My Daybook :: July 18, 2014

by | Jul 18, 2014 | Cousins, Daybook, FSSP, My Siblings, Nature | 20 comments

Outside my window…
we’ve been enjoying our daily visitors.  “Why, don’t you know? They’re twitterpated!”

I am thinking…
about Melody’s post on Discovering God’s Purpose for Your Blog, Charlotte’s break, Katherine’s post on authenticity and ambition, and Mary’s letter to Small-Time Mediocre Bloggers.  They are all inspiring posts which have given me so much to think about as a blogger.

I am thankful… 
for the incredible love and generosity that is being shown to our friends, a local Catholic homeschool family, who lost their two year old in a tragic accidental drowning last Sunday.  In just three days we have raised nearly $25,000 to help offset the medical and funeral expenses. Thanks be to God, and thank you all for your help and prayers!

Learning all the time…

Last week we completed Track A of Meet the Masters! Hopefully I can find time to share the pictures from our unit studies on Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet sometime soon. This has been such a fun program and I’m looking forward to continuing on to Track B during this upcoming school year.

Note: You can scroll through all our past Meet the Masters units under the label “Meet the Masters.” I purchased the A-G Bundle for ages 10-Adult (with some of my charter school allotment) to use with all our children, along with art supplies, from Rainbow Resource. You can also find the program at a discount through Homeschool Buyers Co-op.

Celebrating the liturgical year…
With the oldest two boys out of town this week, I had all sorts of recipes and crafts planned for the younger children for some of the feasts days this week, but we haven’t been able to get to them after all.  Perhaps we will still have some “Saintly Summer Fun” sometime soon, but if not I can always save the craft supplies for next July. I love the liturgical year!

From the kitchen… 
Coconut Chia Granola with Almond Milk.  Yum!

I am working on… 
Oh, where to start? I’m working on organizing, decluttering, and cleaning the bedrooms, which is taking FORever! I am ordering our school books for the upcoming school year, and still trying to find the time to finalize our plans. We’ve been working with contractors and trying to make decisions on what we want, combined with what we can afford, on the garage plans. I have some deadlines coming up for Catholic Digest and Creative Catechist, so I need to start working on my submissions. And that’s just the beginning of my “to-do” list lately… somewhere in there I’m trying to make the time to exercise, but that hasn’t been happening much (at all) this week. Hopefully today I can squeeze in some time on the treadmill.

I am creating…
Saint Joachim & Anne Faith Folders with some of our children!  The giveaway ends today so click over to last week’s post to enter for a chance to win one of two copies, if you haven’t already.

I am going…
to try and coordinate some meals for my brother’s family, who just welcomed their second baby this past Sunday!  At least that is the plan, if I can convince my sister-in-law. 🙂

I am hoping…
to get back to town so I can hold my new niece again. She is such a doll!  We were able to go visit at the hospital on Monday evening, and then went to pick up dinner for them to drop off at their home, since they were being discharged. It was love at first sight.

I am praying…
for the Snodgrass family.


I am reading
the Christ 101 Study Manual.

So far I love this apologetics course! It’s is geared towards high-school age students and adults, but my husband and I are considering beginning Christ 101 from Classical Theist, along with the Study Manual, with our oldest two boys this upcoming school year.

Pondering these words…
from Fr. Gabriel, OCD in Divine Intimacy:

“O Lord, teach me to seek you, even when my heart is dry and my mind distracted.”

I am listening (and laughing)… 
to Snuggles’ recent comments on “How do babies come out of their mom’s tummy? There is only ONE place I can think of. . . and it’s a STINKY place!”

Around the house…
ummm, yeah… about that. Let’s just say that after spending the last few days at the computer running the fundraiser, I have quite a bit to do before my husband arrives back home tomorrow night.  As soon as I finish up this post I’m planning on getting to work cleaning, washing dishes, catching up the laundry, and hopefully making a few plans for the birthday on Sunday.

One of my favorite things…  
Our new Keurig Coffee Maker. My husband was skeptical when I asked if we could purchase the Keurig when we were at Costco a couple weeks ago, but he agreed to give it a try and he loves it just as much as I do, if not more!

This week’s plans
Sean and the boys will be home late tomorrow night, just in time for our oldest son’s 14th birthday on Sunday! They left early last Saturday morning to travel to attend the boys’ camp at my husband’s youngest brother’s parish in Idaho!  I can’t wait to hear all about their trip!

A little peek at my day…

The girls were both up extra early so they could continue working on the paintings they started yesterday afternoon.


    1. Olivia

      I loved oil painting by number when I was little! We have been praying for your friend's family, my heart breaks for them. And every time I see your girls wearing their veils I want to start wearing one, especially for my daughters (who are 5yrs. and 3 months) to see and grow up with, as a tradition, but here in Poland there is no tradition of veiling. I feel like it's too conspicuous, and my husband, while supportive, has no strong opinion, and for some reason, that matters. Does that make sense? Peace be with you, Jessica.

