Seven Quick Easter Takes

by | Apr 5, 2013 | Easter, Seven Quick Takes | 13 comments

I’ve already posted some Easter pictures in my Daybook post, my {pretty, happy, funny, real} post, and some from Our Annual Easter Sunday Egg Hunt, but I still have some more to share as I slowly find time to sort through all the pictures from last weekend!  I still need to go through the pictures from the children with their Easter Baskets, so I’ll save those for last.  In the meantime here are a “7 Quick Takes” from Easter Sunday!

— 1 —

I ran out of time to create a new Paschal Candle this year, so I peeled off last year’s “2” and reshaped it into a “3”…  It wasn’t anywhere near perfect, but it worked, and still looked pretty.  I love decorating beeswax
— 2 —

Our desserts were kept very simple this year (i.e. we skipped our usual Lamb and Cross Shaped Cakes) but they still looked pretty!  The girls really enjoyed decorating our oval Easter Egg cakes – this year they were Italian Cream!  Yummm!!  They also made their usual Bird’s Nest Cookies
— 3 —

… in addition to the Paska and Pascha.  
I also remembered to pull out our beautiful Pysanky Basket Liner.

— 4 —
Remind me to ask my sister-in-law to bring something other than “fruit” to our next get-together!  Apparently she thinks that it is all that my mom and I trust her with… Sorry Meagan!  You just do such a beautiful job with the fruit…  How about next time you bring the Lamb cake?! 😉 

Everyone loved my mom’s potato salad when I was growing up – it was what she was always asked to bring – and I had been missing it lately.   I guess my kids had never tried it before and Captain has already asked if he can have “Grandma’s Potato Salad” on his birthday.  I’ll have to see what I can do about that! 

— 5 —

Of course our picky little Snuggles didn’t care for either of the salads and stuck with Golden Easter Punch and dinner rolls…
— 6 —

  This Easter JoAnn went to Texas to spend Easter with Mary.  Jennifer, Sean, Jamie and her family, Paul, and all of my husband’s family all live out of state as well.  My little brother Kevin was away competing in a Golf Tournament in Arizona.  So that just left my mom and dad, sister Julianna, and brothers David, Scott, and Brian and his family here for Easter.  My Aunt Bridget and Uncle Shawn also joined us!  It was still nice, though I am looking forward to the year when all my siblings can be together again for Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter… It’s been so long!

— 7 —

The kids have been having so much fun looking through all the new books they found in their baskets!   I meant to post the pictures yesterday, of them looking through their baskets, but I got a little distracted.  (I will soon!) Instead I spent most of my own free time planning out our curriculum for next year, making lists of the books we still need, and taking advantage of Adoremus Books Easter Sale to order a few of those books!  (However, even I have found time to sneak away and start reading one of the books from my basket!) 
For additional Quick Takes visit Conversion Diary.
Thanks, Jennifer, for hosting… Praying for you!!! 


  1. Anonymous

    I enjoyed all the photos, it looks like everyone had fun and the food looks scrumptious. Do you mind sharing the 'Golden Punch' recipe?
    I love watching kids go through books, it is very endearing when I see mine do that.

  2. Marie

    Beautiful pics. Thanks for the link to Adoremus Books as I haven't heard of them before. I am also planning our next school year and it would be awesome to have a peek at your plans. Are you planning on blogging about them soon? Pretty please!

  3. Jessica Gordon

    Oohhh… I am not sure. I still need to wrap up our Papal Lap Book, once I finish up my Easter posts, and then get back to some of this current school year's posts and have a couple reviews to do as well… Still I will try and start thinking about it, but those planning posts take a LOT of work! 😉 However, you can find quite a few in the archives already: Homeschooling

  4. Lee

    Oh! Oh! I love your photos! Your family is beautiful, and your food looks delicious! Thanks so much for sharing. Happy Easter; He is risen!

  5. Erin

    One day I will make a Paschal candle, one day..:) Love your egg on a stand!! where did you get it, and really where do you get your daughter's gorgeous dresses? they are always beautifully dressed.

  6. Jessica Gordon

    The eggs – we now have the complete set of 3 – are made by Joseph's Studios and have been getting harder and harder to find. I ordered this particular egg from 2 different sources, with my orders being canceled, before getting it from Amazon. It looks like they are sold out there now too, though this may be one of the Spring Angel Eggs. We also have the Good Shepherd Egg and the Alleluia Egg.

    Thank you!! The girls dresses, hats, sweaters, shoes, and gloves were all from Gymboree. They had a great 30% off everything in the store, combined with my 20% off coupon, and 5% store discount, they ended up being very inexpensive!! They will be wearing them again for our Mother-Daughter Tea Party this month!

  7. natalie g.

    Can't wait to hear how you liked My Sisters the Saints. Due to the memoir style I really enjoyed it and wrote a review on my blog!

  8. Julie

    My Sisters the Saints is one of my fav books! I am curious how you like it?

    Also, I have a question about following your links and getting the books on my Kindle…do you still get credit for them?

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Well, I'm only on Chapter Three, but I am really loving it so far!! And, yes, I do! 🙂

  10. Jessica Gordon

    I, too, am really enjoying the memoir style! I'll have to click over and check out your review. Thanks!

  11. Anonymous

    I am another one who LOVED My Sisters the Saints!

    Happy Easter!


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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