My Daybook :: July 28, 2014

by | Jul 29, 2014 | Daybook, Miscarriage, St. Anne, St. James, St. Therese, Wildfire | 24 comments

A beautiful picture my husband took and emailed me recently while working “In the Woods” 
Outside my window…
Fire season is in full force in our area.  Sean spent Saturday on an engine, and then left early yesterday morning for a wildfire assignment in Central Oregon. Today he called to say hello (and that he was still alive!) following a morning spent strapped and harnessed into an open helicopter, flying over the fire searching for hotspots with his infrared detector. Fun! :/

I am thinking…
that my husband sure hasn’t been home much this month!  Between long work days, his eight-day trip to Idaho with the older boys, and now this fire assignment, he will have had a total of three days home all month – the weekend of our Latin Mass on the 5th-6th, and last Sunday, which was our oldest son’s 14th birthday. It’s “survival mode” for me.

I am thankful… 
for the outpouring of kindness, generosity, and support that has been shown to our friends. Deo Gratias! Our local newspaper had an article about the success of the fundraiser on the front page of the Sunday paper. Thank you all for your help, prayers, and generosity! Please continue to keep the Snodgrass family in your prayers.

Learning all the time
We are getting closer to completing the Saints Joachim & Anne Lap Books we’ve been working on this month, but a few of the children still have some pictures to add once a replacement ink cartridge for my printer arrives. I ran out! 🙂

Celebrating the liturgical year…
I wanted to bake the Bacon and Chocolate madeleines in We Love Madeleines for the feast of St. James, which is our oldest son’s a certain bacon lover’s name day. . .

… but July 25th fell on a Friday this year, so I opted for the (meatless, but not at all penitential) Chocolate-Hazelnut recipe instead. I think I’ll bake the Bacon and Chocolate madeleines for his baptismal anniversary on July 31st!

From the kitchen… 
I also made an Anna Torte (Gateau Sainte-Anne) for the feast of St. Anne on July 26th, adapting the recipe from Cooking with the Saints. I’ll have to post both of these recipes over at Catholic Cuisine soon, or at least schedule the posts for next July.

I am creating…
interesting meals from the random ingredients in the freezer and pantry. Must grocery shop soon…

I am going…
to be staying home most of this week, but I did add a new St. Therese Glass Tile to my key chain which I recently ordered from Bridgie & Green. I love it!

I am hoping…
to take the older boys to meet their new cousin. They were away at summer camp when she was born.

I am praying…

… for the Snodgrass family.

… for the repose of the soul of Sarah Harkins, The Clay Rosary Girl, who passed away following her baby Cecilia in the womb, and for her family and friends. May she rest in peace+

… for Christine who recently miscarried her baby, and all other mothers who are currently suffering following the loss of a child.

… for my husband’s safety while he is away fighting wildfires.

… a novena with my husband, to St. Rita “Helper of the Hopeless,” for a special intention for our family. God’s will be done.

I am reading…
Blessed are they that Mourn by Mother Mary Loyola. Such a beautiful, beautiful book, filled with encouraging and comforting words that I’ve really needed to hear this past month.

I’ve also been skimming through Legends and Stories of Italy by Amy Steedman, which I ordered at the same time as Blessed are they that Mourn (My goal is to eventually purchase all the books re-published by St. Augustine Academy Press! They are all excellent!) I’m trying to decide whether I should just go ahead and start reading this with the children now as our next read aloud, or if I can wait and save it as a Christmas gift for one of the girls. I’ll probably wait… and read it myself in the meantime! 😉

Pondering these words…
from Mother Mary Loyola in Blessed are they that Mourn:

“Yes, you can. With God’s help you can make that little move towards Him which will open the way to further grace. Try. He will meet you more than half way. Try-and you will find the wall between you and Him crumbling down; your heart softening; His grace entering; courage returning. Then will come the brave resolve to set yourself loyally on His side by meek acceptance of His Will, patience, and trust.”

I am listening… 
to The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow. The boys pulled out their audio version of the book to listen to once again while organizing their bedroom.

Around the house…
we are all working on deep cleaning the bedrooms this week. I promised the children a surprise outing if we can get through them all and fill up the back of the van with items to donate. Probably not the best goal to set while in “survival mode” but I just can’t put it off any longer.

Random picture from earlier this month. 

One of my favorite things…  
the precious pocket rosary which Jennifer Anne sent me following my miscarriage last month. I haven’t added my little baby’s picture to it yet, but will soon.  Thank you sweet friend!

This week’s plans
I’ll be hosting another Online Curriculum Sale Blog Hop from August 1st-7th, so be sure to get your books and posts ready to go!

A little peek at my day…

I never know what I’m going to see when my husband sends me one of his “In the Woods” emails. Sometimes it’s a beautiful picture like the one at the top of this post, sometimes it’s pictures of all the wildlife, and lately it’s been a lot of pictures of all the salvage logging he has been working on following last summer’s wildfires… 


    1. Marisa

      Yes, Blessed are They That Mourn is a beautiful book. I found and read it after I had miscarried a second baby, and it brought such comfort. I am happy to see you share it on your blog, and to see that you mention the publishers as well! Their books are a wonderful addition to our library at home. I hope you find some rest during your survival mode–a little difficult as school preparations and purging are coming quickly! Blessings and prayers, Marisa

      2014-07-29 10:54:25

    2. Christine

      Jessica, I am joining you in praying for the repose of Sarah's and Cecilia's souls and for their family, for the Snodgrass family, and for Christine. I will add your husband's safety to my prayers. We gave Legends and Stories of Italy to one of our daughters for Christmas last year. It is appropriate as a Christmas gift because the first story is about Christmas. It is a wonderful book and is actually our current morning read aloud. Thank you for recommending Mother Mary Loyola's book. I will have to add it to my wish list. May God bless you and your family!

