My Daybook :: April 2, 2014

by | Apr 2, 2014 | Daybook, Happy Birthday, Home Sweet Home, Pacific Ocean, Wildfire | 13 comments

Outside my window…
the sun is shining and the grass is looking pretty green on my side of the fence!  (Not that we actually have a fence yet… It’s still on the to-do list… lol) After seriously thinking we would be selling our home and moving, I have been looking around and noticing all the little things I love about our home.  We still have many unfinished projects but it has sure come a long way since we purchased our little fixer-upper 14 years ago this spring.  I’m happy that we will be staying here after all, at least for now.

I am thinking…
that I need to email our oldest son’s specialist at the children’s hospital. He was sick again on Sunday morning, though it wasn’t nearly as severe as usual (perhaps due to his medications, including the acid reducers) and only lasted a couple hours instead of six. It is so strange that it hits like clockwork every two months.  I did talk to the doctor last week and so far there is nothing to worry about from the test results.  She’d like to do an endoscopy next (which requires sedation) but Sean and I would like to look into more allergy testing first.

I am thankful… 
that even if I have fallen behind almost everywhere (house cleaning, grocery shopping, bookkeeping, blogging, emails, and even this year’s Jesus Tree readings – God had his own Lenten plans for us this year) our school year is going really well and all FIVE of the children are right on track to complete their SAXON Math books before the school year ends! It was a difficult transition back to Saxon from Teaching Textbooks but, according to the learning curves following their recent required state tests, it has been an incredibly productive year too!  I am so proud of all their hard work.

Learning all the time…

This week we are wrapping up our third quarter of this school year and then moving into the final stretch before summer!

Celebrating the liturgical year…
It’s time to update the book basket with saint books for April.  I’ll try and compile our list soon to share with you all!

From the kitchen… 
Cara Cara Oranges. Our little “princess” loves them… After all, they are pink!

I am working on… 
our tax return. I still have way too many receipts to sort through from last year, and only two weeks left! Yikes… How is it possibly April already?!

I am creating…
my submissions for RTJ’s Creative Catechist. I just submitted my first article for the September issue yesterday!

I am going…
to post another sponsor update at the beginning of May, but do welcome my new April sponsors, Saints 365 and Bridgie & Green, by visiting their blog and Etsy shop!  Be sure to keep all my awesome sponsors in mind, especially with Easter coming up, and be sure to tell them I sent you. If you happen to have a business and are interested in advertising you can download my media kit here or send me an email.

I am hoping…
to spend a little time this afternoon helping the children complete the Holy Week Banner they started making during the homeschool group activity on Monday.

I am praying…
The Holy Way of the Cross to be made by the Christian Mother for the Benefit of her Children found in The Christian Mother: The Education of Her Children and Her Prayer.

I am reading…
The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity again, along with Holiness for Housewives (and other working women) and Meditations for Lent.

Pondering these words…
from The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers on Why Mothers Need Solitude:

“Why do we need solitude (and silence, which often accompanies it)? We need it because solitude makes us more sensitive mothers. Removing ourselves from constant stimulation and noise actually sharpens our sensitivity. Also, solitude forces us to face ourselves. In solitude we learn to like ourselves better because we are faced with our own company. It helps us heal from old hurts so that we can be free to enjoy the present and it refreshes us in ways that the company of others can’t. Finally, solitude centers us and brings about a deep peace that cannot be achieved while staying immersed in either the good noise of friends and family or the awful noise of raucous media. We must retreat into quiet aloneness so that we can learn to be the women we were meant to be.”

I am listening… 
to lots of conversations about “selling and buying homes,” “new jobs,” and “high property taxes.” We had a rainy spring break and the children spent lots of time building a lego town in the older boys’ bedroom.  I am always amazed at their creativity and need to take some close-up pictures to share.

Around the house…
stacks of books that I need to sell.  I’m trying to decide if I should wait until August to host this year’s Curriculum Sale Blog Hop (like usual), host it early (perhaps in May), possibly host two, or just forget the idea and list the books on Cathswap or Ebay… Any thoughts? Are any of you interested in participating in another link-up this year?

One of my favorite things…  
visiting the ocean.

This week’s plans…

  • Monday: Stations of the Cross and Craft with other local homeschoolers
  • Monday: Dinner Date with my husband
  • Tuesday & Thursday: Tutors for a few hours in the afternoon
  • Meet with our Contractor about a couple projects we are hoping to begin this summer
  • Order a few more books and other little gifts for the children’s Easter Baskets (you can find last year’s list here
  • Make time for some solitude and another visit to the adoration chapel

A little peek at my husband’s birthday…

It’s a good thing my husband loves to fight wildfires. . . He had one on his birthday cake this year! 

It melted the frosting and the trees, but with a little help he was able to get the fire contained and extinguished!


  1. Amy Caroline

    Oh the cake is hysterical! We are praying for Captain every night too.

    2014-04-02 20:54:43

  2. Carrie McDowell

    JMJ I always enjoy reading your posts and catching up on the Gordons! God bless

    2014-04-02 20:59:26

  3. Alecia Spiering

    Wish Sean a happy birthday from the North Plains Spierings! The photos were so cute. I love your family.

    2014-04-02 21:03:01

  4. @Karen_Mommyland

    I'm sure whatever you've done with the Jesus Tree is far ahead of us. I made sure to hang up the tree and get everything out on Ash Wednesday and here we are 18 days away from Easter and I STILL haven't found the time to sit down with the kids and do even one of the daily readings. My eight year old keeps asking when we're going to do it. If you do the curriculum sale in August I have things that I plan on putting up on my blog for the sale. If you do it in May I probably won't be able to join in since we should have a newborn in the house at that time.

    2014-04-02 21:42:47

  5. Sarah

    Curriculum sale sounds good. Love the birthday cake idea 🙂 Prayers for your son and looking forward to the April book list!

    2014-04-02 21:58:11

  6. Elena

    Finding so much inspiration in your posts and young family. Prayers for Captain. Can you say in what part of the country you live? I would love to have an early Spring and be able to drive to the ocean. We just returned north from our three months down south and I'm longing to return to the south!

    2014-04-02 22:26:51

  7. Mom2Seven

    I always enjoy your Daybooks. I have been praying for your son. Happy birthday to Sean… I still read all his posts! 🙂 +JMJ+

    2014-04-03 02:18:11

  8. Jules

    Read the book Diet Wise by Keith Scott-Mumby. It's excellent when allergies are concerned.

    2014-04-03 05:48:50

  9. Krista

    Yeah, GREEN grass! We're just starting to get spring in our area, too!

    2014-04-03 16:44:33

  10. Melanie

    heehee…love the fire cake. Happy Birthday to your husband!

    2014-04-03 20:47:11

  11. Erica

    We are praying for your son, such a strong boy you have. Excited to see what new plans you have for the house. I would love if you had your book swap in May, since there are many of us who school all year (August seems like such a long time to wait). Looking forward to your review on how all the cirriculmn you choose for this year worked out, since I need to order a few things through your links 😉 however I do understand what a busy gal you are! In Jesus Erica

    2014-04-04 16:35:52

  12. Natalie

    Praying for you and your family and your son in particular! I was thinking a few weeks ago how helpful it would be if you hosted the curriculum sale link up earlier than usual. I don't have much to list, but I think it would be helpful to those who have their lists ready of what to buy for the upcoming school year. I enjoy seeing the gems that can be scored in your sale link up!

    2014-04-08 23:32:11

  13. Aubrey

    How neat to click that link and see the way your home first was, and what it has become! Beautiful!

    2014-04-13 03:18:31


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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