Our new school year begins next week!   This coming year our oldest boys will be going into 7th and 6th grade, the older girls will be 4th and 3rd, and Snuggles will be in 1st grade.  Rose (3) and Bud (1) will have lots of fun with all sorts of “school time toys” and perhaps some of the Little Saints Pre-School themes.  The following is a list of our curriculum plans for 2013-2014:

Captain :: 7th Grade

Saxon Math 7/6
Various Math Games for Reinforcement including: Math-It, Equate, and Speed!

Language Arts:
Student Writing Intensive Continuation Course: A
Supplementing with: Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons
Phonetic Zoo, continue Level B
Fix It! (applied grammar – finish Tom Sawyer)
Editor in Chief B-1 (applied grammar)
The Book of Roots 
Novel Inquiries: Ancient Civilizations (The Golden Goblet, TirzahHittite Warrior and The Children’s Homer)

History & Geography:
Connecting with History Volume 1: A Guide to Salvation History
Old Testament and Ancient Cultures

Maps Charts and Graphs Level G: The World
Continue/Complete State-by-State Scrapbook
Asia and Australia Continent Study (CCM Alpha)

Concepts and Challenges in Science Book 1 (Physics & Earth Science)
 and Concepts and Challenges in Science Book 2 (Metric System, Biology & Chemistry)
TOPS Learning Systems: Electricity 32 and Perfect Balance 31
Snap Circuits
Science Activities and Nature Sketching (CCM Alpha)

Latina Christiana 1
Ludere Latin 1

Music & Art:
Lingua Angelica 1
Continue Composer Study
Meet the Masters Track A

Memory Work: 

Rascal :: 6th Grade

Saxon Math 7/6
Various Math Games for Reinforcement including: Math-ItEquate, and Speed!

Language Arts:
Student Writing Intensive Continuation Course: A
Supplementing with: Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons
Phonetic Zoo, continue Level B
Fix It! (applied grammar – Finish Tom Sawyer)
Editor in Chief B-1 (applied grammar)
The Book of Roots
Novel Inquiries: Ancient Civilizations (The Golden GobletTirzahHittite Warrior and The Children’s Homer)

History & Geography:
Connecting with History Volume 1: A Guide to Salvation History
Old Testament and Ancient Cultures

Maps Charts and Graphs Level F: Eastern Hemisphere
Continue/Complete State-by-State Scrapbook
Asia and Australia Continent Study (CCM Alpha)

Concepts and Challenges in Science Book 1 (Physics & Earth Science)
 and Concepts and Challenges in Science Book 2 (Metric System, Biology & Chemistry)
TOPS Learning Systems: Electricity 32 and Perfect Balance 31
Snap Circuits
Science Activities and Nature Sketching (CCM Alpha)

Latina Christiana 1
Ludere Latin 1

Music & Art:
Lingua Angelica 1
Continue Composer Study
Meet the Masters Track A

Memory Work: 

Classically Catholic Memory: Alpha

Physical Education & Other Activities:
Scouts of St. George

Download Rascal’s Color-Coded Checklist

Some of our Reading Selections for Ancient History:  Mystery of the Roman Ransom, Detectives in Togas, The Golden Goblet, The Cat of Bubastes, King David and His Songs, The Children’s Homer, The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, Alexander the Great, Famous Men of Rome, Famous Men of Greece, Aesop’s Fables for Children, D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths, Ancient Egyptians and their Neighbors, Ox, House, Stick: The History of Our Alphabet, Pyramid, Gilgamesh, The 5,000-Year-Old Puzzle, Archaeology, A Street Through Time, Shadow Hawk, Hittite Warrior, Victory on the Walls, God King, Herodotus and the Road to History, Archimedes and the Door of Science

Twinkle Toes :: 4th Grade

Saxon Math 5/4
Various Math Games for Reinforcement including: Math-ItEquate, and Speed!