      2014-07-18 19:57:01

    2. Jessica Gordon

      The girls are having so much fun with the painting! One of their uncles (actually the one pictured in this post!) sent them the kits one Christmas and we finally pulled them out this week while cleaning their room. 🙂

      There are very few others who wear veils in our area too, though more now than when we first started, which made it hard for me at first, but it's something that I really love!

      Thank you so very much for the prayers!

      2014-07-18 21:28:54

    3. Jenny

      Ahh! Is that Fr Gordon, Fr Dennis Gordon?

      2014-07-18 23:11:46

    4. Jessica Gordon

      Yes, it is! Father Gordon is my husband's brother, best man at our wedding, and our oldest son's Godfather.

      2014-07-18 23:15:34

    5. Jamie

      My kids think that babies grow in the tummy and when they are ready to come out they come out of my mouth… I vomit them up LOL…..My oldest is only 6 so I just let them believe that. I assume eventually one of them will catch on.

      2014-07-19 00:26:23

    6. Erin

      Oh, the babies coming out through a "stinky place" is hilarious! One of my younger brothers actually still thought that at about age 13… said that our mom told him they come out "through the bottom" and took her quite literally, ha! As a big sister who wanted to save him from embarrassment, I had to set him straight and found a book to show him, ha! It was like a huge eye-opening 'aha!' moment for him!

      2014-07-19 03:15:26

    7. Christine M.

      How small the world seems sometimes! The picture of your husband and son with the priests. . . Fr. Pendergraft is my brother! How fun to see him with some of your family! I hope everything is going well for you and your family. Thanks for all of the continual inspiration to strive toward holiness. Please keep us in your prayers as last week I miscarried our seventh at 14 weeks…we named him Philip. I find myself having a tough time working through this one (I have miscarried twice before). Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. God bless!

      2014-07-19 03:17:26

    8. Christine

      Congratulations on the birth of your new niece! I am anxiously waiting to hear all about the camp from my son. I have to wait until Sunday though. Was Fr. Pendergraft at the camp or was he just there to assist with the confirmations? Elena told me that Archbishop Sample was confirming the parishioners. It would have been great to be there last Sunday. We have been blessed to have Fr. Pendergraft visit our parish a few times.

      Happy 14th Birthday to your son!

      2014-07-19 03:43:16

    9. Christine

      Christine, I will pray for you. I still remember miscarrying our fifth child at 19 weeks and our eighth at 10 weeks. May our Blessed Mother wrap her mantle around you and may God bless you and your family!

      2014-07-19 03:46:01

    10. Jessica Gordon

      Really!? Wow!! My husband had so many great things to say about his visit with your brother! He loved Father Pendergraft! I am so very sorry to hear about your miscarriage. . . We must have been due around the same time. If I wouldn't have miscarried our little one last month I would have been about 15 weeks right now. :'( This has been an extra difficult recovery for me too, which is one of the reasons I stayed home from the trip to Idaho. I most definitely will be keeping you in my prayers. {{{hugs}}}

      2014-07-19 03:47:05

    11. Jessica Gordon

      Thank you, Christine! I think Sean said that Fr. Pendergraft was there for the Confirmations, along with Archbishop Sample. I'm not sure if he stayed for any of the camp or not, and I haven't gotten to talk to Sean much this week. He has said that he is so impressed by the camp and talks. It sounds like they have all been having an amazing week! (And I know I owe you an email… I've fallen really behind with emails yet again. I'll try and email you back soon! 🙂 )

      2014-07-19 04:52:00

    12. pam

      Jessica, we are travelling thru Wallace, Idaho late Aug. Thanks for mentioning about your bil. Hopefully we'll get to mass there. Blessings, . Pam JMJ AMDG

      2014-07-19 08:05:41

    13. janet

      I was wondering if you could share with me a resource to help me with the liturgical year? Thank you.

      2014-07-19 10:58:02

    14. scmom4

      Snuggles is destined to be a stand-up comic…either that or a very funny homilist. I hope the latter. We have one particular priest in our diocese who is so funny that when he speaks at a mission people come from all over. He gets his message across in a very different, but positive way! Thanks for putting the bug in my ear about an art program — I need to do a middle school level program for Faith and I haven't been very good about including art in the past (except providing supplies and letting her "go at it") so I'm starting from the beginning now.

      2014-07-19 13:34:40

    15. Christine M.

      Thank you for the prayers!

      2014-07-19 14:11:37

    16. Christine M.

      Thank you for the prayers! I will keep you in my prayers as well. 🙂

      2014-07-19 14:12:29

    17. Christine

      I know that my children benefited greatly from the camp last year. I am thankful to your brother-in-law for allowing them to participate again this year. As soon as they returned home last year, my children started asking if they could go again. Throughout this past year, I have heard them telling other people about things that they learned from Father. I am happy that your boys were able to participate. Hopefully, next year, your girls will be able to do so too. May God bless your family!

      2014-07-19 15:05:38

    18. Jenny

      He was our associate priest for a short time a couple of years back. We thought he was one of the holiest men we had ever met, honestly. He introduced me to devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows.

      2014-07-20 01:08:48

    19. guest

      I love the sweet memories you make for your kids!!

      2014-07-20 02:15:20


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    Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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    Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

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    Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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