      2014-07-29 12:17:31

    3. Dessi

      I love the St. Rita's prayer card where did you get it? I will keep you in my prayers.

      2014-07-29 13:24:35

    4. Lisa

      Thanks for Italy book tip…I found a handful of $0.00 kindle books by same author!

      2014-07-29 15:20:31

    5. jbc2789

      Keeping you in my prayers along with all those mentioned here.

      2014-07-29 18:47:24

    6. Eliana

      Praying for you and your family, especially for your husband's safety in the wildfire season!

      2014-07-29 19:17:48

    7. Jessica Gordon

      Thank you, Dessi! The St. Rita prayer card was given to my husband while he was traveling recently. It is beautiful!

      2014-07-29 20:08:31

    8. guest

      What a woman you are! God smile upon you and be gracious to you.

      2014-07-29 22:26:50

    9. Amy Caroline

      You are all always in my prayers. Hope he comes home safely and soon. And I might just have to come up on Thursday for those cookies! 🙂

      2014-07-29 22:27:45

    10. kimberlee

      Your husband sure sends you some beautiful pictures (though one of those last ones looks a bit like Mordor)! Thanks for another book rec – I think I told you last time that I ordered a bunch of the St. Augustine books when you mentioned them! It is wonderful to hear the fundraiser was so successful. Praying for you while your husband is away. God bless!

      2014-07-30 01:01:48

    11. Jennifer

      Oh my, a whole month on your own! If anyone can do it, you can. God bless you, my friend. By the way, those madelines look delicious!!

      2014-07-30 01:19:43

    12. Christine M.

      Thank you again for all of the prayers. I am so very grateful! Know you and your family will also continue to be in my prayers, and I will also be praying for those other special intentions. It seems there has been so much heartbreaking occurrences lately. The book looks wonderful; I think I may have to order one:) God bless!

      2014-07-30 04:00:40

    13. ourlittlenthouse

      Those books look fabulous! Thank you for sharing them!

      2014-07-30 12:10:18

    14. Collette

      Keeping you & your family (and the other families you mentioned, too!) in our prayers! Blessed are They That Mourn looks like such a beautiful book – thank you for recommending it & for sharing the quote. Praying peace & joy for you today!

      2014-07-30 18:59:29

    15. Tiffany

      Jessica, I haven't been blogging lately but I've been meaning to express my sorrow for the loss of your baby and also the loss of your friend's little girl. My heart is broken for all, including the family of sweet Sarah Harkins. I think as Mothers, we don't know one another but we feel the pain as if we did. My heart and fervent prayers have been with all of you and those you have mentioned. It's tough being a Fire Family…It's not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. I know for me, the lengthy absence of my husbands is a unique Cross and character/spiritual building exercise!!! Thank you for that beautiful book recommendation (Blessed Are They That Mourn). I could have used that many times in my life…I'm ordering it now. God bless you and your very precious family!

      2014-07-30 20:03:16

    16. Jessica Gordon

      Thank you, Marisa! I'm so sorry to hear about your own miscarriages. God bless you and your family!

      2014-07-30 22:49:44

    17. Jessica Gordon

      I noticed that, Christine! The Legend of the Christmas Rose – so perfect for Christmas! I also noticed that it has The Saint Maid of Lucca as well. I found that story online a few years ago and printed it out to read to my Little Flowers group when we were studying St. Zita. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the stories. Thank you for all the prayers! God bless you and your family too!

      2014-07-30 22:54:23

    18. Jessica Gordon

      Yay! Thanks for letting me know. I just clicked over and downloaded them too. 🙂

      2014-07-30 22:55:21

    19. Jessica Gordon

      Thank you, Eliana. 🙂

      2014-07-30 22:56:11

    20. Jessica Gordon

      Thanks, Amy! He will probably be gone for the full two weeks. The fire he is working on is contained, but there are so many other fires in the area that they will probably be moving him from fire to fire, having him look for hot spots. You can come over any time! Let me know when and I'll be sure to make a fresh batch of madeleines! The dough is in the fridge for tomorrow, I just need to get to the store for some more bacon. 🙂

      2014-07-30 23:01:11

    21. Jessica Gordon

      They do look like Mordor, don't they! Thank you so much for the prayers, Kimberlee. I appreciate them so very much!

      2014-07-30 23:02:27

    22. Jessica Gordon

      Well, he was home to sleep some weeknights earlier this month and last week, but it seems like it's been forever since he has had a day off at home. Last night when he called he said that they will most likely keep him the full 14 days (plus 2 travel days). It is definitely a blessing financially, but also means that he won't be home again until August 14th. . .

      2014-07-30 23:08:07


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    Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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    Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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