Language Arts:
Student Writing Intensive Continuation Course: A
Supplementing with: Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons
Phonetic Zoo Level A
Fix It! (applied grammar – continue Tom Sawyer)
Roots of English
Additional Literature:

History & Geography:
Connecting with History Volume 1: A Guide to Salvation History
Old Testament and Ancient Cultures

Maps Charts and Graphs Level D: States & Regions
Continue 50 State-by-State Study with Baking and Notebook Pages
Continue American Girl Unit Studies (as time allows)
Asia and Australia Continent Study (CCM Alpha)

Focus on Middle School Chemistry with Laboratory Workbook and Teacher’s Manual
Focus on Middle School Biology with Laboratory Workbook and Teacher’s Manual
Behold and See 4: Human Anatomy and Health
Science Activities and Nature Sketching (CCM Alpha)

Latina Christiana 1
Ludere Latin 1

Music & Art:
Lingua Angelica 1
Continue Composer Study
Meet the Masters Track A

Memory Work: 

Classically Catholic Memory: Alpha

Physical Education & Other Activities:
Piano Lessons
Irish Dancing
Sewing Classes and Sewing With Saint Anne

Little Women Hospitality Program – Year 1 with Student Companion (we didn’t have time for this last year, hoping to have the time this year… but not making any promises!) 

Download Twinkle Toes’ Color-Coded Checklist

Chiquita :: 3rd Grade

Language Arts:
Student Writing Intensive, Level A
All About Spelling  – Level 3 and Level 4
Wordly Wise Book C
Additional Literature Including:


History & Geography:
Connecting with History Volume 1: A Guide to Salvation History
Old Testament and Ancient Cultures

Maps Charts and Graphs Level C: Communities
Continue 50 State-by-State Study with Baking and Notebook Pages
Continue American Girl Unit Studies (as time allows)
Asia and Australia Continent Study (CCM Alpha)

Focus on Elementary Chemistry with Laboratory Workbook and Teacher’s Manual
Focus on Elementary Biology with Laboratory Workbook and Teacher’s Manual
Science Activities and Nature Sketching (CCM Alpha)

The New Baltimore Catechism No. 1
Faith & Life 3 – Our Life With Jesus
Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls
More Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls

Music & Art:
Lingua Angelica 1
Continue Composer Study
Meet the Masters Track A

Memory Work: 

Classically Catholic Memory: Alpha

Physical Education & Other Activities:
Irish Dancing
Sewing Classes and Sewing With Saint Anne

Little Women Hospitality Program – Year 1 with Student Companion (we didn’t have time for this last year, hoping to have the time this year…) 

Download Chiquita’s Color-Coded Checklist 
Our Historical American Girl Lap Books – many are still in progress

Snuggles :: 1st Grade 

Saxon 1

Language Arts:
Primary Arts of Language: Writing and Reading
All About Spelling Level 1 and Reading Level 1
Supplementing with Explode the Code

History & Geography:
Connecting with History Volume 1: A Guide to Salvation History
Old Testament and Ancient Cultures

Maps Charts and Graphs Level A: The Places Around Me
Asia and Australia Continent Study (CCM Alpha)

Focus on Elementary Chemistry with Laboratory Workbook and Teacher’s Manual
Focus on Elementary Biology with Laboratory Workbook and Teacher’s Manual
Science Activities and Nature Sketching (CCM Alpha)
Apples, Bubbles and Crystals: Your Science ABCs  (with our Alphabet Path)

First Communion Preparation
St. Joseph First Communion Catechism

Memory Work:
Classically Catholic Memory: Alpha

Arts & Crafts and other Fun Activities: 
Meet the Masters Track A
Continue Along the Alphabet Path   *If time allows – We only completed Aa, Bb, Cc and part of Dd last year.  As the other children get older, and their school work is more demanding, it is definitely more challenging for me to find the time for all the fun activities for my younger ones!  Apparently there is just only so many things I can add before some things have to go…  😉 I am really hoping we can at least continue this year.  We’ll see!  In the meantime, Snuggles loves loves LOVES PAL (Primary Arts of Language).  It is such an excellent program, very solid and yet complete with lots of fun and games too! 

