Little Flowers Girls’ Club :: Wreath IV Crafting Pages

by | Aug 26, 2015 | Little Flowers, Little Flowers Crafting Pages, Little Flowers Wreath IV | 25 comments

I finished updating all my original Little Flowers Girls’ Club Notebook Pages and creating pages for the new Wreath IV! This week I’m spending all my free time crafting the new sample pages…

The Wreath IV Crafting Pages are finally completed and available for download over at Behold Publications! They are only $3.00 per wreath. (If purchased I will receive a 25% commission. Thank you!) I also requested that they be available to download for FREE in the Registered Club’s Site.  The updated versions of Wreaths I, II and III will be available soon!   
Note: The Wreath IV Crafting Pages feature the lovely saint illustrations by Michelle Mahnke, matching the coloring pages found in the Wreath IV Member’s Guide. 

Creating this fun supplement for the Little Flowers Girls’ Club® has been a labor of love, originally for my own girls, and I hope the girls in your club enjoy crafting the pages too! 
Visit Behold Publications to purchase the Wreath IV Crafting Pages


  1. Kim

    How exciting! Just purchased mine! Can't wait for the other wreaths! Thank you!

    2015-08-26 21:28:06

  2. Genevieve

    Thank you so much!! We are not doing the Little Flower Girl's Club, but I will still use these are "virtue training." Lovely! Do you know of any source of something similar with male Saints? I know there are Blue Knights for boys, but I just love this idea!

    2015-08-26 23:13:03

  3. Christine M.

    Your notebook pages were a favorite aspect of mine when I viewed your Little Flowers club. So excited for you!!! God bless!

    2015-08-27 00:12:21

  4. Jacinta

    Thank you so much Jessica. Will certainly be purchasing these for our club here in Australia. Jacinta

    2015-08-27 00:36:17

  5. sarah

    What is Little Flowers Girls club? Is that something I could start at my Parish? Thank you.

    2015-08-27 01:59:45

  6. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Kim!

    I just got home from JoAnn's… I needed to pick up a few more colors of cardstock. The other three wreaths should be ready soon! 🙂

    2015-08-27 02:19:28

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Great idea to use them for "virtue training!" I love it! Have you seen the Virtues in Practice Program? I've actually been wanting to do some sort of virtue study this upcoming year – perhaps focusing on one virtue per month – with all my children, but I haven't finalized my plans yet. Hmmmm…

    2015-08-27 02:33:29

  8. Jessica Gordon

    Aw, thanks Christine! God bless you too!

    2015-08-27 02:34:22

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Yay! I hope your club enjoys the pages, Jacinta! God bless!

    2015-08-27 02:35:02

  10. Jessica Gordon

    Absolutely! There are many parish, school, and even home-based groups all around the country!

    "Little Flowers Girls' Club® is a Catholic program for girls ages 5 and up based on learning Catholic virtues through the lives of Catholic saints, Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Developed by a Catholic mom of nine, Rachel Watkins, and based on Fr. Lasance's Catholic Girls' Guide, the Club strives to bring the Catholic faith alive and inspire the girls to become authentic Catholic women…" You can visit Behold Publications to read more here.

    I started leading a Little Flowers group for my girls and their friends back in 2008 and blogged about all of our meetings, including how I adapted the program for my group, the scrapbook/notebook/crafting pages, the crafts we made, and the snacks I came up with to tie into each saint/flower/virtue. You can find the links to all my past Little Flowers posts here.

    2015-08-27 02:40:56

  11. Genevieve

    Yes, I saw that, but I haven't looked into it enough. It seems like a lot of printing. How I wish they sold it!! Oooo, we NEED virtue around here!! 🙂

    2015-08-27 03:51:40

  12. Genevieve

    No doubt you've seen the book that Emmanuel Books publishes: Program for Achieving Character Education.… I've heard one or two good reviews of it, but I really wish I could see some sample pages. It looks and sounds like what I need.

    2015-08-27 15:52:34

  13. Genevieve

    Thank you! Very helpful! That sounds confusing with the Baltimore Catechism and that is certainly not what I want. Your pages and the booklet from the Domincans sound better!

