Listing more books for my mom…

by | Aug 5, 2016 | Book Sale | 0 comments

My mom has been asking all summer if I was going to host another book sale this year. A couple of my sisters, the twins, have been helping her clean out her attic this summer. The other night JoAnn dropped off a few books for me to sort through and list for sale….


The majority of these books are old, have been used by many children, stored in boxes in an attic, and are not in the best shape. I’ve priced them accordingly. If there is anything you are interested in for your family or have any additional questions, please leave a comment listing the books you would like, along with your email address. (The email address box is now part of the comment form here at Shower of Roses and it won’t be displayed publicly.) I will send you a private email with your total, including shipping, along with payment information.

The books in this post will be shipped directly from my mom, Josephine. Paypal payment is preferred, though contact me privately if this isn’t an option. Out of consideration for myself and anyone else who might like to purchase books from this post, please only request items that you intend to purchase and are able to submit payment for promptly, unless other arrangements have been made. If multiple visitors request the same book it will be sold to the first request. Comments are moderated, but I will do my best to approve them as quickly as possible.

Shipping will be a flat rate of $5.00 for 1-3 items and $7.00 for 4+ items, to cover the cost of packaging and media rate postage in the U.S.

The St. Paul Way, Truth and Life Series, Set of books pictured above $45.00 Reduced $30.00

Christ: Our Way to the Father, $5.00 each, 3 available
Christ’s Law of Love, $5.00
Radiating Christ, $5.00
Christ My Life, $5.00 each, 2 available
Following Christ, $5.00 each, 2 available
Credo: I Believe, $5.00

Modern Saints, $2.00
Catholic Truth for Youth, $4.00
The Week of Salvation, $4.00
From a Far Country, $2.00
Blood of the Martyrs: The journey of a Catholic priest to the rescue movement, $2.00
The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton, $2.00
The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich Vol 2, $5.00
Relics, $2.00 (Sold)
The Blessed Eucharist, $4.00
True Devotion to Mary, loose cover, $1.00 (Sold)
Father Peter John de Smet: Jesuit in the West, $8.00
The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, $6.00 (Sold)
The Tears of Mary and Fatima, $3.00 (Sold)
The Wonders She Performs, $4.00 (Sold)
Prayers and Heavenly Promises, $2.00
The Secret of the Rosary, $2.00
The Pro-Life Prayer Book

Wild Bill Hockok Tames the West by Stewart H. Holbrook, Lots of Cover Wear, ©1952, Asking $2.00 (Sold)

Open Highways, School reading textbook from the 1960s, $5.00
California: The Story of Our Southwest Corner by Grace S. Dawson, ©1939, Cover split and taped together, Asking $2.00Wild Animals I Have Known, ©1926, Spine loose from age, wear to cover, Asking $10.00
The New If I Were Going, ©1936, 1951 Edition, Asking $5.00
The Kingdom of God Series, Bible Lessons, William Newton & Ellamay Horan, ©1937/1942, Good,
Asking $5.00
Trail Through Danger, Asking $2.00 (Sold) 
Abigail Adams: The President’s Lady by Regina Kelly, ©1962, Good, Asking $5.00 (Sold)
Streets and Roads, Basic Readers 1946-1947 Edition, Acceptable, First Page is falling out/half, Asking $5.00 (Sold)
Around the Corner, ©1957, Good, Asking $5.00 (Sold) 

American History, ©1970 with Test Booklet and Answer Key, Asking $10.00
Quest of a Hemisphere, ©1970, Asking $6.00

Bible History by Ignatius Schuster and OLVS Answer Key for Part One, Asking $3.00
Church History, Asking $6.00 (Sold)
Of America Vol. 1 and Vol 2, Asking $4.00 for the set
Our Old World Background Answer Key for Textbook, $3.00
Our Old World Background Answer Key for Test Booklet, $1.00
The Old World and America Answer Key, $3.00
The Story of the Church Test Booklet
Following Christ in the World, Seton, $6.00

Science and Living in God’s World Grade 5 with OLVS Answer Key, Asking $6.00

Answer Key to Science and Living in God’s World Test & Quiz Booklet, $1.00 (Sold)
Investigating God’s Orderly World Book Two Unit Tests, $1.00
Investigating God’s World, Answer Key for Textbook, $1.00
Earthquake Games, $1.00
Abeka Biology: God’s Living Creation, Asking $4.00
Abeka Earth Science with Test Booklet and Answer Key, Asking $4.00
Abeka Basic Science, Asking $4.00

Voyages in English 7 Hardcover with Exercises in English 7, ©1960, some writing in pencil that has been erased, Asking $10.00 for the set

Voyages in English 5 Teacher’s Manual, Asking $2.00
Exercises in English Fifth Year Teacher’s Key, $1.00
McGuffey’s Second Reader, ©1920, $5.00 (Sold)
McGuffey’s Third Reader, ©1920, $5.00 (Sold)
McGuffey’s Sixth Reader, ©1921, $5.00 (Sold)
Elementary Spelling Book (Sold)
McGuffey’s 6 Eclectic Reader, $1.00