My crate of file folder games for with PAL – Yes, I used black file folders.  I think they look so much prettier than regular manilla file folders, plus I have a whole case of them! 😉 

Family Work 
Z is for Zeus: A Greek Mythology Alphabet and Greek Blocks

As you can see from our plans, I do try and combine as many children for various subjects as possible.  We will all be studying Ancient History this year, using Connecting with History, and Chemistry and Biology using the materials from Real Science for Kids. I’ve also decided to try out Meet the Masters Track A (also available for a discount from Rainbow Resource and Home-School Buyers Co-Op).  Another new addition to our plans is Classically Catholic Memory!  I purchased my set from Sacred Heart Books and Gifts and have been so impressed with the organization and quality of the material.  I’m so excited to begin this program!

You can download just my Classically Catholic Memory Checklist here

For those who don’t want to spend the money on the complete set (though I do think it is worth the cost!), the Teacher Text would be a great place to start and a large portion of the program (minus the Geography and Timeline – though I suppose one could make their own set of timeline cards) can be completed with just this text. 

I have my Catholic Daily Planners all ready to go as well as my current Saints Calendar and Planner (you can purchase the new 2013-2014 version here).  I also have a few binders filled with all my lesson plans and checklists.  I use the actual lessons plans that come along with the Student Writing Intensive and Continuation Courses.  (I keep all the handouts with the lesson plans and give them to the children as they need them.)  Another binder has all the new daily lesson plans for Connecting with History!  (I am so excited about these!  The hardest part when we last used this program was trying to figure out what to do each day.  These will be so helpful to use as a guide.) And my third binder (my pretty Black Damask Martha Stewart binder) contains all the color-coded checklists!

Now I just need to assemble this year’s Back-to-School Schultütes and we’ll be ready to get started!


  1. elm

    Are you SURE you want us to come along next week and mess up all your plans at the very beginning of the year – the first week even!?!! YIKES!!!! 🙂 Looks like you are ready to go and are very organized!!

  2. Krista

    "Z is for Zeus" was BY FAR one of my daughter's favorite books last year for Ancient History! I really love the wooden building blocks for the Parthenon!

  3. The Towers Family

    Have you done snap circuits before? We just got it at the beginning of the summer for my son's 10th birthday and we are loving it! I am so impressed with it!

  4. Patty

    Scouts of St. George! Love this. They have formed a very large group in the North Dallas area – at least 40 boys. And the chaplain, a young priest at one of the parishes, will be having Sunday morning Mass at the camp outs. The boys are pretty excited. I'll need to check out that Ablaze book. I've volunteered to teach the 2nd year, 8th grade Confirmation class at our parish religious ed. Anything that will help these youth on their journey of faith will be a great help!

  5. Sleen

    Doesn't it feel GREAT to have it all mapped out?! I'm still in-process with our plans, but the end is in sight.

  6. Kari

    Wow! This is quite a list of materials. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed just looking at it. I was looking through the first grade materials and it looks like some excellent books! Do you wait to start the formal education till first grade?

    I was also curious if you had an email address?

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Flexibility – one of the many benefits of home-educating! We are all so excited that you are coming to visit!

  8. Jessica Gordon

    I purchased the Snap Circuits last year, but we haven't used them yet. I have heard great things about them and the boys are very excited to try them out. 🙂

  9. Jessica Gordon

    We love all the Sleeping Bear Press Alphabet books, so of course we had to add this one to our plans. 🙂 The blocks are going to be a fun addition too!

  10. Jessica Gordon

    We are so excited about the Scouts of St. George!! Rascal's Godfather is stating our troop and Sean will help. It's going to be great! What a blessing to have such a large group of boys and even a chaplain down there in TX! Sounds awesome!

