On Saturday afternoon we had our 5th annual Mother-Daughter Tea Party! (You can find pictures from 2009, 2010, 2011-which was a Marian Tea followed a few months later with a birthday party, and 2012 in the archives.) Since we have been taking a break from Little Flowers this year, having completed all four wreaths, I wasn’t planning on having another tea until a dear friend offered to host it at her home the day after her own daughters Mother-Daughter Tea Party, leaving me to just coordinate the guests, food, servers, games, prizes and favors! It was so incredibly generous of her and her home was decorated beautifully! Honestly I don’t know how she did it, hosting a 3rd large tea party immediately after my groups… May God bless you and reward you, Stasia!
This year I did ask for a small donation of $5 per family, to help offset the cost of a little hostess gift and tips for the servers. I provided the napkins, favors, games, and prizes, Stasia kindly provided her home with all the decorations, tea, sugar, cream, lemon slices and place cards, and each of the other moms was asked to bring one or two of the menu items for this year’s Four-Course Tea.

Following our first course we had a Mother-Daughter Cupcake Puzzle Race while the servers cleared the soup bowls and prepared for the second course.
Our 3rd course this year was the Grapes, Strawberries and Scones with Cream, Lemon Curd and Jam! In past years this has always been our first course, but we switched it around since this course always seems to make a mess out of the plates. It worked out very well, having it after the sandwiches this year.
Our 4th and final course this year was the desserts. One of the mom’s brought little brownies, another brought gluten-free samoas, and another brought lots of tea type cookies which the servers stacked into towers!
This course concluded our tea and the girls all went outside to play The Game of Graces while the moms helped clear and re-set the tables for the tea party that was following our own.
What a wonderful idea! Everything and everyone look so beautiful!
I look forward to making memories with my daughter too!! Looks like a lovely time.
I am really looking forward to doing something like this with my daughter some day soon. Thanks for sharing all the great photos, lots of inspiration here!
This is delightful. Your girls all look charming. What a lovely way to encourage gracious attitudes. Blessed be. Julie
A beautiful afternoon-tea indeed, with appropriately-dressed ladies and servers and pretty table-appointments. When scones are served in NZ and the UK they are sliced through horizontally, the cut sides buttered lightly and then the bread-and-butter knife is used to spread the topping of choice, and a little dollop of whipped cream added if liked. More like an open sandwich, and neat and easy to handle and consume. I love the look and ideas of the savoury foods – the little fancy-cut sandwiches, and the bacon-cucumber and tomato-cheese nibbles. They look very tempting!
A memorable occasion and one that will bring grace and confidence to the little girls in years to come.
Thank you for these wonderful idea. We are in the process of planning a Mother Daughter Tea for Girl Scouts. Can you tell me how big the puzzles are? It is a really tiny box? I contacted the manufacturer about ordering the puzzles directly as we anticipate 160 girls. We were thinking the puzzle might be nice to add to their goodie bag. Love the bingo idea too. Last year we did photos, crafts, tea and dancing so we wanted to change it up a bit this year. Thank you for sharing your ideas.
Thank you for sharing your ideas. We are in the process of planning our 2nd Mother Daughter Tea party for young Girl Scouts. Can you tell me how big the puzzle boxes were? We were thinking they might be a good gift to give the girls . I contacted the manufacturer about purchasing in bulk as we anticipate 160 girls to attend based on last years numbers. Bingo is also another cute idea. It looks like you helped create a beautiful memory for these girls.