Of all the
Valentine Cards we have been creating, the Madonna and Child Valentines that Rose and I made, inspired by an image a friend of mine pinned, are my favorite! ❤
These would also be perfect for Mother’s Day and Christmas, don’t you think?
Supplies: (This post contains affiliate links. )
Step One: Cut out images of Our Lady and Baby Jesus and glue to the center of doily.
Step Two: Fold in the sides of the doily and lace a piece of the crochet thread through the holes.
Step Three: Tie and attach a medal.
Option: On some of the cards we outlined the image with Silver Glitter Dimensional Fabric Paint.

After they dried overnight we then finished assembling the rest of the cards.

We also made some with color images, which I had softened using photo editing software to create a more antique look. Rose loved attaching the medals to all twenty of her cards!

I also
made some tags for Rose to glue on the back and sign, with three different quotes:
Love our Lady, and she will obtain abundant grace to help you conquer in your daily struggle.
~ St. Josemaria Escriva
Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.
~ St. Maximilian Kolbe
What a joy to remember that she is our Mother! Since she loves us and knows our weakness, what have we to fear?
~ St. Therese of Lisieux
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Absolutely love this idea!! You have just made my day so much easier. Going to use this with my Little Flowers group to make favors for our tea party. Perfect!!!
These are beyond lovely! -Genevieve
Fabulous Jessica! A lovely gift for sure!!
oh! so pretty! You are inspiring me to make homemade valentine's next year. We used to do them, a couple of kids ago, lol. These are so much sweeter than the Toy Story ones my son has, lol…
These are beautiful!
Those are the most beautiful Valentines I have ever seen! Lovely!
These are truly beautiful! Thanks for so many wonderful ideas. God bless!
I was going to wait to make a general comment once you posted the last of your children's Valentine's (so as not to look like a stalker or that I have no life … too late!), but, I can't help myself. I must comment and say … "Exceptionally beautiful!" 🙂
What a lovely idea
Oh, I love these Jessica! I was able to print up several sheets of the cards (they are so beautiful) but ran out of in by the time I got to the back sides, but we will hand write some or something…Thank you so much Jessica!
Those are just absolutely DARLING and a way to bring the Catholic back to SAINT Valentine's Day. Am already planning to borrow this idea for our summer girls' camp – just will have to change the tags on back to reflect some other feast day. Beautiful job Rose!
Jessica, these are stunningly beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing the printables…I pinned already:) God bless your generous heart and Happy St. Valentine's Day!
These are so sweet – and beautiful! Thank you for sharing 🙂 Wishing you and your family a love-ly & happy St. Valentine's Day! God bless!
These are just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them! I've already printed them up and I can't wait to do them with my children!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I LOVE these!!
Thanks for sharing!
Happy St. Valentine's Day! <3
These are so incredibly beautiful! And simple too (well, since you did the hard part). Thank you for sharing your creative ideas with the rest of the world! God Bless and Happy St. Valentine's Day to you and your family! Kim F.
+JMJ+Thank you very much for sharing these most beautiful Valentine Day Holy cards. The kids and I made these and felt such peace while doing the craft. On the back we included an Act of Love prayer and gave them to our parish Priests. I wanted to share with you what your work has done…the beauty of it moved Fr. Jeremy to include this holy card in his homily today on Valentine's Day. He discussed in detail the card…a parishioner commented that it was the most beautiful Valentine card she'd ever seen and it really did bring a warm smile to all of our parish Priests…a woman asked if she could have one and then asked for prayers for her family…and there are more stories! The Holy Spirit is working through you. You are doing wonderful work. Thank you for your faith and for your encouragement in the homeschool community! I said a small prayer for you in thanksgiving. May God reward you!
Hi, i'm a home-schooled highschool student and I love reading your blog. I also really enjoy your posts about celebrating the liturgical feasts! The St. Valentine's day cards that you and your daughter created are really very beautiful. I read your other post about your oldest son that might have CVS ( I will be praying for him ) and I wanted to share a link for a nutrition book that I really love to read. The book is called Teenagers and Nutrition and can be purchased on Our Lady of Victory homeschooling website. The book is very interesting and helpful, and I wanted to share it with you. http://www.olvs.org/shopcart/InvDtl.aspx?InvId=17568&GrdId=&InvCatId=
I hope the book is helpful!
God bless you and your family!
Those are beautiful! But, when I downloaded it so I could print, it downloaded a ton of stuff onto our computer. Is there any other website to go to for printing? My husband doesn't want me going to Scripd anymore.
I'm sorry to hear that! I've never had any problems with Scribd (I use a Mac) but I have heard from others with various problems (usually logging in) too… I've been wanting to find a new place to host all my documents, but finding one that doesn't charge (plus the time to move and re-link hundreds of documents) hasn't happened yet. I'll keep looking now that I know it's causing additional problems. Thanks for letting me know!
Thank you for sharing that with me! I love that you added The Act of Love to the back. Beautiful!
I will look into the book. Thank you! And thank you especially for the prayers! God bless you and your family too!
These are so beautiful and I will file this away for next year. I guess this year we'll stick with our Spongebob cards with Fun Dip attached, ha ha!
Praise God! These are beautiful! Any links or suggestions for a good source for bulk miraculous medals? I didn't see it on the sacrifice bead posting. I'm needing 250. Thank you!
Thank you! I believe I ordered them in bulk from Autom. You can search there website. Here is a link to a package of 100: http://www.autom.com/product/mini-devotional-miraculous-medal-100-pk-NC378/devotional-items