Outside my window…
our garden is actually growing! And, look! We have a little watermelon!!! (and quite a few others that are just starting to grow!) We still have so much to learn about gardening, but so far this year is going better than last. The plants that have been growing the best (like the watermelon and sunflowers) were the ones we planted with St. Clare Heirloom Seeds. I’ll have to take some more pictures of the garden to share soon. Now if I could just figure out how to keep the bugs from eating all the flowers (Zinnias, etc) just as soon as they bloom… any suggestions?
I am thinking…
about the 7 posts in 7 days challenge. It was hard. I know I would not have made the time to blog much otherwise, with how busy we have been lately. I am really glad I participated. I probably won’t be posting every day this week! 😉 I would like to get back to posting each weekday, but that will all depend on how much we are home, and this week is going to be busier than last. We’ll see! I have enjoyed visiting with you all, even if I have gotten even further behind with answering emails! 😉
I am thankful…
that Sean has been able to come home each night, even though he is only home from just 10pm to 4am, and for all the firemen who are working so hard to get the fires under control.
Learning all the time…
I had such great plans for this summer, to continue studying Math and teaching Snuggles to read. It hasn’t been happening. The children are still learning all the time (this week swimming skills!) and reading (or listening to) books everyday. There will be plenty of time for the rest in the fall, right?
Celebrating the liturgical year…
The feast of St. Ignatius is coming up on July 31st. It’s also a baptismal anniversary so I’m thinking about making another madeliene recipe shell cakes again! A few additional ideas can be found in the archives at Catholic Cuisine.
From the kitchen…
cherry tomatoes from our garden!
I am working on… and creating…
a more organized (and cozy!) home. This past week and weekend, in addition to working on the bedrooms, I also rearranged furniture (and found an area rug!) in our family/living rooms. I will have to try and take pictures sometime soon.
I am going…
to be spending a lot of time at the swimming pool again this week!
I am hoping…
that I can find time to start getting ready for my Curriculum Sale Blog Hop… It’s just been too busy and it’s coming up on August 1st!
I am praying…
for Katrina and her twins, one of whom has anencephaly. I have been online friends with her sister, Laura, for years and have been praying for Katrina since I learned of her pregnancy complications. Will you please join me?
I am reading…
lots of updates on the fires, particularly on the one which my husband is fighting.
Pondering these words…
from today’s Quiet Moment:
I am listening…
to “a, a, a, aaaa, a, a, aaaa, a, b, c, a, a, a, aaaa”… Can someone please take that WORD WHAMMER away from the baby! 😉 Now that the television is gone the kids have been finding all sorts of old toys that even I forgot we had…
Around the house…
I haven’t been the only one redecorating!
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Seri’s Dollhouse |
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Calico Critter Families and Furniture |
drawing and finding anything heart shaped!
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“Look Mom! I found a HEART leaf!!!” |
Monday: Swimming Lessons, Overnight Visitors
Tuesday: Swimming Lessons Canceled due to too much smoke and ash in the air…
Wednesday: Swimming Lessons/Life Saving Day
Thursday: Swimming Lessons/Graduation Day, Curriculum Sale Blog Hop Hosted Here!
Friday: Morning Mass, Afternoon with Friends, Grocery Shopping
Saturday: Recover from the week! 😉
Sunday: Our third Quarterly Latin Mass
I missed the TV post, and since we've also been tweaking our use of the TV I'm curious what you are doing.
I enjoyed your daybook, and love the nudge to get m own kids to swimming lessons – thank you!
I just sold our TV in our yard sale. We planned to replace it eventually, but I think my plan is backfiring since my husband is really liking the house without it! lol
Haha, my husband would be the same way. I'm the one who love movies. We don't have cable but do have Netflix, which I'm trying to discern if we should keep. I love how the kids utilize their imaginations when TV is not an option, lots of thinking on this. I like knowing what works for others. A Mom of 12, that I know and admire has never owned a television, but they do watch the occasional movie via computer. Her boys built a log house from logs they chopped down on their own land, it is small but still – life without tv brings about ingenuity.
