Back in 2012 my husband and I created an All Saints Scavenger Hunt {Printable Party Game!} for our annual All Saints Party. The following year we created a second version featuring sixteen additional saints with new clues.
Last year we came up with another new version of the game, with sixteen additional saints including some of the newly canonized saints! (We actually matched the saints to our All Saints Guessing Jars, which I will try and share the details and printables for next, so that the children could learn a little more about each of the saints featured.)
To play the game, the 16 saint cards are handed out to some of the adults, along with the details if they aren’t familiar with the saint. The children each receive the list of clues. Sometimes we pair the younger children with the older children to form teams of two. The children need to match each clue to the correct saint. Once the child thinks he knows who it is, he will ask the person representing (holding the picture of) the saint. If he is correct the “saint” signs the line next to the correct clue on his child’s clue sheet. You can see some pictures of the game being played here.
These are great! Thank you for sharing! ❤️ the Saint choices and ❤️ their images! I didn't get the answer sheet when I downloaded the file from some reason…could it be because I am using an iPad?
2016-10-25 20:44:01
Thanks, Kim! Sorry about that. Go ahead and try again. It should work now.
2016-10-25 20:55:26
Thank you for this wonderful and joyous game! I know what we'll be doing soon 😉 God bless you and yours!
2016-10-25 22:32:27
It is working now:)) Thank you Jessica! These have been a hit at our home!!
2016-10-25 23:38:18
Got it! Thank you so much!
2016-10-26 00:34:50
Love this! Thanks for sharing!!
2016-10-26 20:40:28
Love this but i am having trouble getting answers to the second one, and i cant get the saints of pics for the third. would love to print for my class next week. please let me know of how to retrive. thank you so much my students played the first one last year and loved it! Please let me know. thanks
2017-10-22 21:47:19
I just sent you an email with the documents. Hope that helps!
2017-10-23 04:38:21
Dear Jessica, I am trying to down load the scavenger hunts. I am only getting 3/4 of a page and it wont let me fix it. I would love all 3 . The Saints are not coming thru either, it will only give me the first page. Well of course I cannot find my copies from before. Go figure!!!! So i thought i would just reprint, not happening today could you maybe send them to me in an email? these are so wonderful. I was having trouble with the bingo set also. if yoiu could that would be wonferful. thank you so much for putting this together, a blessing to me a religious ed teacher. Thank you so much
2018-10-27 19:28:18
I'm sorry you are having trouble with downloading. I'll email them to you.
2018-10-29 16:05:04