{pretty, happy, funny, real} :: Ash Wednesday, Physics, and a Piano Recital

by | Feb 23, 2015 | Lent, Piano, Science | 9 comments

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life with Like Mother, Like Daughter. ~

After Mass earlier today. #ashtag #catholic #lent #ashwednesday

Rose is wearing her pretty pink Girl’s Kerchief Tie Veil from Modesty Veils… I have a few in white too which our older girls wore for years before they discovered new veils in their Easter baskets a couple years ago. I actually have some new veils from Robin Nest Lane for this year’s Easter baskets. One is a little girl’s pink veil with tie backs and three darling swirled lace rosettes on one side. It is SO pretty! I actually meant to put it in Rose’s Christmas stocking but completely forgot… It will be perfect for Easter!

We made it through Mass but the three year old wasn’t too happy when we headed to the car instead of the playground! #ashtag #catholic #lent #ashwednesday
I always feel a little funny posting pictures on Ash Wednesday but I did anyway. I also enjoyed reading the thoughts on the popular #ashtag shared by Phil Lawler and Jennifer Gregory Miller

During the children’s Physics Lab on Thursday afternoon I overheard the tutor ask: “What do you think would happen if you threw this ball as hard as you could?”

Ummm…. If you throw that ball in the house, you will have all sorts of forces coming down on you. Not just gravity! 😉 

The girls had their very first piano recital this afternoon! I completely forgot to take a picture until afterwards, but I was able to take a “screen shot” of the video. They did a lovely job playing their individual pieces and playing together! 

Afterwards we headed to Mass and then out for dinner. 

It was the “Grand Opening” weekend for the first (and only!) fast food restaurant in our little town. I actually haven’t eaten at a Subway since I was a teen and ended up with food poisoning… I’m still not much of a Subway fan but it wasn’t as bad as I remembered. We enjoyed visiting with my parents and even my sister happened to see us and stop by to visit. It was a really nice way to end the weekend!


  1. Melanie

    My six year old daughter just got her first veil from Robin's Nest…in fact, we all wore veils for the first time yesterday at mass! We are trying it out for Lent. 🙂 Ash Wednesday mass our veils hadn't arrived, so we kind of improvised, lol.

    2015-02-23 13:17:00

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Oh, how wonderful! You might have already read my post from last year, but I first started wearing a veil for Lent one year too. I'd love to hear how it goes for your family this Lent!

    2015-02-23 16:33:40

  3. Carrie

    So cute that Bud is playing on the floor! I love kids! Glad the girls' recital went well. Would be great to hear them… >hint< :o)

    2015-02-23 18:23:03

  4. Jessica Gordon

    He actually got upset about something and started sitting down as I was snapping the picture… The little stinker! 😉

    2015-02-23 18:33:36

  5. Heather

    I love those recital dresses! Too precious :-).

    2015-02-23 19:08:37

  6. Eliana

    So sweet to see the girls playing the piano–I have many fond memories of playing the piano as a child, and piano recitals!

    2015-02-23 19:36:16

  7. Guest

    Such loveliness!

    2015-02-24 06:02:12

  8. Guest

    I clicked on the link for the veils and was so touched by their explanation of why to veil. As a child I felt disgraced without one even though there were only a few old ladies that wore them in our church. Now I know that feeling was grace and I'm so so glad that as I got older I asked for one! If anyone is considering wearing one, consider reading the explanation! I think you will be blessed by it!

    2015-02-24 17:27:46

  9. Lisa

    We've never not worn a chapel veil to Mass and love the little tie-under-the-chin veils for little girls! A piece of cake to make, too! But, the sweet little face is the real prize. Also kinda interested in the crazy controversy over #ashtags — though, admittedly, it doesn't seem to be so much a *scandal* type of issue as it is an *I wonder* kind of thing. Personally, I think people read way too much into the whole thing. I'd venture to guess that most folks who posted their ashtag photos did so because it's a fun and easy "meme" type of post to whatever the favorite media might be — and a rare chance to show that we're proud to be Catholic without appearing in any way arrogant about it. It's a joyful thing, ironically, in a season of penitence — where we're actually not supposed to be going around all gloomy and woe-begone… 🙂 I thought it was neat — and absolutely loved the *happy* shot of all your kid. What a beautiful bunch!

    2015-02-27 22:54:12


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