{pretty, happy, funny, real} :: 2013 State High School Golf Championships

by | May 15, 2013 | {phfr}, Golf, My Siblings | 7 comments

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life. ~
Yesterday, thanks to my dear husband who has been spoiling me lately took a day of annual leave to stay home with all our little ones, our oldest two boys and I were able to take a road trip with my dad to meet up with my mom and watch the final day of my youngest two brothers High School Golf Championships at the State level!  
Even though Kevin and David have been playing golf for years, this was the first time I had ever been able to watch them play!   It was so much fun!! 
The weather was beautiful and it was the perfect day to walk the golf course.

My boys were so happy to be able to take the day off school and cheer for their uncles! 

After landing in yet another bunker, the boys thought it was so funny when Uncle David told them that he was “going to see how many times he could hit the bunkers!”  He continued on to land in a few more, but I was always so impressed at how well he could get the ball out of those things and right on to the green.

As for the hair?  Well, thankfully, that was actually just a hat that their whole team and coaches (except for Kevin who only put it on for the team photo) wore during the tournament, and not a “new look” for that Godson of mine… Whew! 

And NO, Captain, you may not trade hats with your uncle!  I think your Dad would like it even less than Grandpa! 😉


I was so proud of both my brothers.  Not only are they excellent golfers, but they have such great attitudes and have become such great young men.   Kevin may not have won 1st place at State, like he did last year, but he still placed 2nd (Way to go, Kevin!!) and is also headed to college in the fall on a full 4 year scholarship for golf!

The High School team they play for (homeschoolers in our state are welcome to join the local public schools for sports) also placed 2nd – setting another new record for the school!

Great job boys!  I look forward to watching you play again in the future… And maybe one of these years you can take that oldest favorite sister of yours out and teach her how to play too! 😉

Visit Like Mother, Like Daughter for more pictures of contentment.


  1. Anonymous

    This is so great! Congratulations to your brothers and it is wonderful that you finally got to see them play.

    I am the youngest of 9 and my oldest sister always calls herself our favorite eldest sister. Perhaps that word can help you in the future. ; )

    Also, one last comment… ever since reading your state post about Tennessee and making those Iris candies, everytime I see Iris's I think of you all. It is that time of the year again. The iris's have been blooming for about a month or so and we just love them down here.

    God bless you and your beautiful family.

  2. Katie V.

    Congratulations to your brothers and what a fun treat for you and the boys!

  3. Erin

    Yeah to your brothers! A question, are your brothers homeschooled still or attending the State High School?

  4. Jessica Gordon

    My brothers are mostly still homeschooled, but they have also taken a few classes (Math, Science, etc) the last couple years at the local public high school, along with participating in the Golf program for the past four years. I believe they are enrolled with Kolbe Academy Homeschool and will have their diploma and high school transcripts from them.

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Thanks! And I'm going to have to remember that… favorite eldest… perfect! 🙂

  6. 9peasMom

    Congratulations to your brothers! Our state is currently considering allowing homeschoolers to participate in high school sports, I am truly hoping it passes especially seeing how good it has been for your brothers – 4 year full scholarship is wonderful!

  7. admin

    That pic of the bunker shot is just wonderful!!!

    What a great trip, for you and the kids to see your brothers golf. My kids still talk about cheering on their auntie and uncle at a local half-marathon. Fantastic memories, and yet another experience to add to their rich bank.

    PS–what cute brothers you have! If only my daughters were a little older… ;o)

    –Becky, near PDX, OR


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