    2015-08-27 16:52:31

  14. Marie

    Jessica – I have been waiting years (yes, years!) to be able to do this with my own children! I remember being really excited about the group and loved reading your posts even when we were struggling with infertility (I was hoping and praying I would get to be involved in something similar one day). 🙂 So quick question, honestly, what do you think is a good age to start? Elizabeth will be 4 in December. I was thinking of maybe starting a small group in January. Do you think that would be to early? Or should I wait until she is closer to 5 or 6?

    2015-08-27 18:49:25

  15. Jessica Gordon

    Yay! I'm excited for you!! 🙂 I couldn't wait to start a club for my girls and we began when my oldest was 5 and my second daughter was only 3 1/2. They were so little! It's not impossible to do for 3 and 4 year olds, but it's definitely not ideal and they will need a lot of extra help from mom. Now, for our third daughter, I had been waiting until she turned at least 5. She turned 5 last December so we might start again this fall, or maybe even next, depending on how quickly our schedule fills up this school year. It was so much easier to run a club before I had teens! Can you please move out here so I can send my girls over to you?! 😉

    2015-08-27 20:44:03

  16. Piper

    Jessica, thank you so much for sharing your talent and time! We are starting Wreath IV next month, and I am so excited that these are ready! Yay! I have really loved the pages you did for Wreaths 1 through 3, and every time I handed them out to our girls, there would be a chorus of oohs and aahs at how pretty they are! So I am more than happy to purchase the Wreath IV pages, even though we do have a registered club, just as a small way to thank you for all the blessings you've shared with us over the years. May God bless you!

    2015-08-27 22:26:33

  17. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you so much!! I hope the girls enjoy the new pages! 🙂

    2015-08-27 23:13:48

  18. Jessica Gordon

    Oh Jessica, that would be a dream! If we were to move west, it would definitely be to the Northwest. But alas, we do love our Midwest roots. Thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it! Your girls are so cute in post. Love it!!

    2015-08-28 01:39:16

  19. Sandy

    I am thinking my little one would enjoy this club. Can I do it just for my girls or does it need a bigger group? Do you have one for the 12 years old? Thank you for sharing. This resources is wonderful:)

    2015-08-29 23:38:11

  20. Rachel

    Jessica, I truly appreciate your blog and all the work you've shared about Little Flowers. Your site is what gave me courage and got me started in getting a club going in my own parish amidst homeschooling and the business of a large family. Our first Wreath III meeting is scheduled for the 28th of September. Will the Wreath III Crafting Pages be available before that? Again thanks for all your hard work! I'm looking forward to seeing the Wreath III pages. The pages from Wreath IV are beautiful!

    2015-08-30 01:37:24

  21. Jessica Gordon

    Yes! You can absolutely do it with just your own girls. All of my girls – currently ages 5, 10, and 12 – enjoy the program!

    2015-08-30 14:12:28

  22. Jessica Gordon

    Hi Rachel! I'm so glad that my blog has been helpful! Yes, the Wreath III pages will be ready. I have all the documents (for all four wreaths) completed and finished the sample pages for Wreath III the other day. I'll be emailing them to Joan at Behold Publications tomorrow. (We have a birthday to celebrate today!) I'm also half done with the sample pages for Wreath II and I'm really hoping to have the rest of Wreath I and II completed by the end of this upcoming week. Thank you for your patience!

    2015-08-30 14:16:07

  23. KeC

    Jessica, We are using this for our LF group this year and the girls are so excited! I am so grateful you put this package together but wanted to make a suggestion if you ever re-do them: use fonts that are easy for young girls to read! I re-did some of the pages because my seven-year-old couldn't read the text as it was written in script or kind of "artsy" fonts. Just a thought for the future, since I assume lots of young girls might be using these!

    2016-09-27 18:52:55

  24. Laura Berry

    Hello Jessica,

    Our Little Flowers Girls Club has just completed Wreath IV, and we are preparing to start all over with Wreath I for the upcoming year! We used the new crafting pages for Wreath IV. Have the new crafting pages been released for Wreaths I, II and III, or should we start with the notebook pages already available? My concern is that we will start with the notebook pages already available for Wreaths I, II and III and then new notebook pages will be released.

    Thank you for all you do! We are excited for a new start!

    2017-01-08 19:58:31


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