Molly McIntire :: An American Girl Birthday Party

by | Jul 3, 2016 | American Girl, Birthday Parties, July 4th | 0 comments

I’m determined to eventually catch up on all the past birthday posts that haven’t made it onto the blog yet… With the 4th of July coming up tomorrow, I thought it’d be the perfect time to finish up this post and finally share Twinkle Toes’ 12th birthday party from last August. We celebrated with another American Girl theme, this one inspired by Molly McIntire!

(Note: I purchased Molly & Emily along with some of their accessories when they were put on sale and discontinued a few years ago, saving them to give to the girls for Christmas and birthdays. I don’t love all the changes that have been taking place at American Girl and I’m not purchasing anything new from them anymore, but I DO love the new Dolls from Heaven and I’m really excited to see what they have planned next. I have this stashed away to give a certain little girl later this year.)  

We reused the banner I made for Ranger’s 12th Birthday Filled with Surprises!
You can download my document there if you’d like to make one too.

The older boys helped hang streamers and decorate the night before, while I baked and decorated the cake. Her birthday started with birthday hugs, discovering her cake and gifts in the kitchen, and sweet Instagram posts from her friends!

After Mass Sean and I took her out for a birthday cocoa and then out to lunch, just the three of us! 

Later in the day she got to FaceTime with her best friend in Nebraska and then meet up my parents, who gave her some pretty stationary, a notebook, journal, and manicure set for her birthday!
.: Meet Molly – 1944 :.

growing up on the home front in America during World War Two

.: Miss Victory Star Treats :.

I also mixed up something red, white, and blue (and AIP approved!) for myself, to enjoy as a special treat on top of some greens. I picked up some more strawberries, blueberries and flaked coconut so I can make this again tomorrow for the 4th of July! 

.: Molly’s Cherry Coke :.

In Molly: An American Girl on the Home Front, the girls go to an ice cream parlor and are disappointed that they are out of ice cream, but they decide to get cherry coke instead.
.: Hurray for the U.S.A.! :.

.: Camp Gowonagin S’mores :.

S’mores Maker (Christmas gift from Grandpa & Grandma G) 
.: Birthday Gifts :.

In addition to Molly’s Party Dress and Birthday Set (overpriced now that they have been discontinued), the birthday girl also received a set of gel pens (Costco), a pink scientific calculator set (also from Costco, and needed for the new school year), Tiny Stitches, a pink rain jacket (REI Clearance for $6!), the LEGO Toy & Grocery Shop (currently 25% off!), and a beautiful original painting of her patron saint from Audrey Eclectic (you can find reprints here).

Tiny Stitches Craft Kit (55% off right now!) 
Gel Pens (similar to these) and LEGO Toy & Grocery Store

.: Molly’s All American Chocolate Cake :. 

“My very favorite birthday thing, I mean what I myself like the best, is a big layer cake. It’s not a birthday without a cake. And Mrs. Gilford has even saved enough of our cocoa ration for chocolate frosting this year. I know you’ll like it.” 

I decided to try and make a replica of Molly’s little (toy) birthday cake. 
It didn’t turn out perfect but the birthday girl loved her cake! 

“Anyway,” said Molly, “everyone mostly just eats the ice cream and cake at a birthday party.”

 Happy 12th Birthday Twinkle Toes!  


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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