Happy Birthday, Caroline! :: An American Girl Party

by | Sep 23, 2013 | American Girl, Birthday Parties, Happy Birthday, Precious Moments: 03 | 8 comments

At the end of last month we celebrated Twinkle Toes 10th birthday!   Last Christmas she had received Caroline along with a matching dress and had been looking forward to a “Caroline” themed birthday party all year!  Even though I wasn’t feeling well that day (which seems to be a theme for birthdays this year!), and had an appointment with my dentist, we still managed to pull off a fun-filled day for our oldest daughter.   I had a few activities planned and Sean took all of the older children on an afternoon outing while my mom came over to help me make dinner.  It wasn’t as elaborate as some of the past birthday parties we have had (at least I didn’t think so until I started to compile all the pictures in this blog post!) but the birthday girl absolutely loved her special day!

.: Meet Caroline – 1812 :.

a daring, self reliant girl who learns to steer a steady course
 amid the challenges of war

 The first thing Twinkle Toes did when she woke up was put on her Caroline outfit, I curled her hair, and then she came out to the kitchen to see her cake and enjoy and eat breakfast! 

She had requested “Old Fashioned Oatmeal” with cream, brown sugar, and raisins, in addition to mugs of hot cocoa to drink! 

“When Caroline woke, sun was sreaming through the window.  The scent of frying bacon drifted into the bedroom. She tossed the quilt aside and jumped to her feet.  If she didn’t hurry, she’d be late for breakfast.” 

.: Caroline’s Color and Crafts :. 
“Embroidery was considered an important skill for girls. Some girls, like Caroline, enjoyed this work.” 
~ Meet Caroline: An American Girl

Even though this Embroidered Pillow Kit was made for Felicity it ties in nicely for Caroline too!  The girls had received these kits last Christmas as well and still hadn’t started making them yet.  They got started on the embroidery, but are still working on completing the project.

I had also ordered a copy of Caroline Color & Craft which kept all the kids busy while I ran to town.

.: Racing Hoops :.

“I like racing hoops too,” Caroline said.  She blew out the lamp and slid into bed.  “Last year we had hoop races in the village on Independence Day.”  It had been great fun to roll big wooden hoops over the grass, while little children practiced nearby.” 
~ A Surprise for Caroline

Large hoops are set into motion and the person runs along side it, keeping it rolling with a stick. Hoop-rolling contests can be held to see who can roll their hoop for the longest amount of time or who can roll it the farthest.

.: Inkpot Cookies :.
“Inkpot, her black cat, must have found the carpet comforting, too. He was curled into a ball in a patch of sunlight, fast asleep. Caroline scooped him up and nestled one cheek against his soft fur.  Papa had brought Inkpot home when he was no more than a scruffy stray kitten.  “sailors believe black cats are good luck,” he’d told Caroline.” 
Meet Caroline: An American Girl

After Racing Hoops the girls came inside and helped bake “Inkpot” Sugar Cookies!  We kept it quick and simple by just using a package of refrigerated Sugar Cookie dough with a cat shaped cookie cutter.

I thought the Wilton Cookie Cutter made a perfect version of Inkpot! 

.: Birthday Feast :.
“Mama and Grandmother had prepared a feast: stuffed whitefish, lima beans, cabbage and apples, carrot pudding, and two desserts – an apple pie and a burnt-sugar cake.”
Caroline’s Secret Message

It worked out perfectly that my mom (grandmother!) stopped by to help me pull together dinner while Sean was out with all the big kids! When everyone arrived home the Apple Cider was simmering on the stove and we have Sailboat Eggs, whitefish, lima baked beans, cabbage and apples and two desserts all ready! 
“Caroline Abbot leaned over the rail and laughed with delight.  “Isn’t this wonderful?” she asked her cousin Lydia. Sailing on Lake Ontario was fun anytime, but being permitted to come aboard the sloop White Gull on its very first voyage was an extra-special treat.” 
Meet Caroline: An American Girl
.: Birthday Gifts :.

“After the plates had been cleared away, Caroline received several gifts.” 
~ Caroline’s Secret Message

“Caroline jumped up so fast, her chair almost fell over.  She ran around the table and hugged Mr. Tate.  “What a wonderful gift,” she said.  “Thank you.””

Twinkle Toes received such a fun variety of gifts including Caroline’s Birthday Dress and a couple other American girl items from Sean and I, a miniature Saige doll from Grandma & Grandpa for our horse loving freckled girl, a super sweet card and gift from her other grandparents, a couple new pajamas, a bunk bed (to go along with their own new bunk bed!) for her Calico Critters from Chiquita.  

I also gave her a couple books I loved when I was her ageThe Secret Garden (she received the version illustrated by Tasha Tudor) and Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott.  I also gave her a copy of Caddie Woodlawn!  (I loved that a couple of them matched the cover of A Surprise for Caroline, and tied in Ice Skating to the party, since our original plans to go ice skating were changed when we found out that the rink was closed for their annual deep cleaning.  I’m sure she will loves these as much as I did!

.: Caroline’s Bonnet Birthday Cake :. 

I already posted about Caroline’ Bonnet Birthday Cake here

And I had to share the following four pictures… I didn’t notice what Snuggles and Rose were up to until I uploaded the pictures! Too funny! 
“Caroline heard the murmur of conversation from the next room, where people she loved had gathered to honor her birthday.  She reached for her grandmother’s hand.  “Come along,” she said.  “Let’s go back to the party.”

 Happy 10th Birthday Twinkle Toes!  


  1. mel

    yay! How fun! Your cake is beautiful. Also, my 5yo has the same dress Rose has on, lol. I noticed this right away because she *loves* that dress and it is too hot to wear in our southern summers…finally this week she has worn it for the first time since spring. 🙂 Anyway, it all looks gorgeous, and the pictures of TT with her candles are especially good!

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you for sharing the photos of your daughter's recent birthday celebration. What a special celebration! I sincerely enjoy stalking, I mean, looking at your blog every day, hoping to see what creative ideas you'll come up with next! Bernadette 🙂

  3. Katie V.

    So nice! So cute of Snuggles and Rose!

  4. Erin

    The little doll-sized cake and dishes are adorable!! How fun! Looks like it was a special day!

  5. Eliana

    Love the pink dress, and the American Girl theme (my doll at her age was Samantha)! Such a cute party! And great choices on the books–reminds me of my childhood. 🙂

  6. Cathy

    Your posts are always so inspiring, and your creativity amazes me!!!

  7. Christine

    Beautiful theme. You always amaze me!

  8. Aimee Landreneau

    My comment from the other day must not have gone through!! I have waited for this post since her birthday! I always love to see what you do,with the different themes…you are so creative and are making such great memories for your children.


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