The 100 Greatest Boxers of All Time, $2.00
The Wild West, $2.00 (Sold)
Native Americans, $2.00 (Sold)
Cowboys by Peter Newark, $2.00
Cowboys: The real story of cowboys and cattlemen, $2.00
Meet The North American Indians, Asking $2.00 (Sold)

Yamaha Band Student, Book 3: Flute, $2.00

Recorder Fun!, $2.00
OLVS Song Book, $1.00 each, 2 available

Algebra 1 (First Edition), Asking $4.00

Algebra 1 (Second Edition), Asking $4.00
Geometry, Asking $8.00 (Sold)
Manual for the Slide Rule, Asking $2.00
Math 76 Textbook, Asking $4.00  (Sold)
Saxon Physics Student Textbook, Asking $15.00 (one page ripped in half, will tape back together)

Wheelock’s Latin Grammar, Asking $2.00
Workbook for Wheelock’s Latin, (a few lessons with writing), Asking $2.00
Material Logic, Missing Front Cover, Spiral Bound, Student Text, Asking $2.00
Latin: Second Year (Henle Latin), Asking $4.00

Athenaze, Asking $5.00
Prima Latina Teacher Manual, Asking $7.00

Writing Workshop Level E Teacher’s Edition, Asking $2.00
Writing a Research Paper Grades 6-12, Third Edition, Asking $5.00
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level G, Asking $2.00

Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level H, Asking $2.00

Catholic National Reader #3 and #5 Answer Key, Asking $1.00 each
Traditional Catholic Speller & Workbook Grades 5, 6, and 8, Asking $1.00 each (Sold No 6)
Traditional Catholic Spelling & Poetry No 5, 6, 8, 10, and 11, OLVS, Asking $3.00 (Sold No 6)

Chat’s with God’s Little Ones, Asking $2.00 (Sold)

Our Life With God Religion Series, Teacher’s Manual and Key for Book 5, God Leads Me, ©1960, Very Good, Asking $4.00

The following Baltimore Catechisms are old and in awful shape. Perhaps someone still has a use for them though? “Cure of Ars” (written across the top of some of these books) was the small school that my Grandparents (my Dad’s parents) started with a few other families when my Dad was growing up. My Grandma JoAnn was always so supportive of homeschooling! If you can use any of these they are free with postage paid:

The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Vol 1 (3 2 available)
The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Vol 2 (2 1 available)
First Communion Catechism (Sold)

Ride of Courage, $2.00 (Sold)
The Race, $2.00 (Sold)
Sea Star: Orphan Of Chincoteague, $2.00 (Sold)
Eagle’s Wings, $1.00 (Sold)
Writing on Tablets of Water, $1.00
Skedaddle, $1.00 (Sold)
Twenty and Ten, $1.00
Lilies of the Field, $1.00 (Sold)
Number the Stars, $1.00 (Sold)

Winter Eyes, 50 cents
Meet Bejamin Franklin, cover damage, $1.00 (Sold)
Wolves, (one of my boys snagged this one)
The Song of the Scaffold, $4.00
Agent Arthur on the Stormy Seas, 50 cents
The Lucky Pocket Rhyming Dictionary, 50 cents
Windy and the Willow Whistle, $3.00
The Tale of Jeremy Fisher, Jack & the Beanstalk and Puss In Boots – $ 2.00

A Heart Trained: Saint Maximilian Kolbe, $2.00
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena Booklet, free with purchase/shipping
A Layman Looks At The Names of Jesus, $1.00
From the Housetops, free with purchase/shipping, 2 issues
The Mass of Vatican II, $1.00
Happy Birthday Therapy, 50 cents
Aim Higher, $1.00
Solennita Dei Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo
The Way of the Cross, $1.00 each, 2 available
How to Avoid Purgatory, $4.00  (Sold) 
Daily Devotions to St. Joseph, $1.00
Total Consecration to Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, $1.00 (Sold) 
Mother of Christ Crusade, Free with purchase, 2 available 

Rome and Vatican, $2.00
Crime and Punishment, $1.00
The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia’s Founding, $2.00
The Eleventh Hour, $3.00
The Official Guide to Montserrat, $1.00
Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases, $2.00
The Cocker Spaniel Handbook, $2.00
Communism as I Know It, $2.00
Pride & Prejudice, $2.00

My Reconciliation Book, $1.00 each, 2 available 
The Promises of the Sacred Heart, missing cover, free for postage (Sold) 
A Right to be Merry, $8.00 (Sold)
Saints for the Journey, $8.00 (Sold) 
I also have a box of old OLVS lesson plans/syllabi in three-ring binders and a stack of three hole punched Saxon home study packets that I need to look through… We’ll see. Let me know if you are looking for anything specific. 
Please leave a comment, or email me directly, if you have any questions. 
Thanks for taking a look!


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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