Looking at the pictures in this post you would never guess that I was not very prepared for Snuggles’ birthday this past week. All I had done to prepare was order a few things from Amazon (Golf Cart, Golf Ball Candy Mold, a book, and a couple Golf Games – which arrived quickly thanks to Amazon Prime) and created some food labels on Wednesday, then grocery shop Friday evening following the final day of the children’s Golf Camp & Tournament.
Note: This post contains affiliate links.
Saturday morning the birthday boy didn’t want to come out into the kitchen until his cake was ready so he could be “surprised!” (I really need to get back into the habit of making them the night before) so his Daddy came to my rescue and took him to town for a Birthday Smoothie and to run a couple errands. Thankfully everything came together quickly and beautifully despite my near panic attack halfway through decorating the cake! 😉
It was just our immediate family, but we had a splendid day celebrating this little character of ours. I also, especially after spending very little time in the kitchen following my
miscarriage the week before, really enjoyed
(and went overboard) creating fun “golf” inspired foods for his special day… It was a nice distraction from the difficult week that had just passed. I hope you don’t mind, I have quite a few pictures to share with you all!
.: Decorations :.
One of the kind helpers at golf camp sent home the balloons from the
tournament when she heard that we had a birthday the next day! Held down with some new golf balls and tees placed in a jar
(which I won at this year’s Hadley Hope fundraiser) the balloons made a fun and colorful centerpiece.
When I noticed that Sleeping Bear Press had
A Golf Alphabet book I had to order it for our collection…
(My parents have had golf carts – or “Putt-Putt” as my youngest brothers called them – since I was a teen, for riding around their property. They are always one of the highlight’s when we visit!)
.: Par-Tee Games :.
Sean and I recently splurged at Costco when we saw the Disc Golf they had for sale. We saved it as a birthday surprise and as soon as Sean arrived back from town, he and the boys set up the three-hole course around our property! It has been so much fun!
I had also planned to create a “Pin-the-Ball in the Hole” game. and had picked up a poster board when I was at the store, but my older boys (aka resident helpers and artists) were working at the neighbors all morning digging holes (their first “real” job!) and I decided it wasn’t that necessary after all… We had plenty to keep us busy for the day!
.: Birthday Gifts :.
In addition to the decorations and games that doubled as birthday gifts, we had a few more gifts for the birthday boy including a #7 Beaver’s Jersey! (Sean and I happened to run across some clearance Beaver’s clothing back in January and saved it for his birthday, along with some Beavers Pajamas that I wrapped.)
Rose, who I had taken shopping with me the night before, had picked out a box of animal crackers for her brother. . .
. . . the older boys gave him a
Nerf Super Soaker, Twinkle Toes gave him a sweet card along with $1 (which she had recently discovered under her pillow after losing a tooth), and Chiquita gave him all the Not-So-Hot Cocoa gift certificates she had won during golf camp!
A card arrived in the mail from Grandpa and Grandma G. and he also received a
Lego Family House from Sean and I, which he started building immediately!
.: Playing Disc Golf :.
.: Golf Inspired Buffet :.
As I mentioned above, I went totally overboard creating golf themed food for the party!
The birthday boy loved it all!
– On The Menu –
BOGEY Hoagies
CLUB Sandwiches
WOODS & IRONS Pretzel Rods
Rice Krispie BUNKERS
Watermelon SLICE
Sweet TEE
Fruit PARfait
…and a few more ideas that I ended up skipping since we had more than enough…
SLICEd Veggies
In my search for party food ideas I had run across the suggestion for
Berry Blue Jello Water Hazards. I adapted the idea, adding some
Green Gummi Frogs to the top and, once the jello started to set, pushed down a few white
Candy Pearls into the jello to look like Golf Balls falling into the water!
Rice Krispie Treats cut into a kidney shape, with one end dipped into frosting or white candy melts and then covered with green spinkles, for Bunkers/Sand Traps.
S is for a sand trap, an easy place to reach.
But getting out is difficult. You’re swinging from the beach.

Chocolate Pudding topped with Gummi Worms and crushed Oreos for “Worm Burner!”
Worm Burner: When a golf ball is hit hard and is intended to go airborne but instead rolls or skips along the ground at high speed.
B is for Birdie, a very good golf score.
It’s finishing a long par 5 with a score of four.
Our “Sweet Tea Tee” was actually lemonade…
… and water bottles wrapped with some
Argyle Duck Tape I ordered back in 2011 and never used.
It worked perfectly for this party!
.: Golf Birthday Cake :.
N is for Number written down on a scorecard.
Add the holes up and you will find… golf is pretty hard.
.: Breakfast FORE! Dinner :.
“Fore!” shouts the golfer to make sure folks are clear.
And F is for flagsticks, which should say, “Hey! Aim here!”
We ended the birthday with Breakfast FORE! Dinner:
a Bucket of Balls (aka donuts), Hole-in-One Eggs, and Fruit PARfait!
Read the green. Judge the speed. Aim it and… Guess what?
P is for a score of par. You’ve made a perfect putt.
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Amazing celebration, as usual! You should be a party planner! Happy 7th birthday, Snuggles! 🙂
2014-06-26 00:52:13
Where did you get those square grayish serving trays? I need some
2014-06-26 01:37:13
Thanks, Bernadette! 🙂
2014-06-26 01:44:14
P is for Perfect! What a great birthday celebration!!
2014-06-26 01:45:19
They are the Simple Additions Square and Rectangle White Plates/Platters from Pampered Chef. They have been discontinued but you might be able to find some on ebay.
2014-06-26 01:45:27
Thank you, Kim! 🙂
2014-06-26 01:49:14
You are so talented-I always look forward to seeing your birthday party pictures! This looks like a great party!
2014-06-26 02:06:28
What fun! I love your birthday posts so much! You can never post too many pictures!! What a memory for such a handsome big boy! – Genevieve
2014-06-26 02:31:49
That is too cute! I don't know where you come up with all these ideas. Thanks for suggesting those games, they look like great stocking stuffers. Glad that both you and "Snuggles" enjoyed the day. There is a whole lot of love put into that party.
2014-06-26 02:48:04
You are amazing… really! I cannot believe your little man is seven! I think he was only two when I started following your blog! Take care of yourself, Jessica. You always give 150%… make sure some of that is for yourself… your emotional and physical healing. God bless, Annita
2014-06-26 02:56:57
Your food makes me happy – simple as that! Thanks for the eye candy and inspiration! 🙂
2014-06-26 02:58:29
I can't believe he is seven either! I was actually 8 months pregnant with him when I started this blog! And thank you… last week was extra busy, but this week I am working on taking care of myself a little better, and getting some extra rest as I continue to heal and recover. This morning my husband went into work a little late so I could sleep in and when I walked out into the kitchen just after 9 our two-year old yelled "MOMMMMYYYY!! THERE you ARE!!!" I have been fighting tears each day, but it's hard to stay sad for long when we are surrounded by so much joy and so many blessings. ♥
2014-06-26 04:24:09
You did such a fabulous job!!!! All the decorations and food tied in so nicely. It was so touching to hear too what the kids gave him for his birthday. 🙂 So many sweet things from the heart. You and Sean are doing a great job 🙂
2014-06-26 23:23:37
Love all the sweet touches. You are a real inspiration. Those smiles on the kid's faces are priceless. Hugs and blessings for the birthday boy!!!
2014-06-27 17:04:53