Quick & Easy Homemade Paper Crowns

by | Oct 29, 2015 | All Saints Day, Costumes, Crafts | 4 comments

Last year I had elaborate plans to make the girls lace princess crowns (like these) for their saint costumes using lace ribbon, fabric stiffener, and glitter paint. I ran out of time and the bag of supplies is still sitting in my closet…

Instead, just before our party started, I printed out a couple templates and quickly cut out crowns from some gold/silver poster board I happened to have on hand. They were so easy to make and turned out lovely!

Gold/Silver Poster Board – gold on one side, silver on the other (or use whatever color you have)
Acrylic Gems (optional) 
Paper Crown Templates – I used this template and this template
Stapler and Staples  (or use a Hot Glue Gun)

First I cut out the template and traced it onto the poster board until it was long enough to wrap my daughters head and connect together, overlapping a bit. I cut just inside of my traced lines so that they wouldn’t show while wearing it – whether on the front or inside, you can see both. I overlapped the edges a bit and stapled it together. A hot glue gun would have looked a little better, but I was short on time! 😉 
St. Margaret of Scotland – Victorian Rose Princess Dress
My oldest daughter decorated her crown with acrylic gems. 
My youngest daughter left her crown plain gold for Our Lady of Mount Carmel and we created a smaller crown for Baby Jesus using the scraps from cutting out her crown. It worked out perfectly! 
 You can scroll through all our past Saint Costumes here or listed here


  1. Christine

    Thanks, Jessica. My daughter's plastic crown broke.

    2015-10-29 23:17:20

  2. jbc2789

    I enjoyed scrolling through the costumes of past years-so cute! I'm looking forward to seeing this year's saints!

    2015-10-30 00:21:52

  3. Krissy

    I'm thinking a quick cost of paint in a BK crown might be easier than cutting. (Or just decorating over the BK symbols.) – only bc I procrastinate in every thing I do. 🙂

    2015-10-30 00:58:36

  4. Jessica Gordon

    I actually suggested the Burger King crowns in my Saintly Costumes post back in 2008 – but those require a trip to Burger King (our closest is 25-30 minutes away) so cutting is definitely quicker for me in a pinch. I think I had all three crowns made in less than 30 minutes, including the time it took to print templates.

    2015-10-30 01:05:35


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