New picture books about saints always make me happy! Did you know that Amy Welborn just came out with a new book about St. Francis. We haven’t read it yet, but our copy just arrived and I plan to surprise the children with it on his feast day, which is coming up on October 4th.

The costumes you have for your girls are so pretty! And I like the expressions on your kids' faces in the last picture! 🙂
2014-09-19 13:10:23
May God bless you and your family, Jessica!
2014-09-19 13:24:55
Wonderful, as usual! What are the names of the books in the first photo?? =)
2014-09-19 14:19:34
They are Saints: Lives and Illuminations, More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, and Saints for Girls. 🙂
2014-09-19 14:41:20
As usual, the mom stresses that what she did isn't good enough, yet the kids go wild. I'm beginning to think we overthrown too much of this. Great ideas.
2014-09-19 17:10:52
We have the rose-colored dress. If it's the same one by Travis Designs, you'll be very happy with it. I hunted and hunted last Christmas to find princess costumes for my girls as it was their #1 request. I ended up ordering from the UK as everything available in the US looked poorly made. It's great if these are available on Amazon now as I paid about 50% more after the currency exchange and shipping costs. The company makes some very nice costumes with a good selection of historical dresses.…
2014-09-20 06:25:47
So true! This year I am working on simplifying in many areas and making time for new and different things – like the camping trips. It's been nice. 🙂
2014-09-20 13:25:57
Yes, that does look like the same dress. When I originally saw it at the toy store at the coast I was so impressed with the quality. Like you, in the past, I've never been that impressed with any of the princess costumes I've seen. These are definitely much better quality.
2014-09-20 13:27:34
Hi Jessica, can you say how the sizing on the dresses compare to number sizes. I am trying to figure out if I could pull off the crimson costume for my tiny 12 year old! Thanks again for sharing with us!
2014-09-22 00:39:42
Hi Judi! I'm actually out of town at the moment and I ordered the dresses just before I left. I'll be back home in a week and I'll try the dresses on the girls then and let you know. 🙂
2014-09-22 13:24:21
Wow! I'm inspired to have good and God fearing children. Books about saints and Jesus would really be a good tool to educate children. Awesome Post.!
2017-02-14 10:18:00