Outside my window…
we have been enjoying the beautiful spring weather.
I am thinking…
about so many things. We have some big decisions to make and we are praying our rosary every night that God will make His will for our family clear.
I am thankful…
for antibiotics! I just took the last antibiotic last night and am feeling so. much. better. I’m still dealing with some congestion though and avoiding dairy and sugar and taking lots of Vitamin C, probiotics, and now some mega doses of Vitamin D, due to some super low test results this past week.
Learning all the time…
We are celebrating St. Patrick today and the feast of St. Joseph is coming up the day after tomorrow! You can find the links to most of our past March feast day celebrations here, thought it looks like I have a little updating to do. . . It might be best to just search the labels for St. Patrick and St. Joseph.
From the kitchen…
Shamrock Frittata with Irish Sausage…
… Shamrock Toasties, as requested by our sweet boy celebrating a name-day…
.. and Irish Beef and Guinness Stew with Traditional Irish Soda Bread! Yummmmm.
I am working on…
resting. Though you wouldn’t know it after looking at all that yummy St. Patrick’s Day food! 😉
I am creating…
my submission for the summer issue of Catholic Digest.
I am going…
on a road trip with just my husband and oldest two boys! My parents have offered to watch the five youngest (for the first time overnight) while we travel to see the specialists and I’m really looking forward to spending this special time with just the boys.
I am praying…
that the specialists will have some answers for us when we meet with them on Thursday morning.
I am reading…
a new addition to our collection of picture books for March: St. Patrick and the Three Brave Mice.
Pondering these words…
from Arthur Brisbane:
“[St. Patrick] was a terror to any snake that came in his path, whether it was the cold, slimy reptile sliding along the ground or the more dangerous snake that oppresses men through false teachings. And he drove the snakes out of the minds of men, snakes of superstition and brutality and cruelty.”
I am listening…
to Traditional Irish Music on Pandora and the children just finished watching Patrick – Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle.
Around the house…
I love that our oldest son picked up my slack and decorated for St. Patrick’s Day this year! He pulled out his statue of St. Patrick along with a few of his Holy Cards, put together a little Leprechaun/Rainbow/Pot of Gold and Irish Flag Lego Creations, and even pulled out one of his favorite stuffed animals from when he was a baby and a paper on St. Patrick that he recently finished writing!
I never get tired of watching this little guy try and blow out all the candles around our home.

This week’s plans…
- Celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick (and our Irish Heritage!)
- Math Tutor on Tuesday (Next week is Spring Break!)
- Table Replacement Arriving! (So excited! It only took 7 months…)
- Celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph (It will be extra simple this year…)
- Trip to take Captain to see the Specialist (Please pray! and I’ll be away from the computer for a couple days…)
A little peek at my day…
Praying for you and the tip to the specialist. Hoping it goes well and you get some rest. Take care of yourself!
2014-03-19 02:23:56
Praying for lots of answers and help from your appointments! Love the Irish legos. 🙂
2014-03-19 02:56:25
Love that your big boy set up for the day too:):)
2014-03-19 03:19:59
Praying for your intentions! Love the shamrock frittata and toasties, must try that next year. God bless!
2014-03-19 05:08:00
Praying for your family and that everyone is healed and well. Hopefully you have a restful spring break!! Thanks for the recipe for the frittata and Irish bread…they look delicious. Your children are very creative with legos:)
2014-03-19 05:50:13
Praying for you and for some answers. Please rest, Jessica. Don't make me put you to bed!
2014-03-19 12:27:50
Praying for a fruitful visit to the specialist, and for your health, too!
2014-03-19 16:31:23
May your trip to the specialist bring some answers for you, and may all go smoothly along the way and back. Blessings to you and your family! Marisa M.
2014-03-19 17:49:45
Hope everything with the specialist came out ok. And we are praying for you.
2014-03-22 17:55:51
Keeping your family in our prayers, as always but especially for answers for each of your intentions and questions!
2014-03-23 20:35:20