7 Quick Takes :: Habemus Papam!

by | Mar 15, 2013 | Papal Unit Study, Pope Francis, Seven Quick Takes | 16 comments

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What an exciting week!  We’ve been glued to the live feeds online all week (which has left very little time for blogging or answering emails, sorry!) watching for that white smoke, the announcement and first blessing Urbi et Orbi from our new Pope Francis, the Holy Father’s first Papal Mass, and more!   I have loved seeing my children’s interest and excitement as well!  All that work with the Lap book and Unit Study has paid off, and I have even had my older boys explaining a few things to me this past week!

Watching the white smoke and waiting to hear who has been chosen! 

I actually had an appointment at 11:40 on Wednesday, here in our little town, to pick up some paperwork… I was torn on whether to reschedule or not, having seen the white smoke, and knowing the Pope would be announced soon.  It was the quickest trip to town EVER!  I arrived back home with plenty of time to spare. Whew!

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The big kids all recognized the new pope immediately as “Microphone Man” from their Guess Who?! Cardinal game!  (Yes, all the cardinals were getting nicknames!)  However, it took us a few minutes to realize that this was the cardinal that Snuggles had adopted and has been praying for each day! He was beyond excited and hasn’t stopped talking about it yet! 

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The girls wanted to make sure their Daddy heard the news the moment he got home from work (though  he had been able to watch the live feed at work) and wrote “We have a new Pope!” up the driveway!  
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As I posted on the Catholic Cuisine Facebook Page following the announcement and learning a little more about Pope Francis, “I told my children they get to “cook their own meals” today, just like our new Pope!”  They loved the idea!  I ran to the store to purchase some Argentina Wine and we modified our dinner plans so the kids could make some “Argentina/Italian” pizza!

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I have made a few more additional Mini-Book options for the Papal Lap Book!  
For those that have asked, I did end up creating Fill-in-the-blank options for the “What Happens When a Pope Dies?” and “Selecting A New Pope.”   By the way, if anyone runs across any typos, do let me know so I can correct them and upload a revised document.  I’ve made a few corrections already! 🙂 
I also added a couple additional mini books including the “Adopt-A-Cardinal” page, a “Symbols and Garments” Layer Book, “Important Roles During the Conclave” Flap Book, “Habemus Papam Franciscum” Tab Book, and “Who is Pope Francis?” Octagon Accordion Book.    
If you’d like to add these to the current Lap Book, but don’t have any room left, you can easily add another white card stock flap to the bottom of the center page, just like you did at the top. We haven’t assembled our Lap Books yet, but I think my older children are going to need a little more to be able to include everything!
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Snuggles was very happy to finally get to color a picture of “his” Pope!  

I heard him say to Rascal yesterday that “I prayed REALLY GOOD for my Pope!” 
I don’t think Snuggles will ever forget this Papal Election, and praying for his Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio
He will be adding this page to his Papal Lap Book.  

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Have you entered my giveaway for Brother Hubert Giveaway yet?   
You have until tomorrow night!  I will announce the winner on Sunday! 
For additional Quick Takes visit Conversion Diary. Thanks, Jennifer, for hosting! 


  1. AmyRobynne

    More mini-books! Yay! I think we were down to 2 more from unit 2 to finish after spring break, but I'm happy to add the new ones! I was saving "What happens when the Pope dies" in hopes of a fill-in-the-blank, so thank you very much!

    My boys have really enjoyed creating their first lap book and are excited to put them together soon.

  2. Anonymous

    Cannot thank you enough for these lapbook pages. I only noticed one correction so far. On printed (not lapnook page)3 of Selecting a New Pope it should read ….."whose chimney extends fron the Sistine Chapel." You had put Extending. I am only mentioning it because you asked.

  3. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you!!! I caught a few mistakes right away on that one, but missed that! I just uploaded the revised version.

  4. The Towers Family

    Yay for Snuggles! I sure that has made him very popular around your house! We were a little behind so we did a family papal lapbook today and I was hoping you would have a few more add-ons. I am excited to finish it up. Thank you for sharing!

    God is truly blessing us with Pope Francis!

  5. Erin

    So thrilled for Snuggles, all due to his prayers;) Oh goodie you've added more, we're planning on week 4 lapbook next week.

  6. ProLIFEmommy

    Thank you for this delightful update & photos of your family! You ALL are an inspiration!!! I'm wondering? Can you add the papal seal to the "symbols and garments" layer book? My daughter was asking what it looked like & was quite intrigued by the fact that both the ring AND the seal are destroyed after the death of a pope and wanted to learn more.
    I have to say, I have learned SO MUCH from this unit study! It's been absolutely amazing…and I simply cannot thank you enough!!!!

  7. Jennifer Elia

    Your Snuggles is so adorable. I have no doubt that his prayers were heard. And you, Jessica, never cease to amaze me. I never would have thought of planning a dinner like that on the spur of the moment. You are so creative. We are starting our lapbook today, I can't wait.

    God bless.

  8. Anonymous

    Congratulations Snuggles! You did such a super job of praying for the New Pope! Prayers are very very powerful, especially from children because God loves them so much! Your prayers are very important and help so many People!

  9. Anonymous

    Make-your-own pizzas – what a fun idea! Do you make your own pizza crusts or purchase them?
    God bless you and your beautiful family!

  10. Anonymous

    First of all, thank you for taking the time to share your efforts to live out the Liturgical Year. So much of what I do with my family and share with others are ideas from your blog (with credit given of course). Thank You Thank You Thank You!!

    My question: Do you have a recipe for that pizza dough? It is gorgeous! We love homemade pizzas but our dough is only so-so at best. Blessings, Kelly

  11. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica –

    I am a reader who happened upon your blog from a LMLD link up – I have to say thank you. Based on your recommendation – I ordered Lost in Peter's Tomb by Dianne Ahern for my 8 year old. He LOVES it! He said that even though it was one of those sneaky books that teaches stuff – he really liked it. Guess he might be excited to find the sequels in his Easter Basket. Thanks for all your wonderful recommendations.

  12. AmyRobynne

    We're back from our Easter break and hopefully will finish our lapbooks this week. If you decide to create a fill-in-the-blank for Habemus Papam Francisco, I'd love to see it.

    Thanks again for all your hard work – it is much appreciated!


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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