  11. Erin

    I love seeing other families' plans for the school year; thank you for sharing!

    I also have been using the Faith and Life series and see that you have it listed along with the St. Joseph Baltimore catechism… I have been wondering what others do with this. Do you have your students memorize the questions/answers directly from the catechism, or do you use the ones in the Faith and Life book? I am noticing that some questions in F&L repeat or overlap and just get progressively more in-depth answers each year… I have the Baltimore catechism but we just haven't used it. In first grade, my daughter memorized from the St. Joseph's First Communion catechism, and last year from F&L 2… but F&L 3 has much more as far as the questions go! So, I am curious what other families do for catechism!

    Classically Catholic Memory looks wonderful! I am interested to hear how you like it!

  12. Julie

    Golden goblet is one of our favorites! Another good book is Mara daughter of the Nile.

  13. Julie

    We got those for our 7 year old for Christmas. He loves it too!

  14. Anonymous

    You are Amazing with your Lesson Choices, Thank you for sharing your New School Year plans with us all…A Joy to look at..Blessings to you and your Beautiful Family….

    [email protected]

  15. Julie

    This all looks great! My kids loved the Childrens' Homer last year. I hope you will post more about your Scouts of St. George experiences as the year progresses. And yay for more Irish dancing!

  16. Jennifer Elia

    Looks like our 3rd graders are doing a lot of the same things. We are planning to do Little Women this year. Samuel is hoping to do Blue Knights with a couple of friends. I heard about the Scouts of St George, I'm interested to see how that goes for you. I don't know of a group around here but I know there are people who would be interested. Just hoping someone decides to start a group, I don't want to be the leader this time.

    Have a great first week–I am so nervous!!

  17. Shannon

    We are hoping Scouts of St. George gets going here in Wichita, KS.I am hoping it takes off.

  18. Krista

    Yes, same here! We have MANY of the Sleeping Bear Press books and they are so wonderful!

    Your plans look great and I always am interested to see what Snuggles and Chiquita are doing since my daughter is right between the two of them – "2nd grade" this year (although we school year-round so that we can spread it out over twelve months instead of nine – makes the day-to-day a bit lighter and we can take days off when the weather is nice or at a certain time of year for holidays/special occasions, etc).

    I will be curious to know how both Snuggles and Chiquita like their Saxon Math – we're doing Saxon 2 this year (we switched from MCP). We're through Lesson 22 so far and I think it's a lot better, even though it's VERY INTENSIVE for us time-wise and mom-wise! But, hopefully that will pay off in the long run!

    Blessings for a GREAT year for you all!

  19. 9peasMom

    Patty – I am close to the North Dallas area. Would you mind emailing me the info? [email protected]
    My husband travels 90% of the time and cannot start a group, but we very much something like this for our boys. Thank you!

  20. fadfd

    Hi Jessica!

    I've got a 'what would you do question' for you?

    I've been back and forth with what science to use this year for 'Max' and 'Rose'. Last year we started but didn't get to far with Noeo Science (biology). We thought we'd back to it eventually; never happened. I was gifted a copy of Concepts and Challenges in Science book 1 last year and that is what I thought we would do for this current year for both kids; adding Behold and See (4) for Rose. But, I'm stuck that I never finished the Noeo Science.

    I like that Concepts/Challenges hits the major areas of science; something that is more important now for a 7th grader to get into. But, I'm SO stuck that I have this barely used science curriculum and kits! I should just get over it, right? Just forge ahead with the Concepts/Challenges?

  21. Christine M.

    I noticed last year for religion you used Living My Religion series but are not using again this year. What is your opinion of the series? Thanks, and God bless!

  22. Anonymous


    Have you read Ablaze? I find that some of the newer books are written more for schooled kids who are more "worldly," for lack of a better term. I'm wondering if that book is similar.

    Thanks for sharing your lesson plans.