For your bug problem, you might consider pepper spray. I haven't tried it in a flower garden or made it at home, but we have used a commercial variety on some indoor potted herbs!
I would love to get rid of the TV but they (meaning my family as I jerk my head over my shoulder) won't let me.
How did I not hear about Katrina? I will be praying. I wish I had known, I would have been praying all along. I am so amazed at how much your kids are growing!
I have been looking and looking for rash guards and swim shorts for my girls. I found some that were just ok. Where did you find yours?
Congratulations on your garden! How many hours do you spend at the pool? Ive been taking my boys and they love it! Ive been trying to figure out a good balance for the schedule! Isnt it amazing how the children find things to do once the TV is out of the picture!
Looks like you guys are having fun but busy days! I can't believe how fast summer is going. May I ask where you purchased the children's swimsuits? I am always on the hunt for modest but functioning swim apparel for my family…
Ok, I haven't used this myself, but my mom swears by it….she lives in the woods and has always had a hard time gardening. I am going to try them this fall with my salad greens. You buy some rosemary, citronella, and cedar essential oils. There is a seller on ebay that sells them cheaply, buy three get one free (got some orange to make cleaners too!)She mixes a few drops of each in a spray of water, and whenever she waters or after it rains she sprays this on the plants. She says she still sees bugs on the plants, but they aren't eating them! Can't wait to try it. Everything I planted this spring got eaten pretty badly.
I purchased the rash-gaurd and swim skirt for Twinkle Toes from Gymboree this year. The shirt and shorts that Chiquita is wearing was a hand-me-down from her older sister, which I had bought a few years ago at Old Navy. I've also had success finding them at Target on occasion, and Land's End also has some cute options sometimes.
I agree! Summer is flying by so fast! I just shared where the girls swimsuits were from above, and all the swimsuits and rash guards that the boys are wearing are also from Gymboree. 🙂
Thank you!! I will have to try this!
Our swimming teacher is so great (she has been teaching over 55 years!) and our classes are all back to back! We leave the house by 9:30. Snuggles' class is first at 10, Chiquita at 10:30, Twinkle Toes at 11:00, Captain and Rascal at 11:30, and then Captain and I are in the "Mom/Baby" class with Rose and Bud at 12-12:30. We usually leave the pool by about 1:00 and are home by 1:30 (unless we have stops to make on the way home).
Something keeps eating our cucumbers and it is getting upsetting–they are really tasty cukes! My "gardening assistants" keep eating the tomatoes, raspberries, and wax beans every time they "check" the garden for me. I guess I need a "secret, private" garden if I ever want to get any myself—lol
I love that you just sold it. We've debated different solutions like canceling cable since we have netflix, hulu, etc., but I think just getting rid of the thing is the way to go. But we (read: my husband & football) are too afraid to do it, I think.
Thanks for sharing! God bless!
We are really busy enjoying summer over here too, as I look at your today list I am wondering if you've recently read or reviewed A Mother's Rule? I found it on Protestant blog but it's a Catholic (I'm Baptist) Homemaking book. It's a wonderful book as a protestant I only skipped a few bits and pieces focused on Catholic Moms (I do not need to schedule Mass or find a location for rosary beads etc…). I was broken by her frank discussion of getting our acts together. It goes well with Teri Maxwell's Managers of our Homes/Schools/Chores. Anyway, have a wonderful rest of your summer vacation. God Bless Y'all
Thank you for participating in the 7 posts in 7 days challenge. 🙂 I enjoyed reading more posts from you! God bless.
What a cute little watermelon and your sunflower is gorgeous too! It looks like you all are having such a nice relaxed summer. We had great plans of continuing math this summer too, but, that flew out the window. I am glad to hear that Sean is making it home at night. Many blessings to you all, Jessica!