Video Highlights From Our 3rd Latin Mass

by | Aug 15, 2013 | Altar Boys, Latin Mass | 6 comments

Here are some video highlights from our 3rd Quarterly Extraordinary Form Latin Mass on August 4th. 
Our 4th Mass is currently scheduled for October 6th!

Video Credit: Marc Salvatore 


  1. Anonymous

    Beautiful! So happy for you that you have access to the Latin Mass now and then. If that is your choir, they are incredible. Curious to know what Mass they were singing. Lovely! -Genevieve

  2. Sean

    That was Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli. Beautiful isn't it? And no it wasn't the choir at mass – for a great CD of this go to: Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony

  3. Sugar Pie

    What a Beautiful Beautiful Clip of the Holy Mass, Thank you…My 2 yr old & 6yr old heard the music & came to see what I was looking at…my 6 yr old asked how did I get the Holy Mass on the computer & my 2 yr old didn't move except to do her version of the sign of The Cross when she saw the Alter boy do it 🙂

    We are Blessed to have Holy Mass once a month. We travel an hour & 10 minutes to get their & our Priest travels 4 hours to offer the Holy Mass for us.

    Thank you again & God Bless you,
    Oh & your boys do a beautiful job of serving.

  4. olivia

    Jessica, which Missal do you use for this Mass? Do you have a favorite?

  5. Krista

    Beautiful! And on the Feast of St. John Vianney this quarter!

    What a treasure to have the EF Mass in your area! I remember fondly singing all those great polyphonic Masses when I lived in England – a beautiful little village parish church with 14th century ruins of a monastery that was destroyed by Cromwell.

  6. Kristi

    This was beautiful. Anyone who has access to a Mass in the Traditional Rite is very fortunate, it is so beautiful. We live in Houston, and just last night our parish, Regina Caeli, was officially established, thanks to the hard work and dedication of many, especially Fr. Van Vliet of the FSSP.

    I grew up with the NO Mass as so many did, and it was very difficult for me to transition, mostly because of pride and ignorance, but I have come to love the Latin Mass in the Extraordinary form. We will be moving back to Wyoming where there is, fortunately, a diocesan Mass in the EF on Sundays, and we will also have access to the Carmelite Monestary, but to leave a parish where the Mass and sacraments are offered daily, and the celebrations and processions on feast days are common, will be a difficult thing. I am happy for your family and your parish that you are able to have the latin Mass occasionally. Your blog is lovely, and a great help and blessing to many. May God bless you for your generosity.


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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