During the summer, when I ordered the Nativity, St. Nicholas and Star Boy, they were offering 30% off all Christmas items! I posted the sale on my personal Facebook page, but should have thought to share it here too…
Illuminated Ink is great! I have purchased items from them in the past, including a Paschal Candle and Stations of the Cross. One of these Advents I would love to make the Our Lady of Guadalupe Grottos with the children! I have also had my eye on the O Antiphon cards.
When we were first married we would always use fresh greenery for our Advent Wreath, but it never lasted all of December, being so close to our fireplace. . . So, years ago I bought two artificial wreaths from Costco – one for the front door and one for our Advent Wreath. I bought the 4 silver pillars from The Dollar Store (along with 4 short pillar candles – they were so much easier to find back then) and have been using it ever since! 🙂
The Advent Candles were from a Monastery. I bought an extra set (the last set the store had – short and square) a couple years ago when I found out that the monk would no longer be making them… Hopefully sometime in the next year I will be able to find another new source for affordable candles that I love! 🙂
Oh, my goodness…I couldn't resist! I have just purchased Rooney's book! Thanks for sharing such fun ideas!
Marisa M.
Thank you for this giveaway! Merry Christmas.
Thank you!
I love all of your ideas and plans!!! Blessed advent season!
I love all of these. How do you do the Christmas Novena? Does each child take turns.?Once my kids do the Rosary all they want to do after is play. Please pray for me. God Bless!
Advent is my favorite liturgical season! Thank you for hosting the giveaway of such a wonderful book!
My husband led the Christmas Novena, following the blessing of our Advent Wreath, the prayers for the First Sunday of Advent (while I lit the candle), and our Rosary. We ended with a song. It took about twice as long as our usual family rosary, but still only about 30 minutes all together. I just offered a prayer for you and your family! God bless!
I am so grateful for you! You always have the best ideas!
Wow! I love it!
Wonderful ideas!
wonderful as always. those wooden dolls are precious. Happy Advent. We are trying to keep it as slow and simple this Advent but still do as many of our fun traditions as possible. starting to nest for this baby coming, but I want to be able to put all the to do list stuff behind me this week so I can just savor the rest of Advent with my family.
For affordable advent candles you can purchase the cheap (they are about $1) glass jar candles that have the religious stickers on them from the candle section at Wal-Mart. I just buy purple and pink ones, then soak the glass in warm water and peel off the stickers. Not only are they cheap and easy to find, the glass keeps the wax from ruining your table.
Your blog has provided our family with so much inspiration, not just for Advent. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Great ideas!
Love the Advent activities you have planned!
This book looks so lovely..thank you for the opportunity …Ro
[email protected]
Stealing the wise men idea and I love this giveaway. Looking to start traditions with my 15th month old 🙂
Love all your fun finds, Jessica! The twins got the Lego City & Lego Friends Advent calendars for their birthday. They are having a great time with them! St. Nicholas should be here in time for Friday, too 🙂
wonderful giveaway! Thank you for all the great ideas.
This looks like a lovely book! I would love to win. I am a feast day -challenged mom! 🙂 KB
Jessica, You are such a blessing to Catholic families everywhere!
Great ideas! Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway! I love liturgical year resources!!
What a perfect giveaway during Advent. I would appreciate a chance to win a copy! May your Advent be filled with God's peace and blessings.
Thank you for the chance, Jessica!
Looks like a great book!
Come do Advent at my house Jessica!
I love this post. There are so many wonderful Advent activities to take advantage of.
Christina – schola.athenarum at
I'm so glad I found your site! I, too, am beginning the journey of a homeschooling Catholic mother, and I'm so heartened to find a virtual friend! 🙂
You have such amazing, inspiring ideas! Thank you for sharing!
What wonderful ideas! We are keeping it simple with an Advent wreath and candles, Jesse Tree, and Fontanini Advent calendar. I love this time of year!
Love your ideas! Thank you for taking the time to share them!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this great book!
Thank you for the giveaway! Happy Advent!
Thank you so much – your blog consistently inspires me to do more for my family on our faith journey. Would love a copy of this book to add to our Advent collection of ideas!
Your blog is such an inspiration to our family! Thank you for the opportunity!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this lovely book; it looks very inspiring! And thanks for your blog, it has been a blessing to me.
Thanks for all of these Advent finds and for the giveaway too!
Thank you for all your great ideas (and for sharing other's ideas as well)! Have a blessed advent season!
Thanks for being such an inspiration
I love those wooden sets, I need to go check them out. You've got lots of great ideas!
Love angelus press and the Jesse box looks fun.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely book!
How darling! Love Advent traditions. Thank you for sharing!
Would love to win the book….we love your blog! 🙂
The book looks so wonderful to add to my Advent traditions and collection of books! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to incorporate activities into our Advent journey, thanks for sharing!
Love all your ideas
I'd love to win!
[email protected]
The Jesse Box looks like it would be a great for the kids. I'm surprised no one thought of something like this before.
Hi Jessica! Thanks for mentioning me! Your wise men look like they are having fun! I'm glad to see you and so many people joining in with the Wise Men ADVENTures this year! 🙂