“Three ordinary kids, six extraordinary adventures, one incredible quest! The Gospel Time Trekkers series follows the adventures of three siblings as they travel back to Gospel times to find Jesus and learn to discover him in their everyday lives. This wonderful historical fiction series shares Christian faith and values in a creative way for today’s kids while remaining true to Bible culture and scholarship.”

Jessica, I just love your blog! You have such great ideas & I thank you for the time & energy you spend on it. Im excited to raise my girls in a rich catholic home life. I especially like the idea of including your child's patron saint in the Easter basket. I'm just not sure who my daughters patron saint is…she is Piper Emme. Do you have any ideas? 😇 Her middle name stands for the first initial of each of her aunts & grandmothers: Erin, Margaret, Mary Lou, Emily).
2016-02-29 00:48:02
Thank you, Jen! Now that our children are getting older, I don't seem to have nearly as much time & energy for blogging, but I sure enjoy it when I'm able to find the time! 🙂 You might want to check out Dictionary of Patron Saints for some suggestions on choosing a patron saint (or multiple, my children have at least two patron saints each) for your daughter. Here are some quotes from the book: Piper "The Pipe Player" (Old English). Patron Saints: There are two saints with very similar names: Sts. Piperio and Pipio. St. Pipio served as a deacon in the diocese of Dijon in ancient France. An additional patron can be discovered by considering the meaning of the name. "Piper" in Latin is tibicen, and there is one saint with a similar name: St. Tibba. Feast Dates: October 2 – St. Pipio; March 11 – St. Piperio (see Pepper). Erin "The One from Ireland" (Irish Gaelic) or "The Peaceful One" (Irish Gaelic). Patron Saints: One saint has Erin as part of his name: St. Erinhard. He was from Normandy and he became prior of his monastery. He died in 739. It is helpful to know that Erin means "Ireland," and this leads to two priests: Bls. John and William Ireland. In addition, there are four saints officially appointed as patrons of Ireland (Erin). They are Sts. Columba, Kevin, Patrick, and Brigid. All can serve as patrons for a person named Erin. Feast Dates: September 24 – St. Erinhard; February 2 – St. Brigid of Ireland (see Brigid). Margaret – There are more than two dozen Sts. Margarets… (see the book for details or look them up online) Marylou (English Double) See Mary + Louise. (Lots to choose from, including Our Blessed Mother, Mary.) Emily "Flatterer" (Latin) or "The Whole One" (Old German). Patron Saints: There are about two dozen Sts. Amelia, Aemilia, Aemiliana, Emilian, Emiliana, and Emma. These are all just different forms of Emily… Hope that helps! 🙂
2016-02-29 16:11:34
I am excited about these. My son recently went through a Magic Tree House phase, and while they aren't necessarily bad, they aren't that good either. Eager to hear what "Snuggles" thinks about them. Hope all is well with you!
2016-03-01 01:27:21
Hi Jessica, I just wanted to thank you for featuring my books on your blog. (With some great shots of the covers!)_My goal in writing these books was that the reader will want to really know Jesus more. There is additional info on this page: <a href="http://www.pauline.org/gospeltimetrekkers” target=”_blank”>www.pauline.org/gospeltimetrekkers . _It has been very gratifying to see so many children enjoying my books–even kids who are reading well and for whom these are fun, quick reads. I hope your son enjoys them, too!_Sr Maria Grace Dateno
2016-03-04 15:33:29