Dolls from Heaven {Review & Coupon Code}

by | Oct 5, 2016 | American Girl, Reviews, St. Therese | 11 comments

I have had this beautiful doll, from Dolls from Heaven, tucked away in my closet since last spring… I’ve been dying to give her to our little Rose, and I almost did on the recent feast of St. Therese, but decided to continue saving her for either a birthday or Christmas gift this upcoming December.  In the meantime, I’ve been meaning to share some photos with you all, along with a coupon code from Dolls from Heaven, one of my current sponsors here at Shower of Roses. 

Our girls already have quite the collection of American Girl dolls and I have refused to purchase any more… They also have beautiful Little Habits and Saint Costumes for their dolls as well. Nevertheless, this lovely St. Therese doll (made and sold by a Catholic company!) will be such a fun and inspiring addition to their collection!

Since I’ll be giving her as a gift later this year, I didn’t take her completely out of the box, but she seems very similar to the girls’ other dolls in both size and quality.  She even comes with a book!

In addition to the Therese Doll and Book, Therese’s Sunday Best and Therese’s Accessories are also available. You can purchase everything together with a $5 discount here.

Therese’s “Sunday Best” outfit is gorgeous! It comes with a Blue long- sleeved dress with cream ruffles, white stockings, cream boots, and a cream hair-bow.

The smell of roses as I opened Therese’s Accessories, coming from the brown rosary, was a wonderful surprise! The accessories also come with a Carmelite mantle (cape) and a picture of Therese’s Holy Face of Jesus and the Infant Jesus.

In addition to their St. Therese doll, Dolls from Heaven has recently released St. Joan of Arc too. She showed up on my porch a couple days ago and now I can check two gifts off of my Christmas shopping list for this year! sssshhhhhhh…. 😉

Right now you can save 10% OFF THE ENTIRE STORE 
with coupon code: SHOWEROFROSES
(valid through October 31, 2016)


  1. Megan Ipp

    Squeee! Thank you for helping me with my girls' Epiphany gifts!

    2016-10-05 20:51:01

  2. Jennifer

    Can I tell you how much I want one of these dolls…for me! LOL. My daughter was contemplating choosing St Joan of Arc as her confirmation saint but changed her mind. I would have had a perfect excuse to buy one.

    2016-10-06 01:57:33

  3. Christine M.

    Beautifully made! My girls would love these! God bless!

    2016-10-06 12:48:13

  4. Wendy Panton

    These dolls look amazing! Can I ask about the quality of the hair is it of similar quality to AG dolls?

    2016-10-09 19:36:16

  5. Jessica Gordon

    The hair looks nice, but I haven't taken it out of the netting yet and my girls haven't played with her yet either, so I can't really say how it compares yet… I'm really curious about that myself!

    2016-10-10 16:13:46

  6. Emma

    Hi Jessica,thank you so, so much for sharing this beautiful doll and the story behind it. I just bought the doll with her beautiful Sunday best, and can not wait to have her in our home : ) May God bless you and your sweet family today, love Emma

    2016-10-19 11:42:52

  7. Beth

    Beautiful dolls!! I'd like to make an order from the website using the coupon code, but I can't get it to work for some reason? Do you know why? Thanks!!

    2016-10-30 21:01:00

  8. Jessica Gordon

    I'm not sure why it isn't working for you, Beth… It should be good through tomorrow night. I'm sure if you emailed them directly – dollsfromheaven(at)gmail(dot)com – they would be happy to help you figure it out!

    2016-10-30 21:27:34

  9. emma

    amazing. Beautiful dolls

    2016-12-10 08:39:06

  10. debra

    Jessica, Considering this as a gift for my daughter for Christmas so I am here reading your review. I am wondering if you might have an update as to the hair quality now that they have had the dolls for awhile?

    2017-11-22 06:32:00

  11. Jessica Gordon

    Super late reply now… But the doll has held up great!


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