The Catholic Child and the Sacred Heart

by | Jun 8, 2013 | Jesus Make Me Worthy, Prayer, Prayers for Children, Sacred Heart | 12 comments

Sacred Heart of Joseph at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church taken after Mass on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart
My Child:  Forget not the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Heart of Jesus loves thee.
The Heart of Jesus suffers for thee.
The Heart of Jesus is meek, humble, patient, obedient.
The Heart of Jesus is an ocean of goodness.
The Heart of Jesus is filled with mercy.
The Heart of Jesus is your comfort in sorrow.
The Heart of Jesus is your strength in temptation.
The Heart of Jesus is your hope in dying.
Vintage 1960 edition of Jesus, Make Me Worthy

HAIL, Heart of my Jesus!  love me. 
Hail, Heart of my Creator!  perfect me.
Hail, Heart of my Saviour!  save me. 
Hail, Heart of my Judge!  pardon me. 
Hail, Heart of my Master!  teach me.
Hail, Heart of my King!  crown me.
Hail, Most Loving Heart!  inflame me with love for Thee.
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, 
make my heart like unto Thine!
Exploring the Choir Loft following First Friday Mass on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart
Sweet Heart of Jesus, be Thou my love!
Red and Pink Cupcakes (made with Wilton Heart Silicone Baking Cups) for the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me!
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved!
O sweetest Heart of Jesus!  I implore that I may ever love Thee more and more.
Family Read Aloud: The Story of the Sacred Heart by Daniel A. Lord, S.J.

Heart of Jesus, by Thy agony, have pity on the dying. 

Hand Embroidered Scapular with the Sacred Heart of Jesus

All prayers from Jesus, Make Me Worthy – a reprint of the original can be found here
I hope you all had a very blessed Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! 


  1. LPatter

    So. beautiful. LOVE!

  2. Rosie

    Thank you! I will definitely be buying that book and some of those heart shaped cupcake holders. I am so grateful for your blog! My children are very young and I was raised only nominally Catholic so I have been scrambling for ways to celebrate the liturgical year since my first daughter was born and your blog has provided so many wonderful ideas and resources! I am very grateful!

  3. Kerry

    I have that same beautiful scapular. I laid it around my husband's neck when he was dying and then took it back and put it back on my own neck when he passed away in my arms. It reminds me always of him, and of our love, and of Christ's love for us.

  4. olivia

    Jessica, I would like to chat with someone about wearing veils to Mass. I am wondering if you would mind answering some questions about what it is like for your family, and why you ( and your daughters) wear a veil?

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Sure, Olivia! I started wearing veils as a devotion for Lent in 2005 and have been wearing them ever since. At that time it wasn't at all common here (only a few of older women in our parish would wear veils) and I was very self-consious about "standing out." Still, after many discussions with my BIL's (FSSP seminarians at the time, and now ordained priests) and reading a few books including The Chapel Veil I really felt like this was something that Our Lord was asking me to do.

    (At that time we were also getting ready to travel to the mid-west for the first ordination that summer, and I knew that most of the women would be wearing veils. I didn't want to wear a veil just because everyone else was, which was what triggered my research into the topic and ultimately the decision to try it out for Lent along with attending daily Mass at our parish.)

    The book I linked to above was definitely instrumental in my decision to veil, and you can also read a little bit about The Tradition and Purpose of the Catholic Mantilla at Aquinas and More. If you are interested I could probably come up with a few more resources online… At one time they were listed in my sidebar, but somehow were deleted while I was updating the blog design and I still haven't gotten around to adding them back…)

    Anyways, at first it almost seemed like too much of a distraction (trying to get the veil to stay on my head while juggling babies), but after a little practice and discovering how wonderfully two bobby pins can do the job of keeping it in place, it isn't hard at all and I hardly notice it… It also got a little easier once my girls were a little older and they started wearing veils too! 😉 (For the girls, they always had veils that tied under their chins, and even though they have larger veils now, we are still tying them on as you can see in the pictures.)

    It still isn't very common here, but it isn't as rare as it use to be! Even though it started as a "Lenten Sacrifice" for me (even though I felt like Our Lord wanted me to wear veils I really didn't want to at the time), I have really grown to love wearing my veil for Mass, and whenever we are in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. In fact, surprisingly, I now feel funny whenever I end up at Mass without my veil. It really is a beautiful devotion! I hope that helps answer some of you questions. If you have any others please feel free to ask! 🙂

  6. olivia

    Thank you for the response! Do your girls all wear the veils? Or only the ones who have received their 1st Communion? I am having a hard time convincing myself that I NEED to wear a veil. And if I don't need to wear a veil then it is not so important that I should do so and call attention to myself (which I will def. be doing here in fashion conscious Poland) and perhaps be a distraction to others. On the other hand, it could be a witness to others as well as forcing me to really focus more. I will certainly check out the book you recommend. Thank you again.

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, all three of the girls wear veils. They usually start wearing them when they are one or two, depending on how well they will keep things on their heads. 🙂

  8. J Brown.

    The picture above is not the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It has a Lily across it and this means it is the Sacred Heart of Joseph. I am very familiar with this devotion and I guarantee you that it is the Heart of Joseph. It is a lovely picture though.

  9. Jessica Gordon

    That makes sense! We attended Holy Mass at St. Joseph's (a little historical church in our area) a couple years ago on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and I snapped that photo after Mass to include with all our other pictures from the day in this post. I'll update the post with a caption for that particular photo and will have to read more about this particular devotion since I am not familiar with it. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Peypesfunblog

    Sacred Heart Of Jesus Have Mercy On My Cousin Cathrine Riley She Is In The ICU On Life Support I Place Her In Your Hands I Beg You To Spare Her She Is So Loved And Needed If It Be Your Will


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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