Made with Love :: A Birthday Cake for Mom!

by | Jan 16, 2013 | Cake Decorating, Happy Birthday, Pictures, Precious Moments: 03, Precious Moments: 04 | 33 comments

Last night my girls had so much fun shopping for a few supplies to decorate a cake for me this year, after I wasn’t able to find a cake pan I was looking for at three different local stores… (More on that later!)  This morning the big boys borrowed my camera and the girls kicked me out of the kitchen!  Everyone helped while Bud napped and I had some quiet computer time with my cup of coffee. I just had to hop back online to share a few of the pictures I found on my camera, along with the completed cake and a picture of seven of my greatest blessings!

I’m very curious to find out what is inside the gift Sean left with the boys… They are making me wait until I have blown out my candles to open it! 
Pink Roses from Chiquita

A beautiful bouquet of flowers just arrived from Sean (I miss him so much!), we are headed to town for a few treats, and my Aunt Bridget is coming over in a couple hours to make dinner for us all!  I’ve closed the comments on the giveaway and will draw a name tonight or tomorrow morning, after I have had a chance to finish printing and cutting all the entries!  🙂


  1. Karen


    What blessings you have

    Happy Birthday


  2. Jacqui

    Happy Birthday!!!!! What an awesome birthday you're having!!! May God bless you with many more years of health and happiness!!!
    The cake looks wonderful! I'm sorry you miss your hubby, but maybe you can have a mini vacation when he comes back?

  3. Kari

    They did a beautiful job on the cake!

  4. Anonymous

    You've taught your girls well! Happy, happy birthday, Jessica! –Danielle

  5. Anonymous

    Happy birthday Jessica!

    Congratulations to the girls for such a beautiful cake!


  6. Stephanie

    Happy Birthday, Jessica!

    Your girls did such a lovely job on the cake! And the boys did a fantastic job taking pictures.

    I hope you have a wonderful day. : )

  7. Angela

    Happy Birthday to you!

    The girls did a great job on the cake – what a bunch of sweeties you have!


  8. Bonnie

    Beautiful family. Your mother must be so proud of you. Happy Birthday.

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you all!

    The boys helped with the cake too! According to the kids, the boys worked on the happy birthday on the front of the cake, and Snuggles and Rose helped sort all the sprinkle colors for the big kids! It was a group effort and they were very excited to show me when they were finished!

  10. Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Jessica. God bless you all. Enjoy your day. Maureen

  11. Anonymous

    Happy Birthday, the kids did a great job on the cake! How nice to get roses too!

  12. Anonymous

    Happy Birthday! So enjoyed the photos of the cake progress! I must say, though, that your Rose has the most priceless expressions on her face, no matter what is going on!

  13. Jessica Gordon

    Chiquita spotted the small bouquet of pink roses at the store last night for a few dollars and asked if I'd let "her" get them for me. I couldn't say no! Twinkle Toes also picked out a pink heart shaped box of chocolates (which I really shouldn't be eating) for me. They sure know what I love… Pink, Flowers, and Chocolate! They have been spoiling me, and I am loving it! 🙂

  14. Kelly

    Happy Birthday Jessica!! I hope your year is a wonderful one.

  15. Becky

    They did an excellent job. I am sorry your husband is gone 🙁 When my husband was deployed I made the most of it by enjoying all the things he dislikes. For example he turns his nose up to Jane Austen films – that's all I watched. He doesn't care for the pool- we went swimming three times a week. It's probably harder when you have to do school, I only had a two year old, three year old and one on the way.

  16. Mary

    Happy Birthday! Wouldn't have expected anything different from your splendid daughters. After all, they learn from the BEST! Hooray for Aunt Bridget!

  17. Julie

    So awesome! What a great birthday! Your kids are so loving…proof that you are a great Mama!!

  18. Kimberlee

    Happy, Happy Birthday Jessica! What a wonderful cake your children made! You are so blessed!

  19. Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Jessica! So glad your sweet children made it so special for you!

  20. Krista


  21. Katie V.

    How sweet!! They've absorbed all of your baking/decorating talent! Happy Birthday and God bless!

  22. Angie

    I hope you have a wonderfully blessed birthday and year! Your children really are very talented in all the creative things that I have seen them do on here. Happy Birthday!

  23. Erin

    So impressed your boys took photos! Great ones too. And I didn't count the candles. Oh hugs missing Sean on your b'day{}

  24. Kerry Wolf

    Your children must be such a great blessing to you, and a source of satisfaction in a parenting job so well done! That they would do all this for you–it just brings tears to my eyes. I hope your special day was wonderful!

  25. mel

    happy birthday!! Great job to your gang, the cake came out so pretty. like the idea of using sprinkles to "write" with…it's so hard to write decently on a cake with icing!

  26. Vinara

    I remember being really excited as a kid to show my parents anything I'd made or done for them.

  27. Collette

    Happy {Belated!} Birthday! Your family did such a beautiful job, making your birthday special….so very sweet!! Blessings to you in this coming year! 🙂

  28. Anonymous

    They did such an amazing job! It is such a gift of love, they worked so hard on it.

  29. Momma Holmes

    I'm so behind on my reading, but I still want to wish you a happy birthday! I love how you savour your blessings and share your faith! Enjoy a wonderful 2013!


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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