    God bless,

  23. Donna Marie

    We are doing many of the same things you are this year. Do you have any hands-on projects planned for your oldest? Any lapbooks?? I am planning right now and I am trying to make up my mind what I want to do.

  24. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for all the resources! I am curious-would your book choices for religion look any different if it was your daughter being confirmed? Do you have any favorite books from childhood when you were getting confirmed? Also, I appreciate all of your book recommendations from your childhood. I have discovered some gems for my girls! God bless!

  25. Anonymous

    Hello Jessica,
    I am so happy to have finally made the decision to use Connecting with History and would like to know if you use The Bible Timeline: Story of Salvation series that they suggest since the curriculum is built on it. I thought it would be good to have until I saw the price. Now I need to know if it is worth the cost to incorporate it.

    I appreciate your insight.

    Thank you,

  26. Unknown

    Jessica, Do you have blank planner pages that you fill in with the weeks assignments or do do you only use the assignment sheets. I guess I'm askingfor a how you use the sheets post. I'm doing something wrong and making more work for myself I think.

  27. Unknown

    Jessica, Do you have blank planner pages that you fill in with the weeks assignments or do do you only use the assignment sheets. I guess I'm askingfor a how you use the sheets post. I'm doing something wrong and making more work for myself I think.

  28. Unknown

    Jessica, I had my husband read a couple of your posts on your lesson planning and then had him look at what I was doing. My tendency to make things harder then they need to be was my problem. For some reason I had decided I still need to fill out a lesson planner with the weeks assignment, thus adding unnecessary time & effort to my planning! All of my assignment sheets are done and I can see why you do this, and I am not sure what to do with my newly found free time. 😉 Just wanted to let you know so you didn't have to do any extra typing to explain your system to me! 😉

  29. Jessica Gordon

    So far Snuggles and Chiquita are LOVING the Saxon Math. I think it is going to be the perfect Math program for them.

  30. Jessica Gordon

    No, last year Snuggles began Kindergarten. You can see an overview here. Basically we worked on Math, Reading, and incorporated other fun activities and picture books throughout the year.

    My email address should be listed on my profile page, as well as linked in the little "envelope" button at the top of the right sidebar. I must warn you though that I have a very difficult time keeping up with responding to emails, though I do read them all. 🙂

  31. Jessica Gordon

    Yes! It sure does! I feel so much more prepared for this school year now that this is completed. 🙂

  32. Jessica Gordon

    I'm still waiting to hear the details and plans for our local Scouts of St. George. I'm hoping and praying that it all comes together!

  33. Jessica Gordon

    My husband teaches the children their formal catechism classes on Sunday afternoons following Mass using the St. Joseph Baltimore Catechisms. I've added in the F&L this year since the books were given to us and thought they would make a nice supplement for the children to read throughout the year.

  34. Jessica Gordon

    I am not familiar with Noeo Science, but I completely agree that Concepts and Challenges Book 1 would give a great introduction to all the major areas of science, which is why I switched to it for my boys last year, also not using all of the science kit I had purchased for Exploring Creation. I don't regret the switch at all! Good luck with your decision!

  35. Anonymous

    I was wondering this as well…

  36. Jessica Gordon

    We've owned the Living My Religion series for years and they are beautiful books, originally published in the 50's. Last year I thought that if I added them to our plans we'd actually start using them… We only made it through a few Units of each grade level. It was just too much for me to complete all the activities from the Teacher's Manual with all the kids.

    Since my husband teaches the children their formal catechism classes each week using the St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechisms, and since I already incorporate religion into so many of our other subjects, it was easy to let this go. What I should have done was just assign the reading to the children and not worried about the activities and quizzes.

    I considered doing that this year but ended up leaving the decision up to my husband. I showed him both books (the Living My Religion Series and the Faith & Life Series we had been given) along with the rest of the curriculum plans I have for this year (including Bible History, Classically Catholic Memory, Saint Stories, etc), and left the decision up to him. He originally was leaning towards the Living My Religion, but ended up deciding on F&L.

    The Living My Religion series seems excellent, but it also seems very tailored towards a class room setting. In our situation, and with all our other curriculum plans, the Faith & Life books seemed like the best option for additional Religion reading/reinforcement for our children.

  37. Jessica Gordon

    I know what you mean! I often think the same about so many of the newer books and this book gave me that same impression when I saw the cover… It had excellent reviews and so I purchased it anyways. I do like the layout of the book and have read through some of the "Saintly Challenges" which I liked. There are a few for each saint so if one doesn't apply to you another can be chosen (for example one of the options for St. Dominic Savio is "Dominic means 'of the Lord' and Savio means 'wise.' Do a little investigation to find out what your own name means." My plan is to read it along with my son and discuss it if necessary. (I also plan to ask my husband when we get to the chapter on St. Maria Goretti and we'll decide at that time whether to have him read the story depending on how it explains the circumstances of her martyrdom. Our children are, I suppose more "sheltered" than most, and some of the "teen" topics might be a bit advanced for our boys, at least at age 13. It is a short book but I am hoping that it will work as a spine for some mini Unit Studies on the Saints – for St. Dominic he will also read "Ahead of the Crowd" and possibly watch St. John Bosco: Mission to love … For St. Teresa of the Andes we will watch St. Teresa of the Andes, etc.

    if you have any great compilations of Saint Stories to suggest for teens, I'd love to hear about them! 🙂

  38. Krista

    Oh, great to hear that Saxon is going well for Snuggles and Chiquita! Math for my daughter is her toughest subject overall. Saxon is A LOT of time each lesson – I am having to come up with some other creative ways to teach her some of the Math concepts that she finds difficult (in light of developmental delays).

    However, she is LOVING the Classical Catholic Memory program! We are using the Beta Year as that corresponds to our history block this year (Vol. 2 in CWH). We've been working on "Week 1" and she's got it all memorized and ENJOYS IT A LOT (we're not doing the timeline or Great Words sections, however). Can't thank you enough for bringing this curriculum to our attention this year!

  39. Jessica Gordon

    Yay! I'm glad you were able to simplify things for yourself! 🙂

  40. Jessica Gordon

    No, I have not spent the money on The Bible Timeline. I do have A Quick Journey Through the Bible, which we haven't started using yet either… I actually just started reading Walking with God: A Journey Through the Bible which RC History recommends as an affordable alternative to The Bible Timeline DVD program by Jeff Cavins for Teacher Preparation.

  41. Jessica Gordon

    Probably. I'll have to think about that… I would love to hear about the gems you have discovered for your girls! 🙂

  42. Jessica Gordon

    The boys are still working on their WWII Lap Books. They didn't get very far over the summer. And they do want to continue their State Notebooking Pages. Other than that I did not make any concrete plans. They have made so many lap books these past years that I think they are ready for a break. I do hope to incorporate some additional hands-on-projects with History especially, I just haven't decided what they are going to be yet 🙂

  43. fadfd

    My decision was made for me when a friend let me know she had C&C's Book 2 with the MODG syllabus. Having both books and tons of science kits on hand, how could I resist!

    So far it's worked out great!


  44. Anonymous

    Thank you so much! I asked my bookworm (16 now) and he said, "Louis deWohl books." I said I thought your son had recently turned 13. My son asked, "Has he been home schooled all his life?" I replied that he had. He said, 'He won't have any problem them, Louis deWohl books." I know that doesn't help much with US history, but it's something to keep in mind. If he thinks of any others, I'll let you know. God bless!

  45. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica,

    Would you be willing to post a new daily schedule that you have use for your family now? This is my first year homeschooling. Right now I am teaching 4 of my seven children with the 8th due in the spring. I could use the help with scheduling.

    Thanks 